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. i <br /> � �� <br />�� ��* DC�C�D C���O�D �oo �0� <br />��_._ � . _ _ __ ,_ _ . _ __ <br /> „d��(1—KLOFP&Bri NTLETT Ct)..Printing,Lithographinq and Cm�nt{�Supptita7 C)ma��.a. .. _ ... ___ ,__,_ �_ __ _.:----__—�_� �--� �-�_ .. _ _. <br /> FR�� I hereby certify that this instrument was erctered on Numerical <br /> - ---- Ircdex and filed for record this-------------1��1L------daz�of------Abl-�l:t-��------------ <br /> �Ym_..H_,.t;,�i�3���.�,h__�,n�__Wi P�:� --- - -- .�. �., 19.1�-----, at---- -4=��__-- - - ------o'eloc�----P_=__.�t. <br /> ---- -- - - --- wa��ty <br /> ' Deed. 1� <br /> ` TO • <br /> -------- ------ - - -- - <br /> - -z�l�-------- ---- ---- <br /> --------- -- - <br /> e�i,ste�� o .Deeds, <br /> Wi lli�,rn--tiYin.dc l�?h.------------ - ----------------- ------ <br /> B�------------------------------- --- ---- ------------------------- <br /> Deputz�. <br /> ��oi� �YY �e� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> �i��.�----- ----ys�_,_I�_._T��is���.gh__�nci T�Za�_ie �,�Li�d��,�;h: �-nu.s1�.�.n��---�nd:__�r.i1'e-�----------------------- ----------------- <br /> ---------- - - ----- - <br /> --------------------�--------------------------------------- -- ------------ - ----- ---- ---- ------------------ - ----- ---------------- --------------------------------- - --- ----------------------- ----- ---- <br /> ---- <br /> ---�z�t,d Stcate u ---_-----------N�bri�,:i��----------------------- ------------------C�rantor-S-------, in consideratiorz <br /> of the Count�J �f-----H�.11--- --- ---- f <br /> --------- <br /> of the sum of------One--��11_�,_r____an�--oth�r -c_�nsi�erat ion-------------- ------------- ----------- -- --. ------------- ------- - ---- -- --------�, <br /> in hand paid, do_______ ______h,ereby GR./1NT, B�RG.gIN, SELL, ✓1JV'D CONVEY'urcto_______W_111j.c�'11_.-3NiYLd-01�h-----_--_____--___________-___ _-..___-_-----_-- <br />', of the Courety of------H"c3�11 --__ - - -----and.State of--------- I��br�.Sk�.- - ---- ---------------- -- __ ------------,Gran,tee--------, the followin�s <br /> described premises, situated ira the County of._________-______��,I1�________________________.____.___________and State of Nebr��ka, to wit: <br /> 7..c?_t....�'en.___(_1Q_�._.in__J310 cic---Thi rt e�n__-(-1,3-�--o-�'-.-5 c�i�n.�r--'--�---�,�����_�an..--t-o----'�he.._.C_i-t�---af._..G.r.and---Is1�.nd.,�., <br /> �,s,...si_zrveye_�i,�?l�,t t�d.-an`x--re co rc�ed_,t o_�e ther_wi�r�vernent�._.tl_iereon.-------------------------------------------------------------.-------._ <br /> (Su�:�.ject_,n�tivever_,_t�_one___f_irst___mort,��,��_._in__t�i�.. ori�in�,l.._surn___o_f___�'ourt��n.___Hundre_c1__.�_�_�?}�Q,_�Q_�___7���.�,ar�y <br />' �-�„y�.�_1�---t-�---tr1�--C���i_d�n�.�.l--�iuilci_in�---an�i..I.�_�n---A_s.sQ_�.i_a.*.i_on,-o-f---Oraah�.,l�:eb_r._v�hi�h--tn�---��ee---here�n---- <br /> a_s_sum�_s.__an�--a�;r���---uQ -���- )".. -- ---- -... - -------...-�- -------------------�------------------------------��-------- -------- <br /> .._ ------ -- -------- - ----- --- ---,-----------------._.......-�------.._.----------------�------------------��-�---- �- -------�---- ----�--�-��---------- --- --------- -------------- ---------------------------------- - <br /> ----�- -- - -----�------ ---- - --- ------------ -- --- - --- --- - ----- -- ------- ---�------------------------ ---------- ------------ ---------- �------------ �----------------------- ------ --------------------------.._.. <br /> --- -------- -- ------ -- - ---- -- - ---- ---- - - - -- -- -- ._. __.. . . .._.. .. .. -- - -- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditarnents, and appurter�ances thereunto belon�in�, and alZ the Estate, Ri�ht, Titde,Interest,Do���er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe��er of the said Grar�tor�_____,��7���, of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �CO �A�1E Al'C� t0 �OY� the above-described prernises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_._____and to___________}�,j.;�_._. __ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .Rnd__!Al�__________hereby covenant_______with the said Grarctee._______that._________LYB____________________ hold__________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that_______YY�=________.________haV�__sood ri�ht arcd lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all Zien,s <br />' and incumbrances whatsoever--------�XC��?t--td.X_G'_�-�d__�1b�Ve--T11C�x�-���ae-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- <br />' ---------------------------------------------- ------ -- ---------------- ------- ------------ --- ------ --- -------- - -- - ----- --------------- - --- -- -- ---- ------------------ ---- - - ---- <br />' -- ---- - - ------- - -- --. ..--- ------ -------- - -- ------- -------------- -- ---- ---- ------------------ -------------------- - -- --- --- - ---------------------- --- ------- <br /> .�nd____________w�'____._____________________ __._____________._ covenant._______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persans <br /> whomsoever---------- -- - -- - - -- - - -- -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------- --------- ------------- --- <br /> ------------------------ ------ ----- ---- ----- --- ---- - -------- - --------------------- ---- -- --- --- -------------------- ----- ---- ----------------------- -------------- -- -�-- <br /> Dated the--------9�Yl-----------------------------da�J��- - - ----��-- --- --- -------------------.Fl. D.,19_1�-----• <br /> WTTNESS -----------------------------------Wiil_._H.l�_1_�d�,�;h------------------ - <br /> C.T.F'lot�ver --------------------------------A�Z�,ri�__�J�i�d�.�h--------------�-- <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.lSK.,4, <br /> ss. <br /> .H�.11-----------------------------County, On this---------4-th---------------------da�J �f-------------------��---------------------------__.g. D., 19--1�-- , before me, <br />' the undersi�sraed,a Notary Public----__---__----_-_-_---_-__--__--withi,n and for said County,personally came-----_-_-_-------_----__--_--_____ .------__-_--__--_--__---_ <br /> ----t�lm,H,.�Rid�a�h_-�,nr�_ T,qari�----i�,2ic�;�a�h---�hus�and__and__Mif'e-)--_-------------_ <br /> - - ---------- ---- - -------- ------------------ ----------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; <br /> to me personally known to be the identical persor�_�._____whose name_�_.__s"�r.�_________________________afjzxed to the above <br /> (SF.�'�L ) instrument as�rantor__S___, and_.____.___tYLE?�_______________severally acknowled�ed the same to be____t i'Le,�,r-----_voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I�1�'W'IT.NESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed mz� ofj�eial seal at_._____ __.______.__,___ <br /> _____Gr_�.rid__I�l�.'t1�.,_fxl.'_:,�c�.].d._ _C_4l�iXlt�br� the date last above wTitten. <br /> ----------------------.C_a_T_.E1 Qm�r------------------------------- <br /> ✓1�'otarz�Public. <br /> ,My commission expires----- -- �Ll�ll�� 2-�r - - ---- ------------------------- ------ ----19_-1.�-----• <br />