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� �.Q <br /> �� . DC�C�D C���O�D �oo �d� <br /> _ .li�i'.;�U�-KLdFP&BARTLETT CO..Printing�LithographimgandCounty Tupplies:C3�naha = �_ ._,_ _ . .,_ - _ - _ _ - �.� : - - - -— <br />� _�. _ , _ _ _. _ ._ _� -_ -. -_ .___ , __ _ <br />_ __ . ... ._ -���_ <br /> FR�✓� I hereby certify that this irestrument zvas eratered orL ✓l�'um,erical <br /> --------------- --- ------ -- ------ - --- - - ----- - - --- --- <br /> Index arcd fiZed for reeord this._._____�u____._______day of.___All�sU.�_t______________ <br /> �?''}�,r'1�;�---L�?�dpha.�l-�'c-ti1�if e - - Warranty .1. D., 19_ 1?�---, at--- . -- ?�_�_'30_ __ -- -------o'clock,_,&. -,M. <br /> -- __. <br /> TO Deed. � <br /> ��.����� �i�- <br /> ----- --- ------- =- <br /> - - - - -- -----y----------------------- , - <br /> Re�i.ster o eeds <br /> ��_enrY-�__Orui�--- -- ------ --- -- - - -- - - - --- <br /> B�------ ----- - - -- - - - -- -- ------------- -- --- <br /> _ Deputy. <br /> �:�o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�et�t�: <br />, ���t----- _��l�.r�.e�_�.R�.��h��.�l--�r�c�_I�a�u�--T��_._F�a�h��:�_�ht���_�n.�___anc�__.v�if�----__._ _-- --�--- ------- - .. .- --- ---- --- --- - <br /> of the CountJ of_-----�i�.11----------------------cr�ccl St,ate of-----------------�T-Eb;K'�,SY�.-------------- ----------------------------------Grantor-�-------, in consideratiori <br /> I of the sum of_---�_1S;1reJ1---HL1T1�._xe_�._.���-� 1`19�- --- ------ - - ---------------------------------- - - ---- ---- -- ------•--DOLL�RS, <br /> ------------------------------- <br /> in hand paid, do-----.----- ----hereby GR�✓ti"T, B.gRG./IIN, SELL, ✓IND CO✓Y'VEY'Ttinto----H:3211.'°-Y---L..-QrZI-1-�------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of the Count�J o�------ -Ii�.11 ----- - - --- --and.State o�--�---- --N@_b_7'��K�, -- -- --- ---------- --- - ---- -----,Grantee-------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County of_____________I��11.. ___________________________. _____..__�_and State of dV'ebrstckcc, to wit: <br /> L.��.s...I'�.�te----�-�-�---���j---�_�Yen.--�-7.)- �-�- �l_Q�K...�_7.�v_�;n---�_]..�...)----in_.(�.o�..J..���---A.�_�.i.�io.n...�n...�te.s��r.and_._I.sla,nd, <br /> I�e_bx�s.Va.� a� -�u�v.��'���-�Flatt��,--�.nd--xec_�xd�c�-•- - -- ... � <br /> Su�.JPc_t_,however_,_to__��o--mo_rt��,�;es---o�'_._�?�().9-l----anc�...�1Q9.,--r�-��e.c.t_�.ve1,y_---ix�__.fau_or.--of---The._��ui�abl�_..I3u.i1�- <br /> �.n�--�nd---L9�n__A_�_�.Q�.iat_i_on--o�'---��'ar�_c�....�.al_�,ncl.,_�IeT��.�,s�a,_��,e--.�,z��_��,d---�b_a�.an�.e__.�f---�rh_i�h--gr..a.n�.�e__.h�r�in---.----- <br /> asst�mes_..��,n�:�._a�rees_..to__�a,� .a,�...part .of. tr�e----�considexat�on ab:�Y;e-_3�atn�d. ------ - -�----- --------- --�---------------�------�------------------ <br /> ----------- - ------- ------� --- -----...--- -._._.- -- -- - - -- --- --- - �-- - -�- - ------�-�-------------- �---------_._..--� �------�----�-----------...--------=- --- -------------�--�------... ---�-------�-------------------�---------- <br />, --------- --------.._-- -- - - - --- - - - - --- - - - -- -- ---_ _ . -------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tercements, hereditame�2ts, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er, <br />� Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grarator_�_.__,and,of either of them, of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �D �A�1Q AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenanees, unto the said�rantee________and to____.____YL1�:_ .____ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .�Ind__.__JN�_________hereby covenant._______with the said Grantee_._____.that_______YY�'_______________________ hold____________said prerriises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that______ldi�.______________________haV_e.__�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that the� are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbranees whatsoever_______e?CCe�,?t__.3S___�b�Ve___St�3,ted____________.__ <br /> .gnd___..___..__._____7�1_�_________________ __________._______._ covenarit________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claim,s of aZl person,s <br /> whomsoever-------- �XCB�?t.---�3.5 -�.hO--V-�---8_ts3.t�S�---�.21d---t�8�---�IIr---�hB---�-@i3.r---�-�-1�---si.Tld__thE;Y'_8�f_t�I'_------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the------------�-r�-- --------------------daJ ��------ALl(.r,Ll_��- - ------ -- ---- - -.1. D.,19---1�---• <br /> W'ITNESS -----------------------CYL�3.�1_e.:3--I,._l�aph�.e1----- <br /> John_�..Fergusqr�-------------------------------------------- - -------- <br /> --------------------r_zaua---r.2,_Raphae-],------------------------- <br />� ------------ ------ --- - -- -------- ------------------ - -- --------- -- <br /> ST✓ITE OF NEBR,�(SK'✓�, <br /> �ss. <br /> ----------���-1--------------•-------------County, On this--------��-�---------------------daJ of---------..._A1.��;L1�3�---------------------------.fl. D., 19_14__. , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned,a Nota�y Public-----__-___--_-__-__-_-------_--within afid for said County,personally came_-_-----_-_----_----__-_-___--_--- ------____-__.--_-----_--_ , <br /> -----------�nar__l�s.__�_,_Raph��e-�---�,��i---M�u�__�,_R�aFh��1---------------------- ----------------------------- ---- -- --- <br /> (SEAL ) to me personally kraown to be the identical person_�_.______whose name._B______�x'�________________.____afj"ixed to the above <br /> instrument as�rantor_S__._, and______thE'Y___._________________severally aeknowled�ed the same to be______��1��.�'_�__voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose thereirc expressed. <br /> I.NW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af/'ixed mz� ofjacial seal at________________________ <br /> ___Grand_ Tsg�nd,_Nebr.______ _________ ___on the date last above written. <br /> ------ - -------John__A.��er,�'u.s9n_.--------------- <br /> � Notarz�Public. <br /> ,My commi.ssion expires------�14�'CY1--2.��,-- --- - - --- - --- -- --------------------- --------19-�}-----• <br />