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� �� <br /> V� � � D�C�D ��C�O�D �oo �d� <br /> G �U—I�LOPP�Bef RfiLET�'C�.,Printin9,Lilhopraphing and Count�j�'uppL%es;Omaha '' " . _—` - - - =- - _ -- <br />_.__ :- : .,. _ �. _. ___ _ _ _ _ _..__.�_ _,_ . _ .:_.�._�,_. <br /> -.:. _.____ . ___-� �_.:;._�.��__ _.� .�=°:r...�....__ �_ <br /> FRO,M I herebz� certify that this instrurnent was entered an, Numerical <br /> -------- ---- ----- --- - --- - --- - ------ ----- - - -- _--------- <br /> Index and filed for record this____.___27_______.__day of_.___�L113t-----------------_ <br /> ✓1. D., 19--1�---, at---- - -.._.��' ,.3Q __ - --------o'clock,--P.--.M• <br /> Car--Z--�-.-�cG1.a��-��--ar�d- wi-f-e-- - -- ---------- Warranty - , <br /> Deed. � <br /> TO �_�� �L � <br /> --------------� �---- --------=�i-�--�-_�__�_�_� <br /> ----- ---- - - <br /> Re�ister f De.eds, <br /> t�a�rt in._DiefenderPer----------------------------------- <br /> B�--------------�-- ------ ------ ----- -� ----- -------------------------- <br /> ' Deputz�. <br />� ���o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: � ., <br /> ���t--we_,_C.arl__L.��Tc_±_Glasson---and---r:tabel_ �c_!Gla�son,�.u�b�ncl--an..�_�if�,---- --------- -------- ------ ------- ----- _----- � <br /> of the GourctJ of------Ha.11----------------------art,cl St,atc of------------Kel?xs3,:3K�,-------,------------_---------------------�---------Grantor8-------, in consideratiorz- _ <br /> of the sum of--------,�V�!e1Ye--HU.��r�d__a,11d__X_1Q�.�QQ------ ---------------------------- ------ -- ---------------------------------- ------- - ----- ----------DOLL.qRS, <br /> in hand paid, do----------------{�,erebz� GR�NT, B.1RG.gIN, SELL, .gND CONVEY'unto-----1'�I's��_t_1Y1.__D1�f_�Y1Cl2����-----.--------------------- ------------------ <br /> -----------�--- ------- ---- -- - ------ ----- -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------,--------------------------------------------------------------�-------------------- ------ <br /> of the E'ourit�J��- -----���.3_�rUZ --- -----and State of------._- C�,.�.�.f��'1�.1 s�_--------- - ----- - ------ - - - --- ----,Gran,tee--------, the foZZouri72� <br /> described premises, situa,ted in the.�'ounty of___________H�._1_ 1___ _______ ___________.____.________,.____.______and State of Nebr,�6�ka, to wit: <br /> Zot��_7..)---and---e i�ht---.(�._)_...in_,b lo.ck__f ive---(-5-)---in---Dodd._and__Mar�hall.!.�._A�1d�,t�.q�.._'�o---uh�..-v-f-�.-1-a��.--- <br /> of--Wa�d--R�.ver,N��raska,,------- - -- -- ------ --- - --- ----- -- <br /> �--- - -----�--�--- -------------�----� --- ......- - ---...---- ------�---------------�--------------�---------�--�-----�--�-- -----�---- <br /> -- -- -- - - ---- -- -- -- - --- ---------- ----- ------------- --...-- ---------------_...- ----�------ -�--- -�- -- ----------...-- -------�-- --------------------- ---------- ---------------------- - ----- ------�---- <br /> ----- --- -----�------- --- ------ - -- ----- --- --- ----- ----�------.....----------�-----------------------------�- --- .....____..----��--�--------- �---------------------------�--------------------------�---------------- <br /> --- -- ---- - --- - - --- ------ -- - ---- - - --- -- ----- ----- ----------- -------- ------- ---- �----�------------- ------�---------------•----�--- ------�-------------�-----------� ------------------�------------------------�- <br /> -- --- ------- ---- ----- --- --- ------ ----- --- - --- ----- ---�--- --- - ----------------------------------- -� ---------------�- -- �- - ------------ -----------�--------------�--- -- -..-'--------�--�-------.._..--------�---------------- <br /> �- ----- -�---- -- ----- - --- -_ -- - � -- ------- -- -- - - --- - -- � <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditarn,ents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe»er of the said Grantor___.____,� of, irc, or to the same, or artz�part thereof. <br /> �A �d�1P ATC� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rarctee_._____arzd to_____�,j,_S___________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .gnd_______We._...__hereby covenant_____,__with the said Grantee____.___that_________Vit�_____________________ hold____________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that__._.___._kY�_________________ha_�L�_�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all Ziens <br />'' and incumbrances whatsoever----------------------------- ------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- <br /> I - ----- - - _-- -- --- -- -- - --- ---- ------- -- - ---- --- --- -- -- --- ------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------- --------------------- <br /> I .Flnd________.________.___1tY�;__________:________._______.____..________ covenant_______to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever---- -------- - --- - - - - - - - ----------------------------•------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------- - ------- ------ -------------- ----- <br /> i <br /> ------------------------ - --- - - -- --------- --- -- - -- --------- ------------ ------------ - ----------- -- - ------------------ --------- ----------------------------------- --- <br /> i Dated the----------1�t n--------------------d��J �1�-- ----JU1� - -- ------ - ---- - -.R. D.,19--1�----• <br />,, W7TNESS -----------------------------C-�.x1--�.-N[�C�1.�l.g S1J�1.--------- ' <br /> i <br /> _W._L,_Snr�,�ue---------------------�--------------------------- --- --------------------- ----------I���.e1---1�d��las,s_on----- ------ - <br /> ST�TE OF JVEBR.ISK�, <br /> ss. <br /> ----------xa.11----------•-----------------Courctr�, On this_-------�--22T1C1----------------da�J �f---------JUly---------------------------------,g. D., 19_1�-- - , before m,e, <br /> the unclersigned,a Notaiy Publie________________.___________.____.within a�2d for suid County, personally came______.__._________________.______________.______________.__.__ <br /> ------�-��.--L_._1t�c��.�s_�_oxl__�,n.s�_.���-�-�----TJLc!_��.�.��an,h�a.sb_�.n��.s�__�v�._f�----------------------------------------- <br /> t S�Z � to me personally knowrL to be the identical person___�_.____whose nam�__.�r�____.__.______,_______.____a f�'ixed to the above <br /> instrument as�rantor_�.._._, and_________�Le�7________________.__severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be___.x,y��:�_x_____voluntary <br /> act ar�d deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> INW7TNESSWHEREOF,I havehereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofj'acial seal at.WOOd__R1V2r�, <br /> ________Nel�rask�.,in___��.id_count�y,__.orz the date Zast above written. <br /> -------- �----------------w,_�,.�pra��e--------------------�---- :' <br /> ✓Y'otar�Public. ' <br /> .My commi-ssion expiTes-------��,xCh--2 7-�---- ----- ---- - ------------------------------ 191$.-----• <br />