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�4.� __ <br /> .. D�C�D ���O�D �oo ��� <br /> 56�7U—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Prinling,Lithographing¢nd Coitnly Supplie§;Omaha. � � � � ' -� — <br />�..__ ;,,. . _, -,. _ _,�__ ., _ . _ . . _-_,_ _ _,-. _.,::____.y.__. __,_�.�._ ._—__�,__.___._—�____r..__--�—:�—#:_.___—._�_.�i _ <br /> FK�� I hereby certify that this instrumerct was entered orz Num,ericc�l <br />� ------ --- ----- - -- <br /> -- ------- <br /> --- - Index arad fcZed for record this-------2-Q------------daJ of-----1-U-1-�------------------ <br /> Tq�,uc��__E.OlS�Ti__&_ �1u_�1J�.I1�----- - - --- Warra.nty .1. D., 19---1�---, at--__ ___._�.� - --- - - --- -------o'clock------A_.✓til. <br /> Tn Deed. • <br /> -------- ---------- --- - -------- -- ------ �--------- <br /> ------ -- <br /> Re ister Dee�?s, <br /> Ed�;�,�--L�,_���te�Ye_1�- - ---- ---- - -- ------ - --- <br /> I, ��J- --- ------- ----__---- -- - ---... - ------------- --- -- -- <br /> --- Deputz�. <br /> �.r�o�n �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t� : <br /> �i��t---���u�i�__E.91a_�n--anr� ��x�nk--I_,_Q1,��n_,�v_i.f�__.anrl---la,u��and. ------------ ----- ----------------- ----------------- -- -- <br /> -a,�t,c� St,ate of--- - ------N�bT'�.�sKd. - - -- - <br /> of the County of_________Hc�,ll.___..________ ._ _____Grarztor_`�_.____, in consideratiora <br /> of the sum of_------Qri�--�,rid._x!Q�_1QQ--��/.00�--- - -------- -------------- - ------DOLL✓IRS, <br /> ------- -- -- - --- --------------- --- - <br /> -- ----------------- ----- ---- <br /> I in hand paid, do------_--_-___-lr ereby GR�NT, B�RG�IJV', SELL, �4ND CONVEY'unto---.-E-d�;s3.I'__��Q..11�1�'_3_t E:z'_V_�.1�-----------_-___-----------__- -_-----_-_-----_ <br /> of the County of--._L�I1C��.t��'--------------------and State of-----------Ne_b_Y'�3,skd-----------------.------------ --------,Gran;t,ee,--------, the followirc� <br />�, described premises, situated in th�County of___.____�'I�._1__1__._____ _________.________ ________.__and State of Ne.brse�ka, to wit: <br />' Tne_..East�rly.._One,__Thi_r�___of___Lot,..No_._�i�ht__,�.�i__�___.in_,131c?ck._.No_,_�'_ifty___Two___�_�2._).,,in___the__0_ri�inal_._Tqwn.,.now___ <br /> C it.y.,_�f__Grand___Is.lan�,Nebr��sk�._,_as__sury�yed,_�latt��___and.__rec_o_rded,Twenty. .Two____�.22_)___fe�t._.Pr�nr,_�.�e___on__ <br /> Th_ird___S_�re_�t_._�y_One__Hun�7red___Thirty_.,Two____(_132.).__f�et in �e�th__on_ Rtorth_._Oa,k___Street.Thi_s�__�?rc�perty,._is__ <br /> ��_l_d_witYi___th�_ _under_s_t_and,ing and_._the___consent.__�f_.tti�..,_�rant_e�:.here_in._na,rneci._ that_ no___livery__barn___or__.___ <br /> f E:.E�.d ir��;__�arn_-i�,_,t o__b e__,er_E c t ed---on__.the---a.b�ve_..,cie�cr_ib ed---� t�_,_th.i�.--'=o---be.--p_erF etual.----------------------_-----...------_ <br /> Al�so_;_-_�hr<.ir____�ne___I�alf___intere�t__in._,�,n�:., to,_ tn�.t__cErt�.in__t�ri_cK__Wa11.,being___d___x�art._of___ths�t_..cert�ir�___________ <br /> brick__1?uild_in_g kno�rn. as . the _!�Dever�� Buil��in� and____si*,uate on the �est___line of tf�e _East _�_2 feet of <br /> Lo� No.Ei��it ( ���)� iri -Block No���ifty Two---(5�-)-�����ri���t��e���0�ri-�lrial--�ToWn;�riow �"ity---o-f -Grarici�� Isl�,rid�;Nebra,�ka, <br /> as----���.r_�'����.�Fl�t.ted �d...r�c_Qraed�- - -- --- -- --- - -- --- ---- --- -- ------- - _-- ------•------------�----------------------=-----�------------------------------------ <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doz�,�er�, <br /> Curtesy;Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__�___,and of either of them, of,in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �4 �A�1C t1IY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurteraances, unto the said�rantee.______and to.______h1_�________._ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �Ind__�o�________hereb�covenarzt_____..with the said Graratee____.___that_______.___��%_________________ hold____________said premises by�ood and ' <br />, perfect title; that_.___.______S�YL______________hau_G___�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free and elear of all lier�s ' <br /> I and incumbrances whatsoeUer____exce�t___taxe_s.__Por__ the__y�ars__lpl2_ �,nci__l�l�_,and___one__certa.in__m�rt��.�e___in__the_ <br /> sL�m__��'___�1�Q_Q_�._QQ__�_i�ven__Y)y____�harles___B.Hotchki_s_s___&___wife__to__.John_ r_._De_v__er_,and__,by___him__a�si�n�d___to___Edgar <br /> M.Westervelt , sai� mor±ga.�e bein�; r�cor�i�d in 13ook 40,at pa�e 6}�,Re�;ister of Deeds t�ffic� of Hall <br /> Ca�r������e'���,�k�. - - - - --- ----- - -------------------- -------- ------------ ------------------ - - <br /> ,Flnd__:_________.:___________�'�!e____ covenant._______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever---------- -- -- -- - - --- -- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ----- ------------------------ ' <br /> Dated the-----.�th------------------------ --daJ�f- -- -----JUly ---- - -�1. D.,19_14-----• <br />', W'ITJV'ESS . <br /> . ----------------------_-�[au�s---�.Ql��n-- - ------------------- <br /> 30hx�__A_._F��'€�u�_S)x�.------ ----------------------- ------------- - <br /> ------------------------__�'x�axz]s___I_�Q1�en ------------- -------- <br />' ------------------ --- -- -- --- -- --- --- --- --- - ---- - _ - -- <br /> ST✓1 TE OF NEBR.1 SX'.g, <br /> ss. <br /> ------County, On this---------- -da� of--------------s��.17-�--------•---------------------.q. D., 19__��� ._ , before me, : <br /> --------�11------------------------ �t�---------------- <br />�' the undersi�ned,a Nota�y Public.-_-_----____-_---_-__-__--------wi,thin and for said County,personallz� came-----------------__-___-_-----_----___-_----_--_-----__----_-_-- <br /> I'' ---------T_?��u d e_._E_,_O l�e n-an d---�'r ank._I_.O l s en- ---------------- <br /> ---- ---- - -- ---------------- -------------------------- ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- -- <br /> (SFAL� to me personally known to be the identical person_s..__.__whose name_s_.____ar�____________._______uff'ixed to the above <br /> instrument as�rantor_.�.__., and_____________th�Y____.__________severally acknowled�ed the same to be____th�?ir____voluntary ' <br /> aet and deed for the purpose thereii2 expressed. <br /> IJV'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af}Zxed my ofjiciad seal at__.____________._______ <br />' ____Grar;d Isl�,nd,_N�brd8k3 on the date last above writterc. <br /> ----- - ------------- ------ <br /> --------- -----JQhn__A.�Fer�u�Qn--------------- ----- <br /> Notarr�Public. <br /> ,Mz� commi.ssion expires--------�4�.rL�'1--2.�---- ----- --- -- ---- -- -- ------------------------ -------19--1-'�-----• ` <br /> ?� <br /> !: <br />