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<br />--_._ . „G��Q—K7 07fP X BARTLE�'T CO..Printing,Lithographing and CoTrnt7/'�S'upgLies;nmaha � _� - v ,.� __" _
<br /> �'R4� I hereby certify that this instrumeizt was eratered on Numerical
<br /> Ircd,ex and fil,ed for record this------�Q------------daJ of----------ZLi-�-y------------- '
<br /> �. D., 19--1�-----, at-- ____9 _ - - __ _ -- -----_o'clock,----,�,�..M.
<br /> A.lbe�'t--�_7.���._,�C_��..�e-- -- - - - -- Warranty
<br /> T� Deed. •
<br /> ---- --------- -- ----- ---- - -- ------�;------ �
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<br /> Re as r o De,eds,
<br /> Elden__Hav�rkin�-------- -- -- - - ---- --- - -----
<br /> B✓------- ---- ----� - - -- ------- ------------ ----------
<br /> --------------- -------- ----------- - -.-
<br /> - - -- --- Deputy.
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<br /> ���.�---------�Ye_,Alb ert---�_leal.--and_. I_da__r2,_C 1e�1_,hi�_,w if e,--------- __
<br /> : - --- ------- -- --- ----- -----------� - -�---- -------- ---- ----
<br /> of the Count�J �f-----Hi3�1.7..-- -- -- -
<br /> -arr-cl Sta,te of - - - -- N�b�'3�,�1Sc1--- - -- - ------- - -------- - - --- - -----__Grantoi°--� ---, in consideratiosz
<br /> of the sum of------TUro hundred_twenty-f'ive -_00�100- ----- ------------------ -- ---------- ---------�oLL.�R�,
<br /> --------- ---------------------- ------ --------------
<br /> in hand paid, do---------------h,erebz� GR.g�N"T, B.qRG.RI�V', SELL, ✓�ND COJV'VEY'urzto---------E1d�21--Ha,W_k11'L�---------------,------------------- ----------------
<br /> --------------------------- --- - ---------- ---- ---- ---------------------------------------------------- ---- ------------------------�------------------------------------------------------ ---- ------------------ --
<br /> of the Countz�of----------Hc�,l7.-------------------------and State of_----------__N�b_r_3�ks3.--------------------------------------------------_---,Grantee--------, th.e followirc�s
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of.____________H311____________________________________.______..__.arzd State of�V'ebr�Rka, to zvit:
<br /> Lo:�._.r ot��'----(-�.)-.--��'---t�l��.l-!-�---Ad,ci it.i_on---to__.Doniphan,T�ebra�ka,a�----�urv_ey�d,_platt ec1._-a,�d---re corded-,-----.....--_--------._
<br />' -- ---- --�--- �- -....-- -... - --- - --�----- -- --- - ---.-- --�-- - -- ---- - - - - ----... --------.......... . ..........._�--- -....--- - -- -��----- ----------------�--------------------------�-----------...
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<br /> ---- --- ------ - ------- - - - - - --- - - - --- -- - - - - -- -
<br /> To�ether with all the tenexnents, hereditamer�ts, and appurtenances thereunto belor��in�s, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Irtterest,Dou�er,
<br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoe,ver of the said. Grantor.,`�.___,� , of, ir�, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �CA ���iQ Al�� t0 �OY�' the above-descrihed prei�zises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee________and to______�.j,-;�---_----__ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. ✓[nd___�N�%_:_______hereby covenant_.____with the said Grantee________that____._______Y��_________________ hold__________said premises by�ood and ,
<br /> perfect title; that__._.___W�___.______,.___hc��___�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convez� the same; that thez�are free and clear of all Ziens
<br /> and incumbranees whatsoever----------------------------------------------------------- -- ---------------------
<br /> f -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----- ------- -- - -- -- - --�--- -- -------- - -- ---------------------- ------- -- -------�---- - --------- ------ -- -----
<br />�, .Flnd______.._________.__We_____.-____ _________---_ _ ---_-_____ covenarzt________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persan,s
<br /> II whomsoever-------- -- - -- - --- - - -- - ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
<br /> I - -
<br /> I
<br /> Dated the----- ----10 yh-- -------------------da�J �f�-- - -•T_l�l� - -- -- ------- ------,_�. D.,19�4------•
<br /> tiVZT�ESS _A1h�r_�_C1�al----------------------- -
<br /> ----------------- ------- -----
<br /> I! C..��B,I3.�_�na,n- ---------------------------------------- -------------- --- -- -
<br /> ----------------------- -----�aa__n�.clea�.------------- - ------- - -- '
<br /> �_�A.R�:c�man -- ------- - ---- --------- --- - ---- --- ----
<br /> ST.FITE OF NEBR�SK'�, )
<br /> }ss.
<br /> �J � � �--------------sTll�.,l--------------------------------.Fl. D., 19_l4_ _ , before m,e,
<br /> -----__�ic3�7.�--------------------------------Courtt , On this-------�.c`��Xl------------------da o
<br />' the un,dersi�ned,a Notarz�Public.________________._________._____within,arLd for said County,personally eame____________._________�________________________.._______.____
<br /> -----�lb�rt---C l�_al---�,nd_.Id�.__TR.__C,__l�al_,h i s._ti_v_iPe---------------------
<br />' --- ---- ---- ----------- - ------------------ ---- - --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_8.._._____whose rcam�___ddre_._____..___________.__afrixed to the above
<br /> (SEAL ) instrument as�rantor_�____, arad_.,___��1_��____________________._severally aeknowled�eu7,the same to be_.�h�.�.x'______.voluntary
<br /> aet ai2d deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj'Exed my of�"icial seal at______________.___._.._
<br /> ______Doniphan,�1_�"i___Sd�c� COUrity___ _or� the date last aboae written.
<br /> - -------------Chaa.T�I.Reclman------�-----------
<br /> .N'otarz�Public.
<br /> JVlz� commission expires------ - 1��C_e�ibeT' -ls�------ - ------------------- ---------------19-��------•
<br />