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<br />� � '.. .__ - -: . . _,: __ __.. , _._w.____. _�.._ � ,�
<br /> F��� I hereb� certify that thas anstrument was entered on Numerzcal
<br /> Index and filed for record this__.____�.'!______________day of____Jlll.�t
<br /> ------- ------ -- ------------ ---- -- - - -- -- -- _ - - --�_. ----•---------------
<br /> Charles__2�`,Redman--and--tivife_ - - --- --- Warranty ✓t. P., 19_1�1------, at- --- 4;15 - -- --- ----._o°cto�k-- P._.M.
<br /> --- -- - ' �------
<br />; �.� Deed.
<br /> - ---- ---- - -- ------.��a��
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<br /> A_�.bex_t___C�_�al-------- -- ---- - _ --- ------ --
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<br /> ---- --- Deputz�.
<br /> �.r�o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�:
<br /> ����----w'e�.�harle.�_i��._�edm�,n--�.rid ��-�'-�--�ec�rn�---lH�.�b�z�cl-&-_W_i��-�-------------- ------------------ ----- ----- --------
<br /> of the Count�J �}----- Ha,ll -- - - - czrid Sta,te of--- -- - - - -N�brd,B�C�,---- ---- -------------------------------------Grantor-�- ---, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of_--------TWO---HUt1C�x�(�--TeSI,__N9�_�QQ-- ------ ---------------------
<br /> ----------- -----DOLL�RS,
<br /> in hand paid, do--Ylt-�--------hereb� GI�.gNT, B�RG.gIJV', SELL, �rl�'D CONVEY'urzto-----Al�_�:�'�---�l�d.l--------------------------------------------- ----------------
<br /> _----and b'tate o ------ -----NEbY'�,�1C�3.- - ---
<br /> of the County of---------H�,l�._------ -------------- f ------.--- _-----------------,Grarrtee,.-------, the followin�
<br /> deseribed premises, situated irc the County of____ __.______�a�-_1_. __.________ ._____and State of Nebrs�ka, to wit:
<br /> --------------- -- ----
<br /> _�.,�_._��c�_1_...ox--- -e�iCe.--q-�---la,n�---c_orunenc_in�--�.t---a,--�?oi-r�t---Four.t_een.--�-14-�---�e�t...�?qx'��_,-�nd.__F.if_.�,y._...Eiv.�--.-�:5`�--}---
<br /> .fe�t---W�-s-t---o.f.---t-he -KoxtYL-.�rJ-e-s-t---c-o.rner_--�c�'---Z_�.t...numb-e-r.--Twn--.-�-2-)-,-�of.....the....C.oun�:y--Suh-di.uis��an---ta---�an.i�han,
<br /> _N�.bx��ska_;_�hence___runnin�;___ilorth__qne..__Hta.ndred...Forty...Two____(_142_�__.Peet_�thence_...�re�t___Seventy.....(_7U__}___�eet_=_.._.
<br /> .tYl�rlce__S outh_,One_.Hun�ired___Forty___Two____(_14`_�__.P�.et;_thence__East_,_S eyenty._._(_70_�___Peet__to._.th�._Flace_._of._.___.___.
<br /> b_��_�nx�_��g.;_the___same__bein�;___�?art___of____the.__South__�dest.___Qu�,rter.._�f___t�!e___S_outh_Ea�t___Qu�rt�r___(S.,.W,_�,__a.�_.__S_�E.�)
<br /> of____s�ct_ion_ number___I'ive,__(_5_�.,.Townshi�?__.Nin�_ (9__)___North_,Ran�e__Nine___(_q.�,_county_ oP__Hal�.,_State__ of___N�br-
<br /> aska.
<br /> ---- ---- - �--------- - -� ---- - --•-- --- --- - -- - - -- -- --------------- - ------------------------�-------------...-----�-------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belora�irc�, ar�d all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,If2terest,Dozc�er,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor�_____,����2, of, in, or to the same, or anz�paTt thereof.
<br /> �9 �d�1C �I1� t0 �O�b the above-described premises, with the appurterzanees, unto the said�rantee___.___a�2d to__.___..___h�_S__.____ heirs
<br />', and assigns forever. .gnd___YrI�___._____hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee________that.____________YQ�________________ hold_____.____said premises bz��SOOd and
<br /> perfeet title; that_____.____�!�'._________.____ha_Ye_�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey tlze same; that they are free and clear of c�ll lier�s
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever----------------------------------------------------- --------
<br /> ---------------------------------------------------- - ---------------- ----- - - ------ ----- ----- ----- ---------�- ---- ----- ------------------- - ------ - -- -- ----- -- --------- ---
<br />�, ---- - - - - - - --- --- - --- - --- ----- - - ---- -- -- ------ - ---- ---------------- --- -
<br /> .flnd___.__.._____.__.�?S!�%_____ __._____________ ...___________ __ covenant_____.__to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever--------- - _--- - - _ _ ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -•----------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the---- -----2--- ---------------------- --da�J�f� ------A�r��--- -- ------ -- ---- -.g. D.,19--1�'----•
<br /> W7TNESS --------- ----------�hc�,I'1E-8--]f�-.R�Ciitla.n.-�--------------- -
<br /> -----------------------------�1�.xa_��_s�an ----------- ----------
<br /> Jahn--G_al1_�,�her_--------------------------------- -------- --
<br /> ------ -
<br /> -------------- -------- -- ------------- - -- --
<br /> H.A.Redman
<br /> ST.lTE OF �N'EBR✓1S.K.1,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ---------��la------------------------------Courcty, Orc this-----------2---------------------da�J �f---------------A���.1-------------------------�. D., 19---1�.. , before me,
<br /> the ur�dersi�ned, a✓Y'otary Publie----------------------------------within a.rr.d for said County,Personally ec�me-------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------------�har_le,s--�L._Re-�man--�x�.d---�1ar�.__Reciman---(_�a.�han�_.and__�Vif�-�---- -------------------------
<br /> {SEAL } to me personally knozvn to be the identical person___�.____whose name__�__are__._______._________.uf�'ixed to the above
<br /> instrument as�rantor__.$_., and____.____L7LG'_y___________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be.____thk;�1.I'_____voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expr�essed.
<br /> I.N'�W7TNESSWHEREOF,Zhavehereunto subscribed my name and afJ'ixed my ofjZeial seal at____DIIT11.pha.21�
<br /> ___�.n_said�,:COLi�ity_________________ ________________on the date last above wTitten.
<br /> ------- -------------------Sohn---�a�l�ache�----------------
<br /> ✓l�'otarz�Public.
<br /> .My commission expires___..�j�V.2rjt� --_-- --° - - ---------- -------------------------- -----_19---��---•
<br />