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� <br /> �� �� I <br /> � DC��D G3C��O�D �oa �do <br /> � <br />=__ . _ _�___ ___ _ _ _ . : .__ __ __�_ _ � _ - �__ <br /> ,',6:,�1)-KLd1'1'c�Bff�TLETTG`6.,Pritiz!�Gnp,Litho9raph,tingandCo2��rtty,�'eapp�es;fJr�iaha. _- -" -- - - - - - — <br /> �''R�✓� I hereby certify that this irLStrumen,t was entered orz .Numerical <br /> Index and filed for record this------1------------------daz�of---------�7a,7.3t-------------- <br /> ✓�. D., 19_ 1�----, at-- -- _ _ _1.1 _ __ .- - -- -----o'clock,-A.---,M. <br /> W-i-11��--=}�,��u-s�r_,�c-wi-fe- - -- - _- - Warranty � <br /> TO � Deed. ` <br /> � <br /> - -- --- - -------- - - - - -------------�------- <br /> - ----- -- <br /> Re�ister of: ee,ds, <br /> �?17._i,l,J�,.'__�'_._J�u I I�_5 s- --- -- - - -- --- <br /> B�----------- - ---- -- - - - --- _ --------------------- <br />' De ut <br /> I ----- --- - -- ---- ---- ----- ----- - <br /> - - - - --- - - p '�' <br /> �.r�oi� �YY ,�er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ����----Willi_�.m__Ii,_liouser-��,nd SaraYi_.I,_,_�fouser_,h'usbanc�_--�nci__v�!if-�----------------------- ------------------�- -- -------------- ---- -- - <br /> of the Count� °f_------Ha,ll-----------------_cr-n-cl :Sta,tn of---------------I�I��.----------------- - -----Grantor�-------, in corasideration- <br /> -------------- ---- <br /> TWO Thous�.nd �,rid ri0 /100 - -- --- --------------------- - - -- - ---- ------DOLL✓�RS, <br /> of the sum of_--------- -- - - -- - - --- ---- -- -J--- - ---- --- --- - -- --- ---------------------- ----- -- ---------- <br /> � in hand paid, do-------.----------lz,ereby GR✓lrb'T, B✓IRG�lI.N, SELL, �I.N'D CO.N'VEY'unto----P_h�.a 1-�?;t---,J_._�t.ill�5-5--------------------------------------------------- <br /> --------------------------- - --- ----- ----- - ---- ----------------- ------------------------------ -- --------------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------- ----------------�---- <br /> Iid,ll _____and State o _.________NE,bI'�.LSk�. ,__,Grantee,__._____, the ollowin <br /> of the Count�J of --------- - --- - - � � - - - - ----- ----- -- ----- -- ------ --_- - --- - f � <br /> described premises, situated in the County of_.__._ _____H�.11__.___._________________.__________..____..___and b�tate of Nebr�aka, to wit: <br /> .Lot...No._Five -(-�-)---in__ Block_No.Seven.- (?_)_-in Kernoh�.n---�,nd---D�eker'-s--Ad��iti9�---tQ__.�t�e.--C.�.�y...o�..._Gra.n�--__ <br /> --I�1�.nd_,,tTebr�.ska,�.s.--si�rv�y�:ci_��tt�d---�.nd---r�cord�d..�xce�t--trie_..ur�.�..Q�..Pac.�..�'_i._�_..Aailv�ay---Coxa�?a,nY-=-�-..----- <br /> .r.i_�;ht.-.a.f-w�,y�-- -- -- -- - ----- -- <br /> _...-- -----�--------------- --- - -- -- --- -- ----- - - - --- �---- --------------------�---�---------------------------------�-----------�--- - ------...---.._..-- ------------ -- -----..._..-------------------.:------------------------�-� <br /> � - --------- ._...-- �-- --- ---- -- - --- --- - ---- - ------ - --...----- - ------ ----- --�--- --------... --------�------ -------------�----�-��---�--- ---- - ---� --------�--�--- -------...-------------------------- --...------ <br /> _------- - - --- ---------- ---- -... --------- - -- -- - �- ----- -- -----------�---------�--------------...-�-----------�- - �- -------------�------�-- ------�------- -:_... -----------�------------------------------------------ <br /> ----�--------------- --�------ -�- ---- ---- ---- --- ----- -- - - --- ----- -------�---------------------------------- ----------------------------------....._...-- --------�--- ------- ----.....-� ------- --------�- -- ---------- <br /> - - - - - --- - - - -- -- -- ---- - -- -- - �- - � - ----- ----------- �------- <br /> -----�- - - - ------- - - - - -- <br /> To�ether with all the ter�ements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto beZon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doiver, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grar�tor______,and of either of them, of, ir�, or to the same, or ar�y part thereof. � <br /> �D �d�iQ �ll� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurter�ances, unto the said�rantee_.__�__and to________h1�---- --- heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �Lnd_____I9�______hereby covenant______with the said Grantee_______that_________I4t�___________________ hold____________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that___.___We___._____________ha.V�_�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> andincumbranees whatsoever---------------- --- ----- -------------------------- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- <br /> ----- ---- -- - - ---._ --- - - -------- ------ ----- ---- ---- --------- <br /> -- ---- --------------- ----- --------- -------------------- -------- --- <br /> .qnd.______._______._____.S!+!e_.____________________ _______________ warrant and defend the said premises a�air�st the lawful claims of all persoras � <br />,, whomsoever--------- - - - - - - -_-_- ---- ------------------------------------=---------------------------------------------- ---------------------�---------------------------------------------------- - <br />'I Dated the----------�-��------------------------.da�J �1�- -- --- -J��-- -- -------- ---------�. D.,19---1-�'----• <br /> W7TNESS ------------------------------ -----�''11111,�c�C1__H:HQ1�1,9_'�'X_--------- <br /> John__A,Fer�sol?---�-------------------------- --------- -- - - - --- <br /> -----------------------------------Sara.h_E.Houser_-------- -- <br /> ST.ITE OF N'EBR.qSK�2, <br /> ss. <br /> ------Ha�l--------------------------------count Ori this----------1-�-t-----------------daJ �f------------JUly <br /> �J, ------------------------------------g. D., 19___l�F._ , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned,a�l�'otary PubZic______________________________--_within and for said County, personally eame____�____._____________.________,_____________________.__________ <br /> -------.V�i l l i am__H,1�ou s e�'---a��__��.x�h---�..k�Q�.��]=-------------------�--------------------------- -------------------------------------- ----- <br /> --- ------- ------- - --- -- -------------------- -�----- ------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> (SF,AL ) to me personally known to be the identical person_�__..____whose name__�__���__.________________ ____af�'ixed to the above <br /> instrument as �rantor___�__, and______________'���y_____________severally acknowled�ed the same to be_.___th�_1r.____voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I�1�'W7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�"ixed mz� o�j"'icial seal at_.____________.________ <br /> ___CzY'3�1�1___I:i�.�,zld_,,I3_��2�_'s�_�K�_,_____________or� the date last above written. <br /> -------------- ------John_A._Ferguson----------- ----- <br /> Notarz�Public. <br /> .My commissior� expires------ M�3.r_Ch- 2��-------- ---------- - - -- ---------------- ----- -191�-----• <br />