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<br /> � .�, DC��D ���O�D [�oo �0 0
<br /> :___ ._ _______ _ _ _ �__ -_ ___ _ _ _ — — __ ____
<br /> ���;p--RLOPP&BARl�L�'1"P L`15.,�rinting,Lilhoqr¢phtinp and County S^"upplies;t3maha. -- : _ - — - --- -- – - --
<br /> �''��✓� I hereby certifz� that this instrument zvas en,tered orz N'umericccl
<br /> -- -- Index and fil,ed for record this.-------1-------------daz�of--------�1,�]�-y----------------
<br /> .1. D., 19_1,�-----, at,--- - --- �__ -- - -----o'clock-----�_�,M. ;!
<br /> ATbert--�a�rci--a,n.d _Della_W�,rc�-- _ -- -- -------- Waxranty
<br /> TO � Deed. ��----------- -----
<br /> ------ - - - ----- ----- - -_�f%_
<br /> ------- -
<br /> Re�ister f Deecl.s,
<br /> Eunice I.wilson
<br /> B�--------- - --- - ------- - -- ----- -___ ------------- ------
<br /> Deputz�.
<br /> �.�o�a �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�:
<br /> ����---_We_tAlb_er_t__War__�- an�l Il�_ll_a_ �ar_�l,Hust�_a,nd- -and._Wi�e----------------------- --------------------------------- ------------- -- --
<br /> .,
<br /> of the County �f-----Hs�,ll - - -- - - - rari-c� St�rt<� of-- - - -----N�hZ'�l.Sk�.----- --------- ----- -- - - ------ - ----Granto�•- - ---, in eonsideration
<br /> of the sum of-------TW9--I�2�,(��'�C� -NQ��.O-� ------ ------------ ------------------------------------- --------------- ----- --------------- ----- --------DOLL�RS, ;;
<br /> in hand paid, do___-_- -------_hereby GR✓1NT, B�RG.l1IN, SELL, .qND CONVEY'unto-_-_--�1�21�.-C-�--_I...1�1,j.1��11.----- ,_-__-_----_--_-----_--_---_
<br /> �f the Courat���---------H�.11 - - --- - -.__.. __a,nd State of------ -------- N�bT'd.��c`�, -------------- ---- ----- -__ - - - ----,Grccn,t.ee-------, the followi•n�
<br /> described premises, situated irz the Countz� of'____ ____Hc�ll____________.__._______________________________arad State of Ne,br��ka, to wit:
<br /> � 9 .
<br /> Zot.._numb�r---E.i_�.ht-_-(�_)_,_in__.�_cudder�---add l t i_on---t o---Don.._ph�.n_,N�t�raska_,----------------------------------------------_
<br /> ------- --------- - -- ------- .... - ---
<br /> ---�----- ---- - � ---..._.....- � - - -.... ----- -- ----- - --- ------- �--�- �----- -----.._ -- - - ---------------- -----------------------� - - - - � ------��------------------...---�---------- ---- ..._........---------
<br /> - - ---- -- ------ -- -
<br /> - -- -- -------. ------ -- ---------�-------------------------- ----� -- �
<br /> � ----------------------------------------
<br />� �----�-- �
<br />�' ------ -- ---- ----------- - - -- ----- -- ---- --- - ----------- -------------------------------- ---------..
<br /> -��----- ----------------�-------------- ---
<br /> --- - ----- - ----------------�-----.......------
<br />' ---- ---- ...- ------------ ----._ - -- - -- --- _
<br /> --- -- --. - �-- - ._------- ---- ---------------------....
<br /> ------ --- -----------------...----- ----- - -----------
<br /> ---------- --- --�----- -------------�-----�-----.
<br />, --- --- --- - -- --- -- ------- �---- --- - - -- -- - ----- - -- -- -- -
<br /> To�ether with all the tenerrzents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri.�ht, Title,Interest,Dorvf<r•,
<br /> I�'i Curtesy,Claim arcd Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor-------,������t���, o�, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br />�I'', �0 �d�1C �IY� t0 �O�b the above-described premises, with th,e appurtenances, unto the said�rantee________and to______�g�.________ heirs
<br />��, and assi��2s forever. .gnd_____YY�______h,erebz�covenant_.____with the said Grantee_______that_________�Y�____________________ hold__,_________said premises by�ood and
<br />'I perfect title; that_.____IY_e_________________ha�Le__�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they aTe free arad elear of all lieres
<br /> andineumbrances whatsoever-------------------------- --- ---------------------------- ---------- -----------------------------------
<br /> �nd___._____________�'E'__________..__________.____________ covenant________to warrant and defend the said prem,ises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persorzs
<br /> whomsoever-------- __ ..- - - - _. ---- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Dated the----- ------�0-------------------- -daJ �f�- - -J_l�lZl�- -- ---------- ------ ---�1. D.,19----�-�--•
<br /> W'ITNESS � --------- -------------------Alb_ert---aM1rard-------------------
<br /> C.S�.RE;cirn�n ----------------------------------I��11�,_War_d- ---------- ------
<br /> H.A.Redman
<br /> ST.1 TE OF JV'EBR✓1 SK�,
<br /> ss.
<br /> --------Ha.11 _County, On this--------3�-----------------------da�J �f---------------.._._slU.�l_�---------------------------.l. D., 19__l4_. , before me,
<br /> the ur�dersi�sned, a Notary Public.------__-_--_-_-__---__-_----_---within and for said County, personally came---------_--___-___--__-_. -----_-----------____________-
<br /> ---A lb_er t Vdard___�,n�_ D�ll a__�!a,r_d---��;�b�1��---���--1�if�-�----------------------------------- ----- - -------
<br /> (S�+�A.L )
<br /> i;o me personally krcown to be the identical person__�._.____whose name__________________d��___________.__czfj'ixed to the above '' '
<br /> instrument as�rantor________, and__________�r�.�y_______________severally acknowled�ed the same to be______�he_ix____voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> INWITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereurcto subseribed my name and afj'Bxed my offLeial seal at__Il0111�h�21y
<br /> 1ri s31C1 COUrity�_____________ ______________orz the date last above written.
<br /> -------- ----------------------
<br /> --------------------------------�-ha,�---�[-.-�ed�a,�----------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> ,Mr� commi.ssion expires----- - ��CeSilb��'--�.$_'�h-"- -------- -----------------------------19-17-----•
<br /> •
<br />--_ :_ _ __ _ i
<br />