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<br />�____._�`"'�ll-KLOPP&RAR.TLE-'P"�'L`6.,I'rinlin�,Lilh,ograpfi¢ng¢nd CounCy S'uPplie`s:DmaTza: "� � __ ,_ __r____. __.::. _ _. – _.�_.__ - _:��_ —
<br /> FRO.M I hereby eertify that this instrument was entered on Numerical
<br /> --------- - ------- ----- ---- ------ ------- ------
<br /> - -- ---- Index and fcled for record this-------2�--------------daJ of------J1�Tl.�-----------------
<br /> ✓1. D., 19_-1�----, at---- --- --��-1�Q- - _- ------o'cloek--- A.__,M.
<br /> SA��e--�.-�?c�-s-s--and_�YiZe ----- -- _ - - Warranty
<br /> TO Deed.
<br /> -----------------�-��--------�----------- ---------------
<br /> Re�iste of Deeds,
<br /> Ch�.rlo_t t e---S tr atrnann------------------------------------
<br /> BJ------- - ------------------ ----- - -- - --- ------------------ -------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> �r�o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e �re�et�t�:
<br /> ����-----��,�-P-r��� D�-Rass__�,nd-�3er�h�.--�.�ta�s-,-Y�u�'�-�.r�---ark��---w�#'-e------- ----------- - ---------------------------------- - - - `
<br /> af the County of_--------Hall-------------------«.ra.cl Sta,te of- ---DT�b-�'-a.8k�.---------------- -------------------- --------------Grantor-g------, in considercztion :
<br /> of the sum of--------- Tvrelve--�lun�rec�_�_i.Pty- �_n.o�149--------------------------- ---- --------- ------------ --- ------- ---------- ----- ---------DOZL✓tRS,
<br /> ir� hand paid, do_____________.__Tzereby GR��'T, B�RG�I.N, SELL, d4JV'D CONVEY'un,to_____.CYl�_lOttQ--S-�x-�.t�i�l�l----.---
<br /> --- ------------------
<br /> ` of the Count�J�}--- -----�I�11 - - - - __-- ------and State of-- �(Yb�'-�,�-K�,- ----------- --------- --- . .___,Grantee--------, the followin�
<br /> deseribed premises, situated irz the County of_.____ ___:3��.�1_ _________.____________________________________an,d State of�Y'ebra�ka, to wi.t: -
<br /> B�,c��K.._Nu�1�.�.x__..'SWa----t-2.�----��__�_�..e_a:�ant----xome_ .�ub_d�.v a.��fl-n---�f--g.�r.t---.o.P._.th�_.�aat�...h�].f'_..nf.._the._SQUth..Eas-t------_
<br />' quaxt��r---Qf---�.�.�_�.�..on._'�tirten�y--Q�.�----�2-�-)---�.n---�.Qwn�.riiF--.�.1�_ven-.-(.11--�.--T1or.th.--o-�'---Aang�__Nine----(-�-�---�est_._flf-.-the----.
<br />' S.ixth PrinciFa.l_I�deri�3ian_.in---Nebraska_,.��ccord_in� to..__the .recorded_,_plat__.thereoP--.---__---_----------------_---__..----_---_-------_
<br /> --- -- ----- -- -- ---- -----�------ ------- - - - - -- --------- ----...._.-- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------•-�- -- --------------- ---------------------------------�---�----------------------._ _
<br /> I� ----- -- - ----- -- ._-- -- -- --- - - ------- --------- --- ..._------�----------------------------------- -�--- -- - ---------------------------------�----------- - - .....--- -------------------�- -�---------------------
<br /> ----------- --------�----- - ---------....- - - ------ -- ---- - -- - -- --- -- ---------- --- ------------------------------....----- ----------------------------�-----�-- -��- -----------------------�--� --�-�------------------
<br /> I'' --- --- - - - --- -- -- --- - --- -- - --- - ---- ------- - - - - ----- -------- -- -- -- --- -------- ---- ---------------------------�--------------------------------------- -
<br /> ---------- - - - ---- - -
<br /> Tosether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and ap�urtenances thereunto belon�in�, arcd all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Do7ver,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Dema�zd whatsoever of the said Grantors___.,and of either of them, of,irz, or to the same, or any part thereof. ,
<br /> .
<br /> I'', �4 �d�1Q �IY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, wath the appurtenarcces, unto the said�rarztee.______and to__________her________ heirs
<br /> and assi�nsforever. �lnd___j_'y_e________herebz�covenant______with the said Grantee_____.that._______.__�?e__________________ hold___._______said premises by�ood ancl
<br /> perfect title; that_______�YY�'______._____________ha1T�_sood ri�ht and lawfud authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> andincumbrances whatsoever------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
<br />� -------------------------------------- -------------- --- ------- --------- - - -- - -- ----- --- - -- -- - ---- --- --------- -------------------------- --
<br /> �nd______________________W�_______________________ _._____.__________ couenant________to warrarzt ar�d defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful etaims of alZ persons
<br /> whomsoever-------------- -- -- - -._.__. - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------•----------- ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- ---
<br /> Dated the-----------�-5th-- ------------------da�J ��-- --JU712_.--- -------- - -- -.g.D.,19_14----•
<br /> W'ITNESS --------------------------S-�-ra��--�._�0�8--------- ---- i
<br /> F.F.�lu�s er --------------------------------��x_t�a__�._$�_s�-----------------'---
<br /> ST.1 TE OF JV EBR.1 SK'�,
<br /> � �ss. � � �
<br /> ---------�_i�.11-----------------------------County, On this-----------Z-S�h------------da�J o�--------------------JUYI�---------------------------.l1. D., 19_._��._ , before me, r
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public-------_-__---__---_-_--_----------.within,ccnd for said County,peTSOnally c¢me_------_.--------__-_----_-_--_------__-___--____-----__--_- - '
<br /> ----------5�'-rague--D.Ro�s_ _and._33ertha__E._�toss_;hu��a,�d__�,nd--wiPe-----------------------------
<br /> (5EAI, � -- ------- ------------- - ----- - -- - - -- - ---------------- ---------------------------------------------- ----------------- -
<br /> to me personallz�known to be the identical persora_S__.____whose name_3___are_____________ _ _ _ �_a fj"ixed to the aboae `
<br /> ' ___.__severall aeknowled ed the sarrie to be_____ volunta =
<br /> anstrument as�rantor--s---, and-----------t h2�1--------- �J � ��1�'-3:�'----- �J
<br /> aet ar�d deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> INW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subseribed my name and af)ixed my ofj"icial seal at_____________.____.____
<br /> ____.__C����a,n�__I_s1_an�._,_K�br_.____ _______________on the date last above written.
<br /> ----- ----------------T�_J..Hans_en----------------------------
<br /> �1�'otary Public.
<br /> .Mr� commission expires--------F�b. l7th----- ---- -- - -----19--1.�i----•
<br /> - -- ----�-----------------
<br />