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� <br /> `� �� <br /> � <br /> �4,.♦., D D C�C��OG°�D �00 ��o ' <br /> DC��D <br />_____� _ _ _ _ _ _� : _ _ _ - ___ __ __ __ <br /> „u.���-K10PF'�c-�AR3'LF,'L'T L"b.,FrinCxng,I.ithopraphing and Coainty�upp�es:'t3maTia.-" _ _ - - -- — <br />____. —,--.�— -.. .- - - ,-- __: :- :,_ _ _ __„—� _ __ _ ��w_:._r_ __ <br /> FR�✓� I hereby certifr� that this in-strument was entered on Num,ericaZ <br /> Index and fi,led for record this.________�_�_________._day of__..___.SI1rL�_____.__._.__._ <br /> �. D., 19--��-�-, at---� ---_ ___4-�.5d _- -- ---._o'clock ---�_..M. <br /> Richard__.A�,�_i_�i-in�a----�.x��_�Y.f�e-- --------. ---._-- Warranty <br /> TO Deed. • <br /> ------------------�/i��''�����c�r�-- - -�------ <br /> ------- - <br /> Re�ister of eeds, <br /> �il�ert:A_1_Qn�Q__l�.i�e�r------------------.-- -- <br /> B�------ - - ---- --- - --- --- - - --- ------------- ----- -- <br />' Deput�. <br /> �_—� <br /> -- -- . ----- — -- ---- <br />� _ --- ------ - -- --- -- <br />�� � �r�oi� �YY �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> ���t----R�c_h__arci__A..Gi_�in�s--�,n�__Je_�_�,�e__.Z�._���.�in�s_yhu�ban�i___and___v�if�- ---------------- ------------------, <br /> I$a,ll - -- --- aiz,cl �S'ta.te, o _---- - -------I-`T-ebY'a,�k�,-------- ----- ----------------- - -------(�rantor- - ----, in cor�siderati.ofi <br /> of the Count�J o�------ - ---- -- -- t <br /> of the sum of_------02'i�--��,21d__7In�_100-------------.- _ - ---------------------------DOLL.l1RS, <br /> - -- - ----------- ----- ------------------------------- -------- ----- ----------------- <br /> a,n� otrier valuable cons lderat ions. <br /> in hand paid, do_--------------h,ereby GR�?NT, B�RG./�IJV', SELL, �1.ND CONVEY'urZto-----A11���'�--,A.1.4�7�--�f.��y-----------------------------------------. <br /> ---------------------------- -- - - - --- ----- - - -�- -- -- -------------------------------------- ----- ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_----------- - - <br /> of the Count�J�f------H���.- - ----- ..-- -------and,State of_-------- -�T�b.r_��k�..---- -------- ----- ------- -- -- -- -- -- ----,Grantee,--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County of_____.__�ial�_.______________________,_______________________and State of�1"ebr8d�ka, to zvit: , <br /> �.fl�__��.�.ven---(�lnek---N_in�.�_�r.�n---(_-7.-y-.)----in.---th�----or_i����r.and.--I_s 1and,-Nebrasl�a-.-----.- <br /> - ----�--- � --- � - ._ ---- � - - -- -- ---- -- ---- - ------ -- ---�-----------�- - ---- -- - --------------- -- �-- .....--- ....._,--......--- - -- - -------------------------��----------------- ---- - -----------�------ <br /> --- ---------- ----------------- -- - ---- - - - - ----------...__.....--�-------------------------------------------�----- �---- ---------...------- �-----�----�------- ----- ------- ----- -----------------�-------------------------- <br /> ---------- --------- ----- ------ -- - -- - -- --- - - -- -- --�-- ---� -. -------------------�----�-----------�---------------------�----�-� - ------._.----------- ------ -------- -------------------------------------- <br /> -------- ----� - -- - - ---- ----- - --- -- -----------. --------- --------------------------�--------------------�----...-- - - .....------------------�---------...-----...- ----- ._...,------------------------�------------------------- <br /> -------- - - - ------- -- - -- - ---- ------ - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- � -- -- -- - --- -- <br /> To�ether with all the tenernents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,I�i�ht, Title,Interest,Dor,ver, <br /> Curtesy,Claim arcd Demand whatsoever of the said Crccntor--�----,�����I�����, of,in, or to the same, or anz�paTt thereof. <br /> �CO �d�1� AIY� t0 �OI� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�rarctee_______and to_.______h-1S-------- heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .Flnd____�t`T_S3________hereby covenant_____with the said Grantee__._____that._.____SFt�_______________________ hold___________.said premises by�ood arcd <br /> perfect title; that_______.w�_______________ha__V��ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all I,iens <br /> arcdincumbrarcces whatsoever----------------- ----------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> �1yad____.___-________�e________________._.___________________.______ coverLant_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�sainst the lawful claims of all person,s <br /> whomsoever--- ---- - -- - - --- _.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------�- -----------------------------------�----------------- - <br />' Dated the----------------------�-6�--------------da�J G�-------- �t1IL�--- -- ---- - ----.R. D.,19_..1�---• <br /> . <br /> W'ITNESS ---------------------------1�1,���'d_A_._�1_d_�.21�------------ <br /> I T-.-D-._t�.-Harr_i-s�on----------------------------------- ----------- - - --- <br /> -------------------------J�-��_i�.--N_._��d_�.�'}a---- ------ --- <br />' ST.1 TE OF NEBR�SK.g, <br /> �ss. <br /> .Ha.11---------------------------County, Orz this----------�-�-"-------------------da�J of-----------.711T1G-------------------------------------.1. D., 19_1-�k_ .. , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned,a dl�'otary Public________________________________within and for said Countz�, personally came_____._A�CI').�,�'d__,f�._Cr�_�f21��___�,1151________ <br />� ------Jessie_N.Ui�_in�s_,_�la�s�_�x�.�i---a��it1.f�------------------------------------------------------------------------ � <br /> _-- - ----- -- ------------- -- -------------------- ---- ------------ ----------------- --------------- ------------�---------�------------------------------------------ <br /> to me peTSOnally knowra to be the identical persorz____s_____whose name�____.._�re_______-____________u f�'ixed to the above <br /> {SEAL ) irestrument as �rantor_�.__., and__.__._�hf�Jl_____________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be_____t-�_j,r--_voluntczry ' <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IJV'W'ITNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjaxed my of�'icial seal at____.__Gx'�1.I1(�_.__ <br /> ___Is_land, fn___said COUrit��____________orL the date Zast above written. <br /> -------------------------�-T-.D-.�.-k��r--�i-��--------------------- <br /> ✓U'otary Public. <br /> . . . --------�9_l$-----• <br /> ,Mz� commzssaon expares-----Fe- rU�,ry--12 n --- -- - - --- --------------------- <br /> ;� <br />_ _ _ �_ _ ._ s� <br />