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: l <br /> -- � <br /> `,� �� `�.,� <br /> D�C�D C��C�OC�D �loo ��o : <br />___� . �� �:� �_ _ __-_ __ �- _ _ __ __ <br /> �G:,�O—IfLO�Is c�B.41�'TL7j�'T CO..Printinp,Lithograp7einp an�Coi�nty"SuPplies:Omoha -° _" . ' --' ° _ ` ---- —.— -� _- -- -- - -- <br /> _ .�� . <br />__ _ __:___ _._ _. _..._ _. _ _ . _ _ .;.____ -,.—.,--;_ _,_ _.—_ <br />_-__.. .... ... ...._. . ._.... .. .... . . . .. . . - �-.� - -- . . _, �._, �Y.�.:.,�_ �...._ �_..�., . _ _ _ . ._.__ _. .. . .....i, <br /> FR�� I hereby certify that this ir�strumer�t was entered orL Numerical <br /> Index arcd filed for record this...-------2-�----------daJ of-----------�1121�----------- j; ` <br /> .1. D., 19_1�k-----, at-- - -1]�:1�5 __-- -- -------o'clock,---�-.--�• <br /> _�S a�.c--T_,Y�!�.�'c�- - --- ---- - - -- - - - - ._ Warranty <br /> TO � Deed. <br /> ------- --�-- --- --- ---------------- <br /> e�ister Peeds, <br /> p��a,�ry- �_,_Hu�a�?hxey --- ------- -- - - - --- ----- ------ <br /> B�--------- -- - -- -- --- -- -- - --------------- ------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�; <br /> �i���----I i-Y��.�� T..�ft�.x�,�.i11��.e_ - --- ------ - ---- ---- ------------ - -------- ------------ -------------------------------------- --- <br /> --cr,�r,d Stc�-te o ---------2��bra_9��.----------------------- ------Grantor----------- in consideratiorz• <br />' of the Count�J ��-------�a,ll- - -- -- - f ------------------ - -- � <br /> f f -Y- � ------------ -------- - ----- - -----------DOLL�RS, <br />'� o the sum o ------x��rt'_ _ HuX_1_d��d---�4 _100 --- ---------- - -- ------------------------------ --- ------------------ ------- <br /> in hand paid, do h,ereby GR✓1NT, B.-4RGJ�LN', SELL, �✓V'D COJV'VEY'unto._I�dar�___E._�UTt1FhT'E;3T____,_____________ ___________________ <br /> of the Courzt�J��--------H�,11 -- -- ---- ------and State of_------ --I��br�SK�--- _ ---- -- ------------- - --- ---- -----,Grarr,tee-----_, th,e followin� <br /> jdescribed premises, situated in the Cou.nty of__._________________H�.7.1.__________.________________________.___and State of JV'ebrQ�ka, to wi.t: <br /> C.o�tt�x��i�g--a�.._�.__.�?oir�t---�.�.x�een _(.16.)_. r_ad�_..wes-t----�-�----�he..nor.�h e.a��_t....c.�rnex_._�f.__�.�ie---nor.�h---�r��t--qu�.r_ter. <br /> of__the nortY?._east_gua,rter__(_Nw� NE�,)_ of___sec�ion_Twelve__ (12 } oP_Townsh_ip_ _nine___(_9__)___north___of, Range____ ' <br /> Ten__(.10_.)_,WE=st_._of___th�:___sixtYl__P._�.____in_.Hall_._County.,Nebr�,sk.a;.r�tlnnirig__ then.ce._.vres_t____Qn___�h�.._sec�ipn___1_��e_. ; <br /> T:Z�.neteer�---an�l---�w-Q--.f_i_�ths- -��9---��-�--�--r-Qd-�--►--�-��;nce---s-QU�h---a�- --�'�.�?�t--ax�.��.es.,-T�r�lve._.r.Q�i�_._�kn�i---f.ift�e�n_.f.��t ' i <br /> i (-�2---r�d�_.1�_._f��:.�._)_s_�Y�en��___�a�� -��-�--x-�-�ht---��le-�--N_��eueen__�d...�a...�.�.f.tYis...-�-19--2�5-�---rn�ls.;-�11�n��.__n_orth <br />, <br /> at___ri�ht__an�le_�___Twelve___rods___and__P ifteen.,.feet_.._�_12_.rocl_s__and._15___Peet_)___to__.tne.,.Flac�___.of__be���nin�._�he <br /> s.�n.e.._1��ing---a.--r.�_c.�.a3i�zlar---pi�c e---of---1_an.d_cant_�:inin.�...s�ty--.�.i�Y�t---��inu�an�...�ne_..hundre-d---�i�Y_lt.y.---nne.--an.d <br /> thr-�.�---.�_�nths---(_5��51•3-� --squ_are_.��_�:.�� or--�.�.ss.�. -- - - -- - -- -- - --------------------------------------------------------..._..----------------------- ; : <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenaraces thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor--------��y����'��� of, ir�, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br />' �CO �d�1C �Il� t0 �OY� the aboz�e-described prerrzises,with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee________and to___��g_��________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns foTever. .,4nd____I_________hereb;y covercant______with the said Grantee______.that______.___I_____________________ hold___________said premises by�ood and <br />' perfect title; that_________1________________ha_V_�__�ood ri�ht and lawful authorit,y to sell and convey the same; that they are free and elear of all liens <br />�4 <br /> and incumbrarcces whatsoever----------------- ------------------------�------------- ------- ----- ----------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------ -------------------------- <br /> -------------------------------------------------- - --------------- - --- - --------- -- --- -- -- -- ------ -------- ---------------- --------- -------- - ------------------:------ - - <br />. ; <br />! .,4nd_ ______ ________I________ .__.___ __._______ ______________ covenant_____.__to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons _ ' <br /> whomsoeaer----------- - -- - - _ - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ---- ---- - ------------------- - - ' <br /> Dated the---------------3�--------------------.da�9�f�-- - - A�r 11--- .g. D.,19--a-4----• <br />.; IVITNESS ----------------------------L:3��� -T_._��d-- -------------------- <br />' C_._l�_,_Redma,n ------------------------------------------------------- --- -- ------------------------------------------------------ � <br /> k � <br />� ------------------------------ ------ --- - -------- ---- ----------------- - <br />` H.A.Redma,n <br /> ST.l1TE OF NEBR✓1SK.1, <br /> �ss. <br /> ��7t�-----------------------------County, On this---------------�-Q-----------------da�J of-----------------APr-i�-----------------------•.1. D., 19---1� - , before m,e, <br /> the uradersi�ned,a Notary Public.-------_-_-__-_----------_-------_--within and for said County,personally came----------__-__---_-----_-------_-__.-_ ---___---_____-_--__-- <br />; ---------- ----T sa.�,c__T_.1h!ard,_���,gl�--------------------------- ----------------------------------------------�-------------------------------------- , ,, <br /> to me personally knowr� to be the identieal person__________whose name________,__1S ufjixed to the above i <br /> (SEAI, ) instrument as �rantor________, and____._____h�____._______ seveTally acknowled�ec�the same to be________�_��__.___volunttcry ' <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IJV'Tf�7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed my of�"'icial seal at.__DIIXl�F_h�Sl� <br /> _______171___S�1d___COU21�y_�______________ _______________on the date Zast above writterc. <br /> ---------- ---- ----Ghasa�'.A�-dman---------------- - ` <br /> �''otar�Public. ' <br /> .My eommission expires------ - I)���Tilb-e-�-�-� -- --- - ---------------------------------J9--1-�----• <br />. '�. <br />