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<br />—" ;6��0-1CL013P&B.4)FfiLETT"L•a.,Prin.tinp,Lithn�raphingandCotentySupplies;�rr�nTtri. - � � �
<br /> FRO� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered or� ,Numerical
<br /> ------- ---- -- - ----------- ---- ---- -- -- - -_ - ----
<br /> Index ar�d filed for record this------1�_u-----------day of_--------,Il,�I1�--------------- '
<br /> . �1. D., 19_1�-----, at- -- �'�15 - - -----------o'elock---p-•--,M•
<br /> Ne��.�.-E--.8,_HQ�;�__�C _hu_�l��s'ld -- -- - -- -- _ Warranty _
<br /> TU Deed.
<br /> ----- ---------� ���.1-----------��,�
<br /> ���'- - ------------------ - --
<br /> Re�ister q�De.eds,
<br /> H�nry_ L ieb sa,ck - - - ---- --- - ------- -------- �/
<br /> $✓-------------- ---------- ----------------- - ---------------------------
<br /> _ ---- ---- - Deputy.
<br /> �.�.ob� �rr �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�:
<br /> ����------ �� �N�ll i-�--�,_�Q��. �,ncl---1Vi_�.mer--�.Hog�_,her._htisb.�nd---------------------- --�-------------------------------------- ----- ---- - - --
<br /> of the County of--------H�.11------------ ----uri,c�? Stcz.t;e of----------_N��r'�,3ka. - ------------------------------_Grantor---�l----, in consideTatiorz
<br /> ----- ------- ----- -
<br /> Four hundr�d 00 100 __..____:______________________voLL�RS,
<br /> of the sum o ----------- ------------------- -- - -- - - -- -
<br /> --- ------- -- ----- ----------------- ----- - -- ---------------- ----------------
<br /> iri hand paid, do________________.yiereby GR�1NT, B�RG.gIJV', SELL, ✓1ND CONVEY'unto.___._H�riY�'__I41_E1�Sa.Gk__----------_ _._____.__._._______._
<br /> of the Count�J�f----------Ht�..11--- -- -- -- ----,a,nd State of_---- --- -----N�brd,�kd, ---------- --- ---- - - -- - -------,Gran.t.e,e.------, the followin¢
<br /> desci•ibed premises, situated in the Courzty of________________k��ll____ _______________ _______.____and State of JV'ebre�ka, to uri-t:
<br /> Lo.�....�'.Q---�-�--�---�-�--�-�-QCk---�,��.u�'_-�-4-�-q� --Koek�7��r. P7��.�e-►-in---t��.._C�.ty.--.Qf---�x.�n�....I.s.lan�.,N�br_as_ka,.as...s_ur.v�.y�d.,
<br /> �.�.�±-t��- _a��_..x.ecor�.e.�-�-- ----- - -- - -- --- --- ------ ------- ---- - ---- ---- --- ---� -------,......_._... ---....-----....----� --- �---- � -- -----------------------��---------------- ------- ---
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<br /> ---------- -- ----- ------�--- -- ------ - --------- - - - -- ---- ---�_ __ - ------�- --------- -----------------------�--�---__......_..----....._... ---------- ------------- ------�------�---��-------- - ---- ---------- ---...._..------------
<br /> --- ----- -- - --.. . - --- - ------ -- - - - - --. . ._..
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and ap�urtenances thereur�to belon�in�, arcd all the Fstate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozve,r,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor._�___,q�������T�, of, in, or to the same, or anz�paTt thereof.
<br /> �CD ���lE �1�� t0 �OIb the above-descr�ibn,d premises, with the appurtenanees, unto the said�rantee._______and to________h��_____ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �9nd______�e_____herebz�covenant______with the said Grantee_______.that.___.____��__________.______ hold___________said prernises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that_____._n!e____ ha�e__�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they aTe free and clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoeveT-------------------- ---- - ------------------------------------- -------------------------
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------
<br /> �lnd_________________11L�'_________.____________________ ___________ covenant_______to warrant and defend the said premises a�air�st the lawful claims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever--- -------- - - - - ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------------------
<br /> --------------------- - --- ------ ---- -- - ------ -- -- - -- --- ---- --------- --- - - -------- ----- ------------------------------ ---------- ------------------------- -----------
<br /> Dated the------------l�th-----------------------da�J ���--- --- JU21s=- -- ------ - -------.g. D.,19-��-----•
<br /> W7TNESS --•-------------- ------------------DTt:l11-e---B.-�ID�Tl�--------- ------
<br /> ---Sr�?.r__.A 11�,n-------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------�tilm�r--B_._�iag�
<br /> ST✓1 TE OF NEBZ�.1 SK.g,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> Fidll------------------------------County, On this-----------1,$�?�----------------da�J �f--------------�Li21�---------------------------.1. D., 19__l�# ._ , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Nota�y Public__________ ______________________within and for said County, personally came_________.___._______________________________ __
<br /> ------i�T€�111-e_-B,_Ho�� �.n�--�vi1,�n��'__�,�H.Q�-�_�-h�.�.__:r�.u���,n�y----------------------------------- --- ---- ------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identieal persorc-_S__.___avhose rcame_S__3�'E--------------- ---------�f}'ixed to the above
<br /> (SFAL ) instrument as�rantor__�.__., and_____________thf;�T___ severallz�aeknowled�ed the sarrze to be___�xl��Z'-----_voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofjicial seal at___('sr�T],d-_________
<br /> ____._I�land,.lri_�d��l.__C_O_tlri��l______.____on the date Zast above written.
<br /> --------Ja��--���ax�------------------------
<br /> .Notarz�Public.
<br /> ,My commission expires------ -- ��=-�-r ----- --- -- -------------------------------------- --Y9-�$-----•
<br />