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i. <br /> � �^� <br /> S��x._ .. D��C� C��C�O�D �oo ��n <br />��__ _ _ : : _ _ _ � _ -_ _ <br /> �6��0—fZ`LDI'�c�SARTTF•TT'CD.,Printing�7 zZho�raptiinp and Cou+ttg/St��p�tts:f?�riaha. � � ^� <br /> FRO.M I hereby ce,rtify that this instrument was entered on �N'umericab <br /> ----------- -- ---- -------- --- - --- - --- -- - --- --- <br /> Index and filed for record this________lZ___,____.___day of______s�l�I1�_.__._.________ <br /> �. D., 19--1�---, at-- - -- -�' - -- - __--- --------o'clock--I?.---�• <br /> -- <br /> ���-e-r---�ES�E'I�---�.�ld---�a.11-liSi�--�L'.�.i5�21----- Wal'Y'anty <br /> Deed. ` � � <br /> TO ti���---------'r�=�-'-� - -------- - <br /> -- ------ - ---- -- ---- --- -- . <br /> ' Re�aster Deeds, <br /> Chri s__J���en--------- -------------- - ------------------- I <br /> B�J--------- - ----------- ----- - - --------..---------------Deputy.--- <br /> �r�o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�et�t�: <br /> ����----- ��,_P�_z_er J_e�e�n -a,i1�_ P.aa.zline.--S_e4���. --�-husb_�n.d_.and_wif_e-�--- ------------------ <br /> of the CountJ of_--------Hdll-----------------_urr,�l ,SYtat� of------------------N�brd�k�3,-------------------------------------------------Granto���------, in consideratiora <br /> ofthe sum of_-------- 021E--a,21�--T10%100--- --- -- -- - ---- ----------------------=------- ---- ----------------- --------------------- -- ---- ---- ---------DOLL�RS, <br /> in harzd paid, do------------------h,ereby GR.FINT, B.gRG.F1I✓V', SELL, �ND co�v'VF�'�tinto------�hr_i-s---�_e��en------------------------------------------- ------------------ <br /> ---------------------------- - - --- ---- ---- - -- - -- - - ------------- --------------------------------------- ----- ------------------------- <br /> of the Courct�J��---------Hs�.11 - - --- - - ------and State of----- - -- --N�:b�'c3��Kc�, - -- --- ------------ - _ ----- -._,Grarz,tP.P-------� the followirt� <br /> described prernises, situated in the County of_._ ___.Hs�ll______ ______________________------_-_-----------ar�d State of JV'ebr��ka, to rui•t: - <br /> Lo�.._1�um�er...S_ix----(6--�---in.__.Blo ck._Numb.e.r_.One----(-1--)_H._G._C lark'.s.._Add i t�,�x.l---�.Q...�xan�;�_.._Is1�n._d.1N_ebr.a��1�a,-a�.------... <br /> surveYe�-��'l�,t.t,_e��d_:_r.�c�rde��-- ----.. --....-- -� ---- ---- ----- -------- ---- ----�-�----........ ......_� - -� -- ---- -----------------�----------- --------�--------------�-- -- -...------- <br /> ---- ------- ------- ---- - - - ----- - - -- - - ----- --- -... ---------- ------�--------------------------- ----------------------- ---. ---.....--------�---�--- �-------- -� --� --------- --------------- - <br /> ---- --------------------- ------ ---------- --- -------�--------- --- - ---- - - ------ --�---------- -----------------�---------------------------------�--...---- ---- --------...------------�---- -----...-------- <br /> ---- --- - -- ----._..------- _- - -------- -- ---------- -- -- ----��---- ----�--.._-----------------------------------._...----- ----------------- ------------------------ --- �------------�--- ------------�------ <br /> ---------- - - - --------------�---- - --- �- ---- - -- --- --- --- -� -- --- --- �---------�------------------------------�------ ----.......-- -------�----------�--�- -----------....... ---- ._........ - ------ -------�-- <br /> -- -------- ------ -- -- - -- - --- - - - --- -- -- - - - -- - --- ---- --- --- --- - -- - --- ---- - - -----�- -- ------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dor��er•, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe��er of the said Grantor_�____,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, oT any paTt thereof. <br /> �0 �A�1Q AI�� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,urzto the said�rantee________and to___.____h��--------- hei�•s <br /> and assi�ns forever. .�4nd____�1Y_E:_______hereby cover�ant_.____with the said Grarztee_.______that__________y�[E_______________ hold__________said premises bz��ood and <br /> perfect title; that_______��___________._____ha._Y_�_�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and corcvey the same; that they are free and elear of all liens ` <br /> andincumbranees whatsoever---------------- - ------ ---- ------------------------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- <br /> �nd_________________�Ii_�__. _ _.____.._______., covenant________to warrant and deferzd the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons ' <br /> whomsoever------ -- - -- - - - -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ ---------------------------------- ------------------------- <br /> Dated the------------��-�-� -------------------da�J �f- -- -1���_QTC112�Y'--- ---- - ----.__�1. D.,19--�-2---• <br /> W'IT�V'ESS ----------------------------I�G��PT'---J�B_S_�ri --- ---- ---------� <br /> Jame s_E.�i 11----------------------------------------- ----------- - -- - -- <br /> --------------------------------Paulin�--Se_s��n------------ --- <br /> ST.SLTE OF NEBR�SK�4, <br /> �ss. <br /> ---------Hall-----------------------------County, On this--------��_1_�T'd-----------------d��J ��-------------�i��-------------------------------------.fl. D., 191�- ._ , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public___________________________________tvithirr,and for said County,person¢lly came_______ _ <br /> --------P�t�r--Jes__sen- �.n�__.�_�.u_�_���---���_�ex�__�-hu��_an.�i---�,nd--�!if�--)-------------------------------- <br /> (SEAL ) to me personally knozvn to be the identical person�.__.____whose name__�___i�S'�_________..______.______af�'ixed to the above I <br /> i,nstrumerzt as �rantor�..___., ar�d____._�x1��?_____________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be_____Z1'ln�,r'-----volzcntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose theredn expressed. <br /> INW'ZTNESSWHEREOF,IhaveheTeunto subscribed my name and afJixed my of�Leial seal at____�rd11d--------- <br /> __I s la.nd,Nebr�.5k�_________________ ________________on the date last above written. <br /> -------------------------------J__.�,_Ili11-------------------------- <br /> ��'otarr�Public. <br /> ,Mz� commission expires-------�Li1y-_16th- ----- --- ------------ ---- ---------------- ----- --19---��----• <br />� <br />