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' <br /> , <br /> ---- - - ----- --- ---'�2U�-------- --------�- <br /> ----------- - - <br /> Re�ister o Pee,�ls, <br /> sT_Ql'��1 �L,_�i_�a.Gl{. --- - --- -..__ <br /> B�- --- -- _ --- ---- - - -- - --- --- --------------------------- <br /> _ Deputy. <br />' -- -- -- - - --_ _ __- -- - - ----- ------ <br /> __ ---__ <br /> i — -- ----- --- ___-------- -- <br /> �.�o� ��Y �e�. �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: , <br /> �tL��t-------�tefl�3�r�an-�'.i��b-el-ar�d--��:rtha- �'.-Ll�belT�i�---�z��'e-- ---------------------- ----- -----�------------ - �------------------- --- - -- <br />' of the CountJ of-----H�.11--------------------an,�l ,S't�r,te of..__------------?y-�l�Y'�,Sk�.------------- --_Grantor---S----, in consideratiora <br /> of the sum of_----F_��4__hUn_dx_G'_�1___4.4�_�.QQ --- ------- ----- - - ------- ----------------- -- --- - - ----------------- ------------------------ - - ----------DOLL.IRS, <br /> in hand paid, do_ hereby GR�NT, B�RG.lII�V', SF,LL, .�.ND COJ1rVEY'unto----J-ohn__H._Fi�.�,C�t----------------------------------------------- ------------------ <br /> of the Count�J��- ----H�1-1- -- - - - - -.and State of------- ---- ------N���'c�.�1C� --- - --- --- ---- -- -- ----,Gran,,----__, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in, the Cou.nty oj'____ ___.__Ha._l__l______,_ ___________._______________.______.___arz,d State of Nebr��ka, to wit: <br /> �o�---�-�x-�-���-�)--�-�n---�310��-�'-i-f:t�en- ( 1� )-of-�'ai� -ui.�w__Par-k..A.d.d-i-t-i-on---�a---�h�...�ity---a�---��a�c�-..I�-la,�d-,---- - -- --- <br /> Nebra�ka_,�s..._slzrvey�d.,_Flatt�c�--an�- -r�corcied�- ---- -- - - --- -.. ..............� -�-- .... �-- ........_....._._...----------- �--- ------ <br /> --------------------- - ------------------- <br /> - -- - -- - ----- -- - - -- - --- -- -------------------- ---- - -----�-------------� --- ----------- ----...--- -- - --- -- ------- ------.._..-----------�--------------....----.__..----------------------- ----------------------- <br /> _-- -------- --- ------ - -- - - --- -------- - ---- ----------�------------------------------------�--�-------..._�----- -...--- -� -----�------ -----------------..------- ---- - -------------------------------- ------- ---------------- <br /> -� ---_� - - - ---------� --�--- --- - ------- --- -- - -- -- - --- -------...__...----�- ---- ------------------------------ -----�---..._._.._.--------------------._....-�-------...--�---�---.....---..... - -------- ------- -�-�-- ------- <br /> ---------- --- ----------- -- --- --- -- --- -- - -- --- - - -- --- -- -- - - - - ------- --. . <br /> To�ether with all the te3zements, hereditc�ments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�irc�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Do�oer, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of th,e sai,d Grantor-�---,�����►'c����, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �11 ���IQ AIY� t0 �O�b th-e above-descri,bed premises, with the appurtertances, unto the said�rar�tee._.__._and.to____h1_:�_____________ heirs <br /> I and assi�ns forever. .Flnd._wP________._herebz�covenant_______with the said Grar�tee______that_________we_____._________.._ hold__________said premises by�ood and <br />� <br /> perfect title; that_________We_______________haV�___sood ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell and convey the same; that the�are free and clear of all liens <br /> andincumbrances whatsoever--------------------- ------- - ------------------ -------------------------- ------ --------------------------------------------------------------�--------- ----------------- <br />' ,qnd_____________WE_________________._________________________ covenant__.____to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of alZ persorzs <br /> whomsoever------- -- - ---- - - - -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- <br /> ----- - ----------- --------------- - - ----- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ----- - --- <br /> rd -- --da June -- -------- -- - -�1. D.,19----�-�--• , <br /> Dated the----- -----3----------------------- �J �1�-- --- - - <br /> T�7TNESS ----------------------------L�,Ip.a,17.--�V-•-�IehEl------ ------------- <br /> John Alla,ti ----------------------------��r_tha�__J__._IIeb-e1-------------------- ` <br /> ST.1 TE OF NEBR�SK�, <br /> �ss. <br /> ------------Count Ort this---------�}Y'�i-----------------da� of--------------�TllTle----------------------------_✓1. D., 19--1�- - , before me, <br /> --------Hz��.�------------------- �J� <br /> the urLdersi�ned,a Nota�y Publie_______________________________---within and for said County, personcclly came_._________________. <br /> ----�ym�,n--1�,_Ue1�e1--a,nd---]3�rtha__�'_,_U�b�l-�-�-��---YY.�.�'�--------------- -- -------------------------------------- ---- <br /> (SEAL ) t,o me personally known to be the identical person_�._______whose name___S__are________ .af}axed to the above <br /> instrument as�rantor____�_, arLd.__t71�y___.__.____________severallz�aeknowled�ed the same to be_______L_�7�e_7.�'____voluntary <br />, act and deed for the purpose thereir� expressed. <br />' INW7TNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subseribed my name and afj"axed my of�'icial seal at______�'r�'d.S��1______ <br /> ____I_�_1d.Tld_,�1'll._Sd�d_ COLirity__.__,________an the date last above written. <br /> -------- --------------------John__All�----------------------- --- <br /> Notar�Public. <br /> ,My commission expires------------ - _J�,11. ,�� - ------19-1�------• <br />