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� __ <br /> � ��� <br /> ��a...,, D��� ���O�D ��a �O❑ <br /> _. _� __�_- � - --- - -- <br /> �:__�__. _,� ._s_. _ ._. _. �. _ ..,. ---- � _. <br />— Sd�il�--KI.OPP&BA�LE1`1"�Cb.,Prinling,Litleographing a�id Counly Suypl%es;Dir+a3aa _ � �� <br />--.. _... �� <br /> _..._. . . __,. �,.,-..— ,._. _ _ .. _�- _.---._—_ __.,._. __ _- - �-.--. _ � ���. ��__ _ <br /> � __. <br /> FRO�11 I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> -- ---------- --•-- •--------- - ------ --- - -- --- -- - --------- <br /> Index arid fcled for record this__________a._____________day of________J_LL11E�.__�--------- <br /> .1. D., 19__ 14__, at.---- ._ .___-- ���5 - ------o'clock--- --P-..M. 'J <br /> He�1'�?'--A�.��n--&-W_if�--- - -- -_ , - - Warranty <br /> TO Deed. ,� G (/5� � : <br /> �� _ <br /> -- ------- -�----- -- - - --�----- <br /> ---- --- <br /> Re�ister o Deeds, <br /> John_ Alla,n---------------- -- . --- - - -------- --___ <br /> B✓------ - ---- ----- --- -- ------- _------------------------ <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� �r� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t� : <br /> ��JA�----- ti��_,H_�nry A�1-�,n and P�innie P_.Allan.�his--vuif�.-------- ----------�------ -----------------�-------------------�-�-------------- --- <br /> of the County of---------�i72�-----------------ancl �S'ta,t� of---_----....__W_'c3.Sh.frig�021------------------_---------------------._----------Grantor.�--------, in consideratiorz <br /> of the sum of_------021� --00_�_100--- ----- --- - ------------- --- -------------------------------- ---.DOLL.lRS, <br /> ----------- ----------------------- - -- <br /> (and o',:he.r valuable considera,tion� ) <br /> in hand paid,�do__________________hereby GR.gNT, B��G�IN, SELL, .,4ND CONVEY'unto____;1�Dh21--A.1.7,rcL�l-------_--_-_---_------ __---------------- <br /> --------------------- ----- - --------- ----- -- --------- - ----------- ----------------------- ----------- -- -------- - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- - --- <br /> of the Countr�of---------__H__d,ll----------------------and State of-------------��'��'s'��k�---------- _-----------------,Gran,tee.-------, the following <br />', described prernises, situated in the. County of_______.___..H�11___._______________________________.__________an,d State of Nebr�►8ka, to wit: <br />� Lot.._Nine----(-Q-)---in--B,lock---Thirty---(.30.�__oP. Hu��::el---Whe�ler.!.s_.Ad��it.ic,�_...��----��,e----C.i.��,---------- <br /> I� Ne�raska.,as- �urveyed_#P-la��-ed -a�_c_i__�'_�.�;_Q_x'_��:_d. - - - - ----.. ............�--- --- - - - --......_.._........---- �----------------------------------� ---�-�-----�-- -- ------- <br />' -- ---------- - ---- ---- --� - --- -- - - -- ------ - -- -- ------ --- - ---- --- - - --- - --�------ -- ---- ----------- ---- -------�------------------------------------------- -----------------------�-- <br /> To�ether with all the tenem,ents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor-a----,�+���c����'i�i, of, ir�, oT to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 �d�IC AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises,with, the appurtenarzces,u.nto the said�rantee._,____and to___.________________.___ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �lnd_____S�Y�_______hereby covenant____._.zvith the said Grantee__.____that_________YYE?________________.__ hold___________.said premises bz��ood and <br /> perfect title; that_____We_______.__________ha_ve_�SOOd ri�ht and lawful authority to sell an,d convey the same; that they are free and elear of alL liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever____�XC��.?t___d__TI1Grt�e�,�;�_ O�'___��QQ,.OQ.___�2?.___��?.YOx'___Qf___�l��.�xF3_,_�1�,��d___I2�_C..10,_L�1�__�S1C1 <br /> I rec�r�ied---in__�o�k_._�7-,-�a�;e--�-5_�_,.wh�ch__Grdn.tee_a�5�n�s--and--a�re�;-�----tQ---�?a�Y,wi_th__jnt�ss-e-s-t---f'r_flm_._i_t�--�i�,Le,- <br /> as -�art o#' s��id �ons�.der�t_iQn-•----- --- --- ----- - - -- - ------- - ---------- ----------------- ---------- ---- -- --------- - - ---------------------------- ------ <br /> .Flnd_____ ____iK�__________________ -._--_-_---__-_ warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever------exeeFt said mort�;a�e------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- <br /> -------------------------------- - --- ---- - ----------------- --- <br /> ---------------------- ----- - ---- - -- ---- ---- -- - --- -- --- --- ----- - - - - ---- ----------- ---------------------------- - ------------------------------------------ - <br /> Dated the---------�5��----------------- ---------da�J ��- ---A�}Y'11 - --- ------------------.fl. D.,19--1�----• <br /> . <br /> WzT�V'ESS -------------------------Hex7.r�---Allan---- --------- ---------- <br /> ---- -- -�Y_._D,_La.n�----------- -------------------------- ---------- -------------------------I�ix�nie---�-.All��n-- -------- ----- <br /> �Va,Sh i n gt on ---------------------------------------------- <br /> -------ST�1TE OF �j���� <br /> �ss. <br /> �ln�----------------•--------------County, Orz this--------�-��-��----------------------da�J �f------------A.�,?�'��7.-----------------------------.g. D., 19---1�-.. , before me, <br /> the uradersi�ned,a JV'otarz�Public__________________________________within and for said County,personally came____.___________________________________ __ <br /> ------H�r�_r�r_A11an--a.n�__�inni_�__1_..A11an,hi s---�z1..f_e-------------------------------------------------- --------------- ----- ------- <br /> (SF:AL ) to me personally known to be the identical persora�__.__.___whose name__s__�,r�________________________afj"ixed to the above <br /> iszstrument as�rantor___�_., and______�h��!_________________severally aeknowled�ed the same to be__#,�E�1�'_____:__volur�tary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I,N'W7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscrtbed my name and afrixed my ofj'ieial seal at____S��,t�1�?7_ <br /> ____.___in___s�id__ Cc?l�nty__,___________ ________________on the date Zast above written. <br /> ------------- ------------------�!,_�,_�ane---�-------------------- <br /> ✓Votar�Public. � <br /> ,Mz� commission expires-------All�-Ll-�t--l�Y-1->1-5---------------------------- �� <br />