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<br /> �.-_ D��D G��C�O�D �loo ��o
<br /> __ ___ _ . _ _ - _ _ _ __ _
<br />_ _ _ _ � �__ .. ____� __ __- _ _ _ ___
<br /> 5b�i0--KIOPP,&BARTI.PTT CO.,PrinGinq,LiUaopr¢plaing a�zil County Suppdies;Orriafia. -_ _ _ _ _
<br /> 1''R�� I hereby certify that this instrumerzt was entered or2 Numerical
<br /> ---- Index and filed for record this------2�-------------day of_------�c'�.y--------------------
<br /> ✓1. D., 19- 1�----, at--- �'�� -- - - --------o'clocTc--P'--�•
<br /> Wm.H.Middagh--and---y1i�'� ------------------------_...--- Warranty
<br /> �.0 Deed. � �
<br /> ---- ------ - --- -- -- ------ -------- ------------ ---------------
<br /> Re�ist of Peeds,
<br /> Claude._H��ove---and_wif-e-------------------
<br /> ��-------- - --- --- - ----- - -- ---- -- - - ------------ - - -----
<br /> De ut
<br /> ----- ---- - - -------- ------ - ------ -- - -- ---- p '�'
<br /> �.�.obn �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�et�t�:
<br /> ����---- YJm_,_H..�nl�cl�.��h_.�xt.d__.M�,rie._1�IidCl��h -�h��--W�._�'e.-�--------- - -- - ------------------ -�-------------- - -- --- -
<br /> of the CountJ ��--------$�,11 - - --- - ---ur�d b�tai;e of- -- --r1�hr�,3�Cc3�-- --- - --------------------------- ----- - ------Qrantor--�3 ------, in consideration
<br /> of the sum of_--------Q11�- -I)4�1c1.�'---�21C�--C�_�.��E;.p. ._�QTl��(��r_�.t_i9�1----------------- --- ------ ---- - --
<br /> -- --- --------------------- ---- ---------••-�'�����# +
<br /> in han.d paid, do �zereby GR.FINT, B�RG.FIIJV', SELL, .FIND CO�V'VEY'r�nto___C1d.11dS__li.DovE.__and__K�.thr_ine-_�4.-IlOUe---�h1-�-
<br /> �-�--F'�-�-------------- - ---- ---- ------------------ ---------- ---- - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - -- ------------- -- '
<br /> of the Countz�of-----------Ha,ll------------------------and State o�----------------N�bI'�1,81��--------------------------------.------------------,Grarz,t.ee-S----, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the Gbunty o/'_._________�i�.11_____ ._.___._________________________________and State of JV'e,bre�ka, to wit:
<br /> _T,Q_�...N��.�----�-9-)---in---.Bl.o_�k---TY�.ixt een----(-13-�---�f--�c;himr?er_'.�...A,d!�it��.�n...t�n_..th.�----C.i.t�..._o.P....Gr�nd---I.s.land,I�ehraska,
<br /> _as_..surveye.c�.,.F la,t t��--and__.re_c;o_rd�d_,tr�.�ether...wi th--the_._im��r�vement.s...therc�on---------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> .
<br /> -�-Sub j ec t_,_howeu er,.��---nn.e---.c_er.t.a.in�mcr_t�a.�;�.,-F-ayab 1�.._to..-tY�e---�.c_c.i-den��.l_..Buildin�---�.n-�---I,-o-a.n-A��.o-c-�-a.�i-on,
<br /> ---.�.�---�z��hasNebr-a.�ka-,-in- -W.Yie--�ri�;ina1._.sum..of.---Thir_t�F.�n---Hun.dr-e-d--�,nd--.N.o�.1�04----G,��-�44.-4C1--)---]30-1-1-ar--s-Twh�-ch-
<br /> ----�h.e---s_ai.d---gr�,nt e�s...Y��er�.in---a�.sume- and--�,�r.-�.�;---to---��ay.-•--�------��---��--�----------------------- - ---------------------------. ----- --------------------------------- _
<br /> --------- ----- ----------- ----- - ---- ----- ._... --------- ---� --�-------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------� -------- -- ------------ ------------------- ---------- --- -- -------- ---------- -----------------------------
<br /> -------- - ------- -- --- - - - --- --- -- - - -- - - - --- - - - - - - ---- .
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenanees thereurcto belon�in�, arcd all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��er,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grar�tor___S__,��G���������of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �CO �d�1C �IY� t0 �OI� the above-deseribed prenzises,with, the appu,rtenances, unto the said�rantee5____and to______'�hH�r._______ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .�4nd__.Yit�________hereby covenant_._____with the said Grantee_S_____that______ti'!f_�_____________________ hold___________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that._________'v!11_e______________ha_V e_�ood ri�ht and lawful authoTity to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lier�s
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever---�X��pt----t-�.X��-�,�1.�.,__�,t�_OV-�---(1PBC_rf11_eC�---f_�r3-t---Il1QI'��;a�7e--------------------------------------------- ---------------------.-
<br />' �1nd_____________.W2______________________________ ____________._ _ covenant_.__.___to warrant and defercd the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever--------- -- .__._- ---- - - - ----- -----------------------------------------•------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ - - ----- -----
<br /> Dated the--- ------�-�h----------- -da�J �f- - �`�� ---- --- --- - -�. D.,19--��----•
<br /> W'ITNESS ---------------------�.H-.�,j.��13�?;Yl.------------------------------- -
<br /> _�,_T._Flower--------------------------------------------------- --- -- ------------------------l+dar__i�---�.gi�i�ia.�h- ----------------- --
<br /> ST✓ITE OF JV'EBR.ISK�1,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> ------=-x�-�-----------------------------County, a On this----------�-��--------------------daJ of------------11�C�-----------------------------------.�. D., 19---14._ , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public___ ______________________withir�arid for said County,persor�ally cc�me______________________________________________________________
<br /> ------_.Wm_._H_._l:�is�si�h-and__Marje---�isi�la.�h---Ghis__�i.��-�------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
<br /> (SF.,AL ) to me personally known to be the identical persor�___�_____whose rzame__�__c1T'�________________________afjaxed to the above
<br /> irestrument as�rantor___.�__, and____..__.'��l.f�y._______________severallz�aeknowled�ed the same to be____�hG'�r_____voluntarr�
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expr�essed.
<br /> INW7TNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�"cxed my of�tcial seal at____�,���_______
<br /> ___I_�land_,_in___said___Cour�ty,.____________on the date last above written.
<br /> ---------------------�_,.T..Fln�ter_-------------------------------
<br /> ✓V'otar�Public.
<br /> ✓vly commissiorc expires---------A11�US�--2-�-�Yl,- - ---------------------- -- r9---�}---•
<br />