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<br /> , of the Countz� of_-------H��.1-- -------------- __crr��l Stczic� of-- ---- -------Id�bx'a8_k�.---- ------ ------- -- --- _.-------Grantor-- .-------, iri eonsideratiorz i
<br />' '; 1
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<br /> in hand paid, do-.---------------l�,ereby GR✓1✓V'T, B�RG�qI��, b'ELL, �1�1�'D CO�?V'I�'EY'r�,nto---_W.111�-c�t1---G_,R.�IT11��1,t---��I.C1--Q?�t�---H.I��Irix2�,21_L,-- i
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<br /> of the County of_- -----_H_a,_1__1--- ---- - -----_ ._----and b'tate of- _---- Ne�T'a,5kc7. ----.--- f �S I
<br /> ______ _________ ___ _____,Grant.ee,`3____, the ollowin
<br /> deseribed, pj�emises, situated in. th,e Courz-ty of___ __ _ H�3,J._J. . ________ar�,d State of N�br��ka, to wit: i
<br /> Fract.ional.__l�t number Six 6 in Fractic�na,l bl , � '
<br /> ', ----------------- --- - -...�- --�- -- __ -- -- -- -- ock-�irty--.Llght--��-��--�----in__Ru�.:�e.l._.Wheeler'S-- additiQn �
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<br /> To�ether with all the tenefrzerLts, hereditar.2ertts, artd ap�urt,esaczrt-ces thereu�ato bedort�in�, arzd all th.e Estate,_Ri�ht., Tit,le,Interest,Dor��Pr, �
<br /> �
<br /> ,�; Curtesy,Claim and Dem�cnd zvhatsoever of tFce said rrantor-------,c������� of, in,, or to th,e same, or any part thereof. �
<br /> �' �D �A�1Q AIY� t0 �0�� the above-descri•bed prerrLises, with t�ze appur�en,ances, unto the said�rantee__:�___and to____�th�1Z'______ heirs �
<br /> �arcd assi�ns forever. .!�nd__.__I_____ ._herebz�covenant_______wath tlze saicl Crantee.�__that_________I_____________. hold__________saad prem,ises bz��ood and �
<br /> '. I
<br /> !' perfeet title; that________I____.____________ha-1!�_bood i°i�ht arzd lccwful ccu-t,horitr� to sell arzd eonvey the same,; that they are free and elear of all liens ;
<br /> �
<br /> andineumbrances whatsoever------------------- - ------------- -------------- ------- - --- -- - ----------------------- - -------------------------------------- -------------------------- �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> ------------------ -- --- -------- -- ------ - ---- _ _ - - - - --- -------- - -- ----- --- ---- - -------- - --- -- - �.
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<br /> � �
<br /> I .,4rid______________ _____.I_.____ __ __ ___________________________ c�venant______to wczrrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> . If
<br /> whomsoever-------------- __...._..-------- - -- -____ a
<br /> - - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
<br /> ------------- - ---- -- - --- - -- - --- - ------------- --- �
<br /> II� ------ __ ___ - __ -- - - - - - -------- ---- I,
<br /> - - - -- - - - -- -- - - -- --- -----
<br /> ,
<br /> I. Dated the-- ---26"------ �
<br /> -------- - ---day of'_ _ 14ic�'Ch _-- --- - .�4. D., 19 1�__ . i
<br /> {
<br /> �
<br /> �' u�zT�ESS --------------Theodore--H_,_Remb_ol-t------------------------ '
<br /> �, '
<br /> i: . Geox e- Cowton--- -- --------------- ----- -- ---- --- ----------------------- -- - ---- - - -
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<br /> I ---- --� - - -
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<br /> I', ST�TE OF JV'EBR�1SK.g, ) f
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<br /> �I'', ---------Hjd11----------------------------CourZty, ) Ort this--------2fi�h ---- ----------�a�✓ o�----------�2�,�Ch---------. _�. D., r9__14_. , before me, �
<br /> ,� the urzder�si�ned, a Notary Public.______.___________..__._.______zvi-t,hin,a�zcl for suid Countz�, personally carrie___��eQCIQr�_.H._Rei111�4_��___-___.____________
<br /> 1
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<br /> ;i to me personadly known to be the ide.ntical persorz__.__.____whose name___.._....__j.fl________________________afj'ixed to the above
<br /> �,
<br /> „ .
<br /> � �I (SEAL � instrument as �rantor________, and__________21�_______________ ___ _������'cknowled�ed the sarrze to be___hi s___________voluntary ,
<br /> �; act and deed for the puTpose thereir� e�r,,uressed. � '
<br /> 'i I.NW'Z"1',N'F.SSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subseribed my name and af�'ixed mz� ofj'icial, seal at___�'zT_�Sld__I-Sl�d
<br /> I'
<br /> ,� __.__,Nebr��,sKa,�in said Courit� ____on- th,e date l�zst above written,.
<br /> �' I
<br /> �I ------- - -- �eor�e__Cowton----- -------- - ------- -- I
<br /> �' ��''ota7'7� PublLC.
<br /> (� ✓llz� commr.ssion expires___________?��I�3.�.10________ _
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