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�,�� <br /> �-; DC��C� G��C�Oo �D �oo ��a <br />_ __ _ _ ,_ � � � __ _ - _ _- ___ <br /> � ���0-1�'T�3P�c�7#!A�'1'LF,TT C�J.,Pr2:nlxng,T,athogr2pleing and CoicnZy Sr�TpZies;nmaha. � ^ ~ � � _ <br /> FRO.M I hereby certify that this irzstrument was entered on dl�'um,erical <br /> � <br /> Index ared fcled for record this._------1�'--------------daJ of_------���-------------------- <br /> �. D., 19-1�----, at-- - _ - 9--- - -- - -- -----o'clock,--A._,M. <br /> -S��_c�---Z-,_HczL�.�htQn,-unm�rx'i_�_�__--- �Warranty � <br /> �,0 Deed. � <br /> ------ - ------ -- �r%�z��------- --------------- ------------ - <br /> Re�ister Deeds, <br /> _E�l_ith_A.S chep�r s- --- - - - -- - --- ---- --- <br /> B�------ -- --------- - ..--- - ------- - - ------�-------- ------- <br /> - - - -- --- - -- - ---� <br /> Deputy. <br /> ��oi� ��� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�: <br /> ����---- �-,�,Tac�t�--L,Hou�hton,u,nm�,rr i ed - ---, - -- - - - - -------�------------------------ --------------- -- --------------- <br /> -------�---------- - --- ------------------ ---- --- - -------- ----- ----- ---- ------------------- -- - --------- - ---- ------ ------------------------ <br /> ----- ----------------------- ------------- <br /> I� of the Countz� of----WeStp7).------- ------------ran,d ;Stcr.t� of--------W�Qirl�.Zl� -----------GTantor---------, in consideratiora <br /> ofthe sum of--------_Qne -�iun�r��---�i�h�y ----- -- -- --- - ----------------------------------------------------------- - --------- ---------------------- -----DOLL.IRS, <br />�i in hand paid, do-------------hereby GR�NT, B�RG�IN, SELL, .gJV'D CONVEY'urcto----- !'��.�h__.Ax_�`'�_�I1��ez'fi.-------------------------------- ------------------ <br /> of the Count�J of- ----wG S_�QX1 --- - --- ----and State of_------ -- -W�QI71�.rtg- - ------------- ----------- -- - -----------,,-------, the followirc� <br /> described pTemises, situated in the County of_____. ___ H�11,___,______._._______________.______.__________arz,d State of JV'ebr��ka, to zvit: <br />', .��_�.__No.xt.h.._��!o---Hura.�r.e.c.l---F9r�,y-f_�.v�---f��t---af--la.�:---.�c�ux---�.n�i---.�ki�...�T.Qx_�zl._.T.wo---.Hun.�ir_�-d---Far.t�V--fiv�---f.�et----o� <br /> -Z�ot-t�-'-re�--'-�- Ad�. _i_ti_on.--��-..tne_.Villa,��--��-- Wood_._�tiver.,�-•----------------------------------...........:_... - - --- <br /> _Sub_ject to- a1-1--un���i�.- t��;-s-----------------�---�------�------�----.....- -- --- - - <br /> - --_. ---- ------- ----� ------------------------------------------.....-------------�------- -- -----.. <br />' -----�--------- ------- --- -------- - ---- -- - - - ------ ----�------ �----- - ----- - --�---- �-�-------------�------------- -------------------.......--- -- ----- --------------�------- ---------- ------------------....-�-------------.._. <br /> ---- ------------- �-- -- .._--- - -- - -- -� -- - - - - - --- -- - -- ----- ----------------- -------------� -_----------....---......------------------..... ---- -------------�------ .......---�---�-�--------------- ----------� <br /> -- --�- - - -- -- ----- -- -- -- ------ -- - -- - - - - - - - - - --- - <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditar�2ents, ar�d appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, arcd all the F,state,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er, <br />, Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor______,a���������{'i, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 �d�1Q A1Y� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rar�tee___.____and to___hG'Y'__ _ heirs <br />�' and assi�ns forever. .�nd___I_____._ _herebr�covercant_______with the said Grantee______.that______.__Z.____________________ hold____.______said premises by�ood and <br /> I�� perfect title; that__________T____._____________ha_Ve_�ood ri�ht and lawful authorit� to sell and eonvey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever------------------- - ----- ----------------------------- -------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------- ------ -- ---------------- -- - ---- ---- --- -- - -- - ---------- - -- -- ------ - ---- - -- -- --- - --------- -- ------ -------------- <br />', ✓lnd,____________.________L_._________________ ________________. _ warrant and defend the said premises a�airzst the lawful claims of all persoras <br />' whomsoever---------- - ------ - - -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- : <br /> ----- ----------------------------------------- - ----- ------------------ --- <br />�, ----------------------- -- - ---- - --- - ------ - - --- -- ---- -- --------- ---- - - <br /> Dated the---------12 tYl------- ---- ----------da�J �}�- ---- 1'Jid.�--- ---------- -- ---.Fl. D.,19--1�-----• <br />; W7T.�'ESS -----------------J�cOb---�,_._�OU�ht_On- - ----------------- <br /> . ------------------------------------- <br /> W L_�S�r<�.�u� _ <br /> •-- ---------------------------------------------- <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR�SK�4, <br /> ss. <br /> ---------�all-----------------------------County, Orc this.------12�h------------------da�J �f------------�qd,y_�----------------------------------✓1. D., 19_l�-- - , before me, <br /> the unclersi�sned, allotaryPublic______.____..__________________________within arzd for said Countr�, persor�ally eame.____JdC_Ob___I,._H4U.ght-Ori-______._______ __._ <br /> --- ------ - ----- - ------- ------------ -- ------------ - -------------- ----------- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> _ to me personally known to be the identical persoro___________whose name____________�:i.____________________afj'ixed to the above <br /> (SEAL ) . , <br /> anstrument as�rantor________, and___.._____h�______________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be____h�_S___________voluntary � <br /> act and deed for the purpose there�n ex7�ressed. � <br /> INW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed my of�'icial seal at__.___W__OOd__R1V2�', <br /> -_-_--�,r?_-5d,�_d___CO11Y1_ty__,--_________ ________________on the date Zast above written. <br /> ----------------------W._�_.5prague----------------- <br /> --------- ---- <br /> �N'otar�Public. <br /> ✓YIz� commission expires------- -1'�3Y'Ch_-2�s - - --- - ------------------------------------19---�g----• <br />