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<br /> �o.�°U-1C7,01�'P&BAt�TT,�E'Tfi CO.,Printing,I,ithngrap�ing and�o'unty i�'uppdiesf Om¢i�a:,:_.._ _ - -. _ _ _ — -- -. --
<br /> -F��✓� I hereb� certify that this instraement was entered on �1�'unz,erical
<br /> i
<br /> In,dex and filed for record this._________�______________day of______M��___________________
<br /> �!. D., 19-��-----, at--- - 4 -- _ _ - - --------o'clock,----A�--,M.
<br /> �ames---Cas�-e-1_1-o_,_Jr-.--- - - - - --- -- Warranty
<br /> TO Deed. '"� /� �
<br /> ------- - ---��l-'`%����-�-V�/�.�r-e------ ---------- ----
<br /> Re�ister f.Deeds,
<br /> �_t_��hen--�?,_C9 stello- - ---- -- ---------------- -
<br />', B�--------- ---------------�--- - ------- - -- ----------------- -------
<br /> Deputb.
<br /> �.t�oi� ��� �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�:
<br /> �GL�A��---- �-9-��.T(1�5. __CQ_�����..0_a�-�s i�-.W�dQYY��s - ------ - ----------------- ---- ------------ ----------- - --- ------------------------------------- -- -
<br /> of the CountJ of_-------Gr�;nr-e--.--------_._--_a,rrcl ,Sta.te of-----------I.11�21c)1-�------ ------------- _---------Grantor---------, in consideratiort,
<br /> --------------- -
<br /> of the sum of-----------�hxA`-�- HLi?���r��--�i1d--r.O�lOQ--- --- ----------------------- - --- - ------------ --- --------------- --------------------DOLLJIRS,
<br /> in hand paid, do h,ereby GR�1NT, B.gRG.gLN, SELL, .gND COJ1"VEY'unto__�.���?heT1__D�GQB_L�110_______._._______________________ ___________________
<br /> of the Count�J o�-- ------- H�1,�,. - -- - - - - - --arcd.State of_----- -- -- --Ne�??"a.sks�.---------- - -------- --- - --------,Gran,tee,--------, the followin�s
<br /> described premises, situated ijz the Cou.nty o/'______._____.Ha,ll__ _____________________________________.____arzd State of Nebrs�cka, to wit:
<br /> LQ.�.:�_...�_�_e1.Ten----(.7.-�.--)----�.�---.�we lve----(.12-)--i.n_.�lo ck---s ix_._(.6-�---i n.._U�d�l.--a,nd:..Rq��:r.sh�ll.'.s_.A d�.�.t.�_�n.._to...the.._v i 1�,��e
<br /> o f...WQ o.d---Riv�r,.Ne�hrask�,-.-------------------
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<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and c�ppurtenances thereunto belon�in�s, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,,Interest,Dozver,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoeaer of the said Grantor___.____,d������, of, irz, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> �0 �A�1C AlY� t0 �OY� the ubove-described premises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�rantee._______and to____111�--_-__,..___ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. .flnd______�_______.__herebr�covenant__..___with the said Grantee________that_________Z_______________________ hold___________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that.._____._X__.______________haV e__�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and conve� the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> andirccumbrances whatsoever-------------------- --------------- ------------ ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------
<br /> --------------------------------------------------- - ---------------- - - ----- - ------ -- -- -- - ----- ---- - �-- - ----------------------------------------- --- - -------------------------------
<br /> .gnd.__________________I__________________________._ ________...___ covenant_.______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever------ --- - _..-- -- - --- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------------------------ ---- ----- -- --------- - -
<br /> Dated the-------2Qth-----------------------da�J �}�-- -----Al�r-11 -- -- ----------------�1. D.,19.1�-----•
<br /> his
<br /> WTT.NESS ----------�7-�r.1.�s----------�------- -��s t e 11 Q}-S r-•--------
<br /> marK
<br /> ---�aker__P_.An_drews------------------------------------ ------ - ------------------------------------------�-----------------------�------------
<br /> ---Y.i_v_i�n _�nd.r��nt�--- - --- -------- - ---- -------- -__ -
<br /> I11 i no i s ---------------------------------------------
<br /> ST.1 TE OF ��S�i� � �, �
<br /> �ss.
<br /> --------Gr e en�------------------------County, ) On this-----------1-�----------------------du�J �f--------------A�-�-�-�----------------------------�. D., 19---�--�-- , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public_______________________.___.___.____within and for said County,personally came__J��:�___��.���1-1-Q�S-r-t---�1(�----_--_ --
<br /> ----Baker__Andreti�rs---and__V�,vi_�x�..__Andr_��!s.,�►i un�.sas-s----�m---�si�natur-e-------------------------,---------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the ide�2tical person___....____whose name__.______i�_____________________uf)ixed to the above
<br /> (S�L ) .
<br /> instrument as�rantor,_______, and_____.____h_G'______________________ ' �'�acknowled�ed the same to be______h1_8.______.voluntar� '
<br /> act and deed for the purpose thereirz expressed.
<br /> IN W7T✓VE'SS tiVHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed my o�j"'ieic�l, seal at____.____________________
<br /> _______F_3y_����_,_1ri__.S_8,1_d__�DLiri�3!_r___._on the date last above written.
<br /> --------- - ----L._f1,An�.r_�aKS------------------------------------ - ;
<br /> ��otary Publie.
<br /> �ly commi.ssion expiTes----------A�'x'--2-1=-------------------
<br /> --- ------ ---------------- ------19--�g-----•
<br />