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<br /> , ��. D��D [��C�OaD �Joo ��o
<br />— —: ,',G�i0-7Cl,ZYf'f'���#A7tfiLEfiT�'t3.;f'rintin9.I.ithopraphirig nnd Count?1 Si.ppliesi l)v�rZia_ �- �-�'�"` _ , _ :_ -;�_ . �._� --_ -- _.___ _— ---- ___.. — _ — — -_—
<br /> . ___ _
<br /> .. -.-.-_:.., __. �..__ F._—.
<br /> �'K�✓11 I hereby certify that this instrum.ent was entered on ,N'umerical �
<br /> - --- Index and fi.led for record this----------5--------------dar�of-----1�'�--------------------- .
<br /> , .f1. D., 19�-�'------, at-- - - �. ---._- - - - ------o'clock--a�- -✓14'.
<br /> ��ichae7�--�erm��y_�Sin�l-_e__--------_--------_.---- Warranty
<br /> TO Deed.
<br /> �/�t����, ti��
<br /> --- ------ -- --- -- ---- ---------=------------ -------------
<br /> Re�i,ster Deeds,
<br /> 4�nr�n--�urr�------------------ --- - ---- ---- ----
<br /> ��------- - ---- --- - ---- ----- - -- _ --------------- -------
<br /> Deputy.
<br /> ��.o�n �Y� �e� �p �C�je�e �re�e�.t�:
<br />'� �i���----- I.,_�ti�ha�l_D_ermo�dy,unmarri ecl,- - -- ---------------------- ---- - -------------- -------------
<br /> ---------------------�---------------- --- -- -
<br /> of the County °f---------�1Ylg-.---------------__crrt,d ,C'irct,e of-------------�35h1T1�,Tt_0__11------.------.---------------------------------Grantor--------, inconsideration
<br /> of the sum of----------- Orle_Hundred Twenty-f_ive--and__no�1U0------ ---- --------- ---- --------- ------ --------------- ----- -- ---------DOLL�RS,
<br /> in hand paid, do-------------hereby GR�1�"T, B✓1RG,�I✓l�, SEI,L, �ND CONVEY'unto------OW eTl___�_L1�'�'j�-r------------------------------------------ -----------------
<br /> of-the Count�J�}�----,----�I�_�.1 ----- - - - --and State of_---- - - N�br.�Skc1 - ------- - --- --- ----- _-- - -------,Grantee-------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated, in the. County af.__.____________Ii__d.11__________________________.________________a.n,d State of JV'e.br�c�ka, to wit:
<br /> LQ_�_s....s.eue.n----t-7-�---�.c�----��-�?�t --�£� � --�,n.__blocic.__��e._..�-1-�--,in...Ma,c.'.�Q11----���...�_e.�'.�a�g.:.�._.�Ad��:t_�.Qn---to...t�e_..v�.1.1_�ge..
<br /> �;��.._Wo.o.�..Ri_ve�r.,.�?��r_�._�ka,. �-�- ---- -- --- -- --
<br /> --------------- ------ ---- - _ ---- -- ---_ .--- - - - - ------- - -- -------�- - - ------ - --�--- --....---------�------------�----------------------•-�--��- - - -._....------------------- --------- ---�---------------�-------�---------.._
<br /> ----- �- - ------ - -- -- ------ ------ --- --- ---- -- ------- -- -- .._...-�--�----------------------------�- -------- ------------.....__... - -�----- -----�------------- ---- --- �- - -- -- ------------------------�-----.:..-�----- -----------
<br /> ------- -- - -- - - ----- ---- -- -- ------ --- - - - ---- -- � -- - . .... . ..
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belor��irc�, and all the Esta,te, Ri,�ht, Title,Interest,Dou�er,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grarztor-------,g��y�������, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof.
<br /> �0 �A�1C A.IY� t0 �OY� the above-descri,bed premises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�ra�2tee____.___and to____��_;�______________ heirs
<br /> .,.
<br /> and assi�ns forever. ✓Ind__._I___________herebr�covenant_.______with the said Grantee_______that,___________I____________________ hold_________._said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that______�___________________haV�___�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever__________________ _,_________------------_--_---------
<br /> �gnd______________.___-._I__________________________ __________.______ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawfuZ claims of all persons `
<br /> whomsoever------- --- -- -- - --- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ------------- ---------------- -
<br />' Dated the------�'-Ql����'1.----- ----- - --------daJ ��---- --A.}�x 1�-- -- ---------- -----.Fl. D.,191�-----• :
<br />�� W'ITNESS -------------------fl�LiC�h�3,�1_.D_@Y'T11IId�---- ----------------- -
<br /> ---- �_._�'�_.W1_,1�---------------------------------------- ------------ - - ---------------------------------------------- - ---- ----------------------
<br /> -----g:T'.3�e�mb�iy. :� -- -- - ---
<br /> ----- --- ---- -
<br /> W�.sh in�t on -------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ST.qTE OF ��'�ii���,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> --------�ing------------------------------count�, On this--------------2_lst---------------da�J ��-----------`-4��'_�1---------------------------------�. D., 19_.��{�__ , before me,
<br />''i the undersi�ned, a Nota�y Publie_________________.__________________within and for said County, personally eame_____________________________ ________ __
<br /> ------�Sdch�,el- -Derr�1�_�.y__,unm�r-��`�---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
<br /> -- -- ------ --- -- ---- ------------------------------ ----------------------------- ------ ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
<br /> ��F�� � to me personally known to be the identical person___________whose name__________�8 .c�ff'ixed to the above
<br /> irestrument as�raritor-----•--, and------------11-@----------------�i�i��'�t acknowled�ed the same to be------Y��-�---------voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> IJV'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed my ofJ`Bcial seal at____________________________ '
<br /> _.__S_E�,�t 1�_,_I11___Sa.�d__COU21ty__________on the date last above written.
<br /> ----------------------------------�._��._�6[il1 . ------------- -- .
<br /> .Notary Public.
<br /> ,My commission expires---------+T�.n.Y---- r3�n --------------- - -----------------------19-��----•
<br />� � � �
<br />