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_ �'�� <br /> � D��D ��C�O�D �oo ��� <br /> _ __ _ -. _. _ _ __ _ _ - _ ___ <br />__ .�b�7U—KLOPP&BARTI.ETT CO.,Prinlinp,Lilhngraphi�tg and Counly Su�plies;'Z�nzaha. _� � _ _ _� _ _ <br /> FR�� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> ' Index and filed for record this___.__,_2____ day of._____M�____________________ <br /> dl. D., 19_14----, at---- --.___ 2_.�i-5- - - -------o'clocic--- -P-�.M. <br /> Sor�n.__S.Ni_el�en_ anc�__wi_fe _______ _ _ __.____�Warranty <br /> TO Deed. � <br /> Re�sister f Deeds, <br /> I Ni_�;1�-_S_�_�_�ns_en_Calumbus_-I��i_�1��n--_- <br /> B�--------- ----- - -- ---- - - - -- - ---------------------- ---� <br /> Deputy. <br /> --- — --- -- -- -- - -- <br /> __ _ _- --- --- <br />� -- - -- ---- —. --- -_ -- --- -- <br /> -----—--- -- --- <br /> �.� <br /> ob� �YY <br /> er� � �C e�e �e�e�.t� : <br /> � p � � <br />' ���.�----�or_en_�_._Ni_�ls_�n _ar1d. Anna--Ni�lsen,hu�b�,n�i---and- �if'e-------------- -------- --- - ---------------- - ---- -- <br /> of the Countz� of_------H�1�. - -- --- - -ccnd Stat,e of-- --- -----------��b_x_��1C_c7�-------- ---------------- <br /> ___._____________.___.___Grantor_5______, in eonsideration <br /> of the sum o�___S�ne___(�1_s_OQ_�Dallar___an�__Q*her___g�_s�_�_._a.ricl___valua.bl_e__canaidsr�.tiar�s_______-_---- <br /> -- ------ -- --------�, <br /> in hand paid, do_____.__._______h,ereby GR✓1NT, B�✓1RG.,lIN, SELL, �IND CONVEY'unto_._N�e1S_SOre11S�21___�_C�_IUTi1bLiS__N�_el�_�Xl_ ___________._,____ <br /> of the Count�J�f---- - Hs�l�. ----- - _ - --and State of--------- ------N�br's�8kd ------ ----- ------ --__- ---- --- -- ------,Gran,, the following <br /> described premises, situated in the Count� of=_________ ______.__H��,l�________________________________________and State of Nebrt�cka, to wit: <br /> ��ra,cti�nal___Lot.__�i_ght_.,(g_} i.n___Fracti_onal___Block.._One_.Humdrer�...��our_...�lQ?±__1.,__�n._Ra�,lr_q�d..A.�a�_t.�..4n__t.o_._...__ <br /> Gra�n�.___Isl�,na,.Nebr��ska�and___i_t�__c�m�?l�rnent__,.Fr�,ct_ional___I,ot__,Ei_�ht..__(_�_.),.__in.__Fractipnal_._�31QCk__One________.....___ <br /> I��ndr�d -Faur �Z�!+�.- o�'--K�e-n-��-&--Wi-e1�-�-'--�---Adc�iLiar�-..�o- -�r-���I--..I�,�.�.nd-f-I�eb.r--�,�t�ca-,-a�l-�:---��---a�z-r-�-���i��-1��#�d <br /> ,an�.--r._e_c_o_r.���i. - - ---- - - - - -- ---------------�------�-----..._......_.--------------�---------------- --- -- ---- -- �------�---- - -------._ <br /> -----� ---- �- - ----- ---- --------- --- - -- ---._--�----...-- --- �---- ---------------------�- -----�-------�--�------------------�-�- �- ....--�-- -�--...-------------- ---------------------------- ----------------------� <br /> --- ------ ------- - - ----- - ---- -- ---�-- -- ...--- -- - --....-- --- - ---------------�--------------------- --------------------�- --- - ------------- ------------- -- �---- ._._...- - .._...._._..-------�--- --- -- ------------------------- <br /> _..-------- ----- ----------------------- -- - --- - --- - -- � -- - ---- --- - ---- --- - ----------�------- ----�--�--------------------.......__.......------- --------- - �------------- - ------- ---�-�-- --------------------...--�------ <br /> -- ---------- ----------- - -- ---- -------- -- - - - -- - -�- - -- - _ . ---------- - - ----------- ---�----------- --- <br /> To�sether with all the tene�nents, hereditaments, and appacrtenances thereunto belor��iri�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dower, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor._�__,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or ar�z�part thereof. <br /> �D �A�1C AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurterzarLCes, unto the said�rar�tee________and to,____11��__________ heirs <br /> _ <br /> and assi�r�s forever. ./lnd___txLE:�____hereby covenant______with the said Crantee._____.that________the�________.______ hold_____.____said premises by�ood ancl <br /> perfect title; that._________th��7_'_________ha�t_�__�ood ridht and Zawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free ar�d clear of all liens <br /> andineumbrar�ces whatsoever------------------------- -- -- ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- <br />' ----------------------------------------------- - -- - -- ----- ---------- ----- _ ----- -- ------- -- - - --- -- - - - --- -- -------- ----- --------------- --------------------- --------------- <br /> - ---- - - - -- ----- -- -_ - --- - - -- -- - ------ -- ----- ------ --- ----------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------- - - <br />' �lnd___________..___t21B�-___-___-___ _.._--- __--_-___ covenant._._____to warrar�t and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever---------- - - ._._ - -- - -----------------------------•-------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---- -•-------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------- - -- -- - - ----- - -- ---- --- -- ------ - -- - ---- - - - -- -- - --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the----------2a�kl.-------------------da�J ��'- -APY'11 ---- ----- - - -- - -.fl. D.,19_l?�-----• <br /> W7T.NESS ------------------�-O.r_eri__S.._Nj_�1S_�ri---------------------- <br /> ---�Q-?'�n--�i_,_Ferg�so�---------------------------------------- ' --------------Anna--Nialaen.- ---- --------- <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR�SK�1, <br /> �ss. <br /> --------Ha,Il------------------------------CourLt On this------------2�'�h-----------------daaJ ��--------------A'PY'il--------- <br /> y, _______.hf. D., 19__��__ , before me, <br /> the urLdersi�ned, a�Y'otary Publie---_---_-___----__---_ -___---_-within and for said County, Aersonally came-__------_-_---___-_--_-_---------_-_---_-------_----__----__- <br /> -------- --�_9ren__�_,_�t_i.e�..��xi__and__Anna__Nj_e1��n-�------------------------------------------------------- -- - - �--- <br /> ---- ---- ------------------------------------- -------- --- -- -- ------�-------- ----------------------��------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> (SF.AL � to me ersor�all krLOwn to be the identical erson__s_______whose name_�____c�r�____________ _ <br /> p z� p _______a fJixed to the above <br /> instrumen.t as �rantor_�_.__._, arad__.__tYLE'�!______________.__severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be_.__��g j�______voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex�ressed. <br /> IJV'�W7TNESSW'FIEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my ofjicial seal at.___.______________,___ <br /> _G�'c-].11d__I�l'driC3.,N���'s�SKs`�_ ________________orz the date last above written. <br /> ------------John__A..��r_gusar�-------------------------------- ---- <br /> .Notarz�PubZic. <br /> .M� commission expires-------- ---�$d.xs:h, 2-4-:----- ---- - --- - --------- -------�9--1-g-----• <br />