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(��� //,'/�� �J <br /> �/���C'�/G(iC�iC- LQ/!�J'" <br /> - ---- ----- --------- --- - --------- --�-�--- ---- <br /> -------- -;--- <br /> Re�ister f Deeds <br /> Henry_---Y�hm-- ---�----------------- -- ----- -------- -- <br /> B�------ - ---- -- ---- --- -------------- ---- - -------------------------- <br /> . De ut <br /> - -- -- - A J• <br /> ��.o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ����----- W�_,Nlek__S_�hr�e�l--a.r�.d__Aznal.i--Sc�n���,,hi._�__:w�.f�------- ----------------------- - <br /> ' _______.___Grantor.�________, in coresideratiori- • <br /> of the Courct� ��----- --Hal l - - --cr.nd �tita-t�> of----- -Ne_ra.Sk�3,------- -- -------------------------- - -- <br /> of the sum of_-----Q212 71L121d7'�-d- e_��-ht�-f�V�-O-Q-�l�Q - --------------------- - - ------ ---------------- -------- ----------------- ------ -------------DOLL✓1RS, <br /> in hand paid, do------------- --hereby GR,�1NT, B.1RG.FIIN, SELL, .g�N'D CONVEY'itirato---H�11ry---K�hTt1----------------------•---------------------------------•---------- <br /> of the Countz�of-------H�,1_1--.-------- ----.- ---- .----and State of_---------------N2�?��,_�kd._-------------------- -------------------,Grant,ee--------, the following <br /> described premises, situated in the C,ourzty oJ'___ _____________ _H�11_____ ________________________.______.___.___a-n,d State of,N'e,brt�ka, to wit: <br /> ._�o.�....Six----(-�-)---in__.I31a�k---Qne---hun�r..�:.d.. �.or-ty..-s-ix---�.146--)----o.f....t.Y�.e_-Union..Pa�if.i��ray.--��mF-an,y-'--s--S_e.c_ond <br /> --Ad�itiQn...ta_..Gr.�nd.__I_�land-�N.��ra.sKa-�-a� --��zr.v.�v�-d->�Zax.t-�s�---ancl...r.�� -- ------------�-------------- -----�------�------- ---- ----------- <br /> --- ---- - - -- - -- -- .-.._- - - ---- ---------- -------- -------- �-�--------- ---�-�------ � -- --- ----.._.... - - - -�- -�- --------- ------------------------------- ------�- - -----�-- - --------...---- ----- - �------- ; <br /> ------..-------- -------------- - -- - - - ----- -- -_ - ------ --...--- ----------------�-�--�--�----------------------------- --------.....---.._..-_.------------ -�---�------------- - --------- ---------------------------------------------- <br /> - -------- �------ --- -- -------------- --- - -- ----..- --- ---....-- - -�------------�-----------------------�------- ------------------•----�------ -- ---- -- ----------- ---------- ----- --------------------------- --.._. <br /> --------- ---- -...- - --- - - ------ - - - -- ----- --------- ---- --------------------------------------- -------- �--------�- --- -----�-------- - ------------- --------- ------ ------- ------------__.....---------�------------- <br /> ------ --- - ----- ----- - ... ...----�--- - -�- -- -- - ---- --- --- ..... ----- - ---- -----�--------- --...----�------- �--------------------------------��-----------�-----.....---- - ---- - ------- ------�---- <br /> . <br /> -------- - ---------- --- --- ---- - -- ------ ---- ------- --- - ---- - --------�-- -- - - ------�---------------------------------------...._..----- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditam,ents, and appurtenarzces thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,l�i�ht, Title,Interest,I�o7��er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__S____,a�'i��#����'�����, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. ; <br /> �0 ���1C �TY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,urcto the said�rantee_._,___ared to________h,i_�________, heirs <br /> and assi�nsforever. �lnd____IN�______,herebycovenant________with the said Grantee_______.that____,__SN�_______________________ hold____________said premises by�ood and <br />' perfect title; that____._�e________________:_haV�__�SOOd ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free arLd clear of all liens <br />�I and incumbrances whatsoever---------------------_-_----_--_-_-_-----------_-_ <br /> --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- <br /> I --------------------------------------------- - -- -- ------------------ - -- --- -- -- ---------- - - --- --- --- --- <br /> �Ind____________._______W-e__---__-_.---_-__-----_-_-__--__------- coverzant.______to warrarat arcd defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons . <br /> whomsoever---- ------- -- - _------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------------- -----------------=------------- <br /> Dated the----- ------��-�- ------------------da�J �f- - - �y--- -- -------- - --_�1. D.,19_10------• <br /> WTTNESS -----------------I`7-���C___S�h2_tell---------- --- ----------- <br /> --J_Qh�.__A�,l�n------- ---------------------- ------- --- <br /> ----------------Ama.li__S.c��el-�.------------------ - ----- ------ ._ <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR✓1SK✓1, <br /> �ss. <br /> Hc�l�-------------------------------Count ) On this--------1 l t h-------------------da o ---------•--------�Rd ----------•--------------------- <br /> y, � } � .1. D., 19__10_ __ , before rr�e, <br /> the urcdersi�ned, a Notary Public.__________________________.._within afzd for said Countz�, personally eame_ _.________________.__________________ <br /> -------�i cl�_S chne 11--and..Am�l�--S_chnell-•-h�-s---�'��'e------------------------------------------------------- <br /> (SEAL ) to me personallz� known to be the identical person__�_._.___whose name_S______�S'E_____________________.afj'ixed to the above <br /> instrument as �rantor_.S.___, and_.___�_�h��l_________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be___�h�j.Y'______voluntaT� <br /> act ar�d deed for the purpose thereirz expressed. <br /> INW7TNESStiVHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed my offBciaZ seal at___rxr�Sid__I-91a,]C1d, <br /> _______�,�__�d,�_�._t'ol�_21t�!_,_____________ _____________._or� the date Zast above written. <br /> --------------�Tohn_.Allan------------------------------------ ---- <br /> .Notarz�Public. <br /> ---`7�_• s <br /> Jtlz� commission expires------- - -- � ---- -- ---------------------------- ------ -19�.�-----• <br />