� 9�� �0�'�99 `� � � . �
<br /> �
<br /> (el the payment of any�usn or sums ot money (other than thase refened to in clause (d} ; . _
<br /> hereofl which may heteefter be loaned or ad�anced by Bensfiaary to Tn�stor, ar wtuch Trustor may ; _
<br /> hareafter 6acom�obGgated to pay Beneficiary u��hathar by reason of 7rustor's account with Beneficiary,in , � ''�
<br /> •< r6spect of monies aduanced arµaid to or#or t4�a use of Trustnr,or cha►ges incurred on its accoun4,or in � • �-
<br /> respect of instruments drawn,accepted,guaranteed or endorsed by Trustor or an its behalf and dscnanted � � ; • � -
<br /> or paid ar held by Beneficiary eitfier �t Trustor's request or in the course of business, tngeiher with ; , � �
<br /> interest thereon as therein prouidad,wfiather evidenced by note,check,receipt,600k account,overdraft, F• - •'
<br /> � ar any otber liabi[iry as endorser or guaraMor on any o4her ind$btedeess harQafier dus ths Ber�ficiary, ; , _: � ._ __ .
<br /> excluding any such sum which if secured hereby wnuld cause the rate af interest being charged on such i _
<br /> sum to 6e usurinus undet any federsl or state Isw, � . . � . :
<br /> (f� any and all extensinns,rene��als nr mudifications an�successive extensions,renewals or - �- . - - --. _--
<br /> ; mad�cations of the Nate or any other instr�ment nnw or hereafter euidencing the indebtedness secured : , � -
<br /> h�reby,and interest thereon as prouided in sac6 extensiun,renewal or modification, .
<br /> . :��.�;�:
<br /> •, �•-�,�
<br /> (g) performance, discharga of and comptiance with every temi, couenant, obGga4ion, ,: � ---�-_
<br /> .�1 ..,._ .�
<br /> i n d e m n i t y a n d a g r e e m e r�o f Trustnr contained herein,or in tha Nnte,or incorpurated by raference or im xny �� � .
<br /> other�rity instrument,document or agreemant at any�me giuen in connection with or to secure tha , . .. . _.-_
<br /> - Note,and � ' � :
<br /> ;.; ... . •e,,.
<br /> .. .:s:.�";: :�
<br /> (h) repayment of all other sums or future advances, with interest thereon, which may ; . . �4::�...:
<br /> hereafter be advanced by Beneficiary to Trostor or Trustor's successor in interest ar title, ` " . �'� ,s ;
<br /> � �t;:�ir:►��
<br /> � all of which is hereinaiter culiectiusly called the'Indebtednass". Trustor irrevnsably grants,transfsrs and � �� .� `�: �::;-
<br /> conveys to Trustee,in trust,WITH POWER OF SALE, the real estate descn'6e d on E x h i hi t"A" a t t a c h e d �_ ;�x :, .
<br /> hereto and incorporated by this reference, togethe� wi3li (� all buildings, structares, eddi4inns, " � , �,`: �
<br /> enla7gements,mud�ftca6ons,�epairs,replacements,and improvements now or hereafter located thereon, � .
<br /> - r,•' t
<br /> u all equipmen4,machinery and fixtures lincluding,withaut limitatian, all 6ghting, h:ating, vent�'lating, .. �._.
<br /> �nrater and ower ste�ns, engines, 6oilers, � ��'�� '.
<br /> cooling, air conditioning, sprinklmg and plurr►bmg fuctures, p Sll ...: ,,.- .� �..��j ,
<br /> ranges,ovens,dishwashers,mirrors and mantels, carpeting, fumaces,oif burners, eleVators and motors, . ._•
<br /> - refri eration lants or units,communi�ation systems,dynamos,t�ansformers,electricaf equipment,starm : .��'•�`�,.�� �
<br /> 9 P
<br /> � ' and screen windows,doors,aufmings and shades),inlaid floor coverings, canYeyors, esca la tor s, f r e e z e r s, •� � �;��
<br /> lifts, hydraulic equipment, docks,dock le�elera, cranes, overhead c►�ne tracks, eommunieation systems, ��'�_�' --
<br /> ..`�.� -
<br /> irrigation eqaipment,wetls.pumps,pipeGnes and a(I pas,elestric ventilating,reftigerating and incinersting ,_�„ .: ,,:�
<br /> � equipmen4 of whatsoeYer kind and nature, now or hereafter attached to, or built in, any buildi�g ot . ;.-,. . .:�„�
<br /> �' improvement now or hereafter located 4hereon, m eU easements and rights of way appurtenant thereof �ti�..=�
<br /> and reYersions and remainders thereof ar thereto and all the right,title and intorest of Trustor. in and to �--
<br /> � .. .—
<br /> �� the land tying in any st�eet,road,avenue,al9ey or right•of•way in front of or adjoining said prerti�ses and the v:�,��� r_ � -�-
<br /> .�� i strips and gore�of land adjacent to or adjo:r�ing said premises, ('rv)a9�asehold estate, right, ti3�a and : �� =�.,�-.� :
<br /> + interes4 of Trustor in and to all leases, bvt�eth�r naw cr hareafter existing or entered into (inslvding, ____..°�-_ ._:
<br /> � withnut limitatian,aU cash and security deposits, a6varca�entals and deposits or paymen4s of a similar �.,;,�'�
<br /> . ��4 nature) pertaininp therato, (�) all accoants, rents,issues, profits and income therefrom (subject to the �
<br /> : �; authoriza�nn of TNStor to collest and apply such accounts, reMs, issues, profrts end income es they � ,.� � ^ �- �_
<br /> , � j becume due and payable so long as no Event of Default(ss hereafter defined) exists hereunderl, (vi) all � �
<br /> rents, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and profits, water,water rights, and water stock, (�n'� all ' ,„;,�,-,,,�,�;.; _
<br /> tenements, hereditamants, privileges and appunenances belanging, used or enjoyed in connection � ..�;:;._ �..
<br /> . therewith, (�i�7 a11 greater ri8ht, title and interest,including fee simple title, in and to the real estate � � ,.. ,
<br /> descrihed on ExP�ibit'A"which Trustor may hereafter acquire,and(ix)all proceeds of eonversion,uoluntary .
<br /> or involuntary,of any of the foregoing into cash or rqnEdated slaims(including,without limitation,proceeds _� �
<br /> '. � of insurance and condemnation awardsl,all of v�hich is hereinafter collectivety called the"Trost Properry". � ��
<br /> � �'� FOLLOV�S: � .
<br /> ;
<br /> �..
<br /> �, Title. Trustor covenants,wanants ond agrees with Beneficiary,its successnrs �
<br />' and ass+gns,that trustor owns the Trust Property free from any prior lian or encum6rance,that this Oeed i . . -
<br /> � of T�ust is and will remain a valid and enforceable first lien on the Trust P�operYy,and that Trustor.at its i �
<br /> ezpense,wiU preserve such title and wlll maintein this Deed of Trust as a first lien upon the Trust Property, , ,
<br /> and will fnrever warrant and defend the vaGdity and priori4y af�ire i�si hereaf against iha c{a's�ns ai a!I ` _ . _
<br /> • persons and parties whomsaever. Trustor, at its expense, will cause this Deed of Trust, and each , --
<br /> omendment or supplement hereto,to be filed and recorded as a lien upon the Trust Property in such manner � . —
<br /> �
<br /> � 05�11AGYNt�ID��� i . _ .�
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