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� <br /> ..�` � � <br /> i D�C�D ��C�O�D � �loo ���n <br />=__ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ <br />-- rPi.",Ti7=K7,t7PP�iPcBARTLET'2'CD.;Prxntin�,f,z't�COrjrap�etinpnnitCotattry/Ste�l4e�'�vma�ea: __. _ _ _. ;_. . ...__ . ,,,.___.____,w. ___„_ _W� . .,�.� ------ --� --.._--� .- _ _._� <br /> FR�� I hereby certifz� thcct this instrument wccs entered on Numerical <br /> Index and filed for�°ecord this_________2-�__________day of______A�.Z'j..1___.________ <br /> _Genx_���--R-,OY'r -- --------- - WarTanty ✓1. D., 19--1�---, at--- -_� ___ --._ --- -------o'clock,-A-• ---�. <br /> TO Deed. ������ � <br /> �u��- <br /> -- -- -- -------- --��------------------ <br /> --------------- <br /> Re�iste f Peeds, <br /> _Anna__P�Iary_---wortman-- ---- -- -- ---------------------- <br /> B�----------------------- ------- ---- ------- ------------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �:�.o�n �Y� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> ����------_��eor�,� R.._Qrr--(�in�l� � -- - - - - - <br /> I�id.11 ---czard. Stc�te o ------------Nebr�.�k� ---------Grantor-------- inconsideration <br />, of the CourztJ �f----- -- - -- -- --- -- f ---------------- --- - - ----- ------- <br /> ------------------ - -- - , <br /> ' _ ---- ---------- ------- ----- ------------DOLL.gRS, <br />�', of the sum of-----S-i�t�t,n--tit�n�r��_No�140--- ----- ----------(_�16Q_Q_,_9Q 1--------------- -- ---- <br /> in hand paid, do_____________ __._hereby GR�1JV'T, B�RG.FIIN, SELL, d4JV'D C,ONVEY'unto__.__Al'1Tla._,Ma,r�_1rVOrtTt1311____________________:_ <br /> - --- - --------------- <br /> -------------------- ---------- - - ------- ----- - --------------------------------------------------- ---- - ---- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- --- --- - <br /> of the Count�J��----------- H�,1_1- -- ---------arcd State of------ ----NE?br��,3ka. ---- ------ --------- -------- ---- -__ -- --- ----,GTaratee,.-------, the followin� <br /> described pTemises, situated in the County oj'____ __._____Hc1.11____ ________ ____________.___________._______an,d State of JV'ebr�b�ka, to wit: <br /> � + - <br /> _Lot.--rtur{�Y�er...E.7r�,Ven._..(.11..).,_�f._S_cud�lers_��d.c�-1-t-�-on---..o---the--V�.�:�.age---�-f'---�ani��ri.rN_e�r.�ska.--------------------...-------------.... <br /> - -- --- - -- -- --- ------ -- - -------- ---- --------- -------- --,..- --�----- --._......_.........-- ---- - - - -�� ------ ------�� ----.....------------...------------ -- --------------------------- ------- ------------ <br />�, ----------------------- ---- - -- - - - -- ---- - - ---- <br /> -------- ---- - ------------------------------------- --------- --------__...-- - ----- --- <br /> --�-- ----------------------------- -------------------....---------------------- <br /> ----- -----�-------------------------- ------....._..- ------ --- _...-- -------- -- ---- -----. ----- ---------------------------------�---�-----�-------.....---------------------------------------.....----��--- � -- ------..__...---..-----�-�-----�� <br /> --------------------------- _.------ -- -- -- - ------ -- - - - -- - -- - --- -- ---------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditccmef2ts, and appurtenanees thereurzto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Ircterest,Dou�ei�, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grar�tor_______,a�t�.�i�'i��#���of, in, or to the same, or ccny part thereof. <br /> �o �a:be an� to �olb the above-descrihed premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�raratee_______and to_____h�Y'_.__.____ ___ heirs <br /> and assi�ns foTeveT. .�4nd____I.____________herebz�covenant_______urith the said Grantee______that._____I_________________________ hold__.____.____said premises by�ood and <br /> I', perfect title; that_____________I____.____________hav�__�ood ri�sht and lawful authority to sell and convez� the same; that they are free and clear of all lier�s <br />', and incumbrances whatsoever-------------------- -- -- ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- <br />, ------------------------------------------ --- - - --- - --------- --- - - ---- ----- .. - - - ---- ----- ------- --- - ----- ------------------- --------------- ---------- --- - - - --- - - <br /> �nd___________ ______.j____________________._________.____________ covercant.______to warrant and defend the said premises a�sairast the lawful claims of aZl persons <br /> whomsoever------- - - -- __ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- -------------------------- <br /> Dated the------1Qth------------ ---------------da�J �f�- - - --A�?Y'�-1----- --- - - ----.g. D.,19-----�-�-• <br />'� W7TJV'ESS ----------------- --C'.e9r�e---R�4�'�'------ -------------------- <br /> ---�3ryan.- -�o s�;r�-f-�------------------------------ -- -------------__ - ------ ------------ -------------------------------------------- --------- -- ---- <br /> ---H.A_._F��dma_n - -- ---- --- -- ------ - --- --------- - -- <br /> ST�FITE OF .NEBR.ISK�1, <br /> �ss. <br /> F�a.11--------------------------------County, On this------------1Qth-----------------da�J �f--------A�!r�.�.---------------------------------✓1. D., 19___�4._ , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notarz�Publie-----__-_--------_-_---_-----_--_---withi,n and for said Countr�,personally came_---_-_-__-_---_-----_-----_-__------_-__---_--.__-_-__-----_ <br /> ----------- -G_�Qr��--R_._Ox�--GSit��le-�-------------------------- ----------------------------------- - ------------------------------------- ------------ ----- ' <br /> to me personally knowra to be the identieal person___________whose narne__________1_:3__________________.0 f��ed to the above <br /> _ (SFAL) instrument as�rantor_____.__, and.______.____�______________________severallz�aeknowled�ed the same to be____H��______.___voluntary <br /> act and deed foT the purpose thereirz expressed. <br /> IsN'�6V'ITNESSW'HEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and a�"'ixed my offccial seal at____�p��P��_� <br /> _______jTl___�s�1.i�___�_QLi].1�____________ ______________on the date Zast above written. <br /> --------- -- - -----C���---��f R��a�--------------------- ---- <br /> Notarz� Public. <br /> ,My eommission expires----- --D�_�_�Hl�?_�x'-1Sth------ ----- -------------------------------r��-------• <br /> f: <br />