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� t�� <br /> ��.... DC��D C��C�O�D �oo �On <br />_�._ . � -_ ___ _ - <br /> .6��b-7fI.OPF'<E BAFt4'Y�TT Z°0.,Prinlinq,I,ilhopraph,ting and County Yupglies:Onaaha. ' . __.<.�_ _,.. . __... .. __..,_�_ . ,.,_:. _.___,._ - -__ _�__, - - - -- <br />— : __. . , _ . . _ _._ .,..._- . _ -_,-,; --._:._. -`__ ...- —. _ -%--�.: _-,-� _� _ — <br />�� _..__-�, __::_—:__._^�.._�__—___=._.. ..___. . --=�-- --�: _ __--._--��� <br /> FRO✓ll I hereby certifi� that this irzstrurnent zvas entered on Num,erical <br /> Index and fcled for reeord this._______._1�__________day of_______APr�.l____________ <br /> M�.ry--A,Gumb and_ nusb�311d_ Warranty ✓�. D., 19_14---, at---- ----.._2:_20- __---- --------o'eZock,_.--�_,_,M. <br /> - -�, <br /> � TO Deed. --------- --- ���%"��=`��----- <br /> Re�ister f Deeds, <br /> __�_��,ra---�vers--------- ------ - ---- - - ---- <br /> B�------- ------- - - - - --_ - - ------------------ ---- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �:�co� �Y� �.e�. �p �C�je�e �re�e�.t� : <br /> ����-----w�-,Mary -A,Gumb- �,nd G�or�e--J._Gumb,wiPe-and_.husb�,nd---------------------- <br /> - -- ------ -------- --�--- -_ � ----- -- ----- - <br /> of the Countz� of_----------Iic�,�.l-----.------------czn-cl =S'tate oj--------------�Tf;bX'�,��c�------------------------------------------------------Grantor--�------, in eonsideratiora <br /> of the sum of--------F9ux---�'housand---Seven__Hun�re�---Fi_fty__--and---NQ�_100----------------------------------------------------------------------DOLL�zzs, <br />, in har�d paid, do-------------h,ereby GR.gNT, B�RG.FIIN, SELL, .i1ND CO�'VEY'unto------------------C_1�,r3--jYE:X'$.--------------------------------- -------------- <br /> -------------------------- -- - - -- --- - - -------- -- <br /> of the Countz�of------------Hall------ ---.---.----and.State of_---------I�TE?bra,Ska.---------------------------------------------------,Gran-tee----_., the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the Count� af._.________.____.____ __H��1.__________.__.________.__.________arzd Stute of Nebrd�ika, to urit: <br /> li, _�o,�___S_��__..(6.�,�_5_�_,of___the__Or.iginal_ town_.of.. Grand_..�.slanc�..,Neb��..��C�,_}_�,�_._��4�x�.___ <br /> j�...record�d plat.- thereof.- ----- --- -- ------ - ----- - - --- - ------ ----- -- ---- <br /> - -- .. . ............... �-- - --- --------------�------��------------------........_..---------��--- -- <br /> ----.....- -- - -- - -- - - - - -� -� --� �--- --- - --- -- ----.------�--------- ------ - - -- -- -�-� - -- -- --------------�---------------------------------- ------------------- -- ---- ----- ------ <br /> ----------� ------..__.. -- - - - - -- -- -- -- -- -------- -------- -------------------------------------- ---------- ------------�- - �--�------- --...------------ ---- ----------- --------------------------------------------� <br /> - �---------- - --- ._.__- --- --- - - -- - -- -- ------- -------------- ---------------------- -- -�------------ --�----�--�------------ --- - ----- ---- --._...--------------------�--------------- ------ <br />'' �--------------------------------- -- ----...........- ------ -- -- - - - -- - --- ----- --- -- � ---...._.....--------------- ------------�-- ------.._._.._....--------------------- --------- <br /> -------_,._ _ --------------- - - -- - - - - - - ----- -- -- --- -- - - --- - - - -------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Irzterest,I1o7��e��, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe7�er of the said Grantor_�_.__,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �D ��11C A1�C� t0 �0�� the abor�e-described premises, with the appurter�ar�ces,unto the said�rantee._.____and to____h6_r_______.___ yzeirs <br />', and assi�ns foreveT. �Irad.___th@y___hereby eovenant.._____with the said Grar�tee________that,______'�h_P.�_________._______ hold.____.____said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that________the�T_______.____ha.Vf'_�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convez� the same; that they are free ar�d clear of all lien-s <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever-----_�X_C��?t---4-I�.�_--�_�S'��.�,�1_.I�Q_�'��,���-_S�-P----�,_�j-�Q�J_._QQ--_�Q---�11f�._�S�ll1_�_d.�1P---�3111.1d�.21�;--$�--I�Qs321 <br /> _AB��nnia�_i-on--g�---�rand--I-s1�.n�i_,_Nebx_ask�,-,-r_��o-r_de_d__D�t.-�-1T1-�13- in__Bnak---46-__o�.--mor_t�a�e-s-rPa�e--?�0-�-•------- <br /> -- - - - --- -- -- <br /> _ _ --- - - ------ ---- - -- - -------- --- -- - <br />'' �lyLd_.________-t)'lE'y_._____________________ ________________ covenant______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s <br /> whomsoever-------�X���.?� �S. s'3,170_V_�__S�_�'�_��.----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ------ ----- ---------------------------- <br /> Dated the---------���Yl-----------------------da�J �1�- - A�?r�1- -------------- -- ---- -�. �.,Z9--l�'---• <br />'�, u�zT�ESS ---------Ddary_A._Gumb <br /> ------- ------ ------- -- -- - --- - --- <br /> _G�Q_._F_._L�o_�_�hen--------------------------------------------- - -- ----- <br /> ------------G�or�e--��_�umb--------- ----- ------------ <br /> As to George J.Gurnb <br /> I _�3421n__A�._F�r�Qn-�-- ------ -- <br />,, A� ta �dary A.Gumb. -----------------•--------------- ------ -- ------------ <br /> State oP Nebraslca (�� <br /> Docl�e County ( On this lith day of Apri1,A.D. 191�F,bePa�e me the undersi�n�ci,� l�ota'.ry <br /> Public,within an� �'or said County,p�rsonally came G�arge J.Gurr�b �o me ger�onally Known,to be the <br /> - <br /> identical perbon wYlos� name is af'fixed to the' above instrument as Grantor,and he severally acknow— <br /> l�d�;ec� the same to b�_ voluntaxy___act_ and _d�r:fl for _the purpase�_ therein_ e�ressed, ___ __ _ <br /> -- - --- <br /> In Witness Whererf, I have hereunto subscribed my na�rae and aPfixed my of'f'icial seal at Fremont,Neb. <br />, on th� date la:�t aboue-�rritten. - - -__ - ---- -- -- -- - ---- -------- -- - - <br /> - ---- - ------ ------------ --- - -- <br /> ------- -- - ---- -- -------- <br /> (SEAL ) Geo.F.Looschen <br /> �,�y commi�sic�n expiras D�c. lgth, 1914. , � Notary P�b�#c.- - , ' ' . ` . <br /> State oP Nebraska � s� ' __ _. : � _ _ ._ _ ,� <br /> Hall County ( On this 13�� day of Apri1.,A.D. 1914,before rne trie undersi�;ned,a Notary <br /> Public,within ��.nd for said County,�eraan�,l].y came Mary A.Bumb,to m� .pers�nally knc�w��:to be trie <br /> identical persan. ��rhose narae i� aPf'ixed to the abor�e instrument as Gra.ritor,and� �he �e�'��ally -��-= <br /> knowled�;e� the same to b� her voluntary act and deed for the. purpose therein expressecl. <br /> In Witness �Vhereof, I have hereunto �u�scribecT rr�,y n�.rae a,nd a,ffixed my �official seal at Grand I�lar�d, <br /> NebrasKa,on tne date last above written. <br /> - _- <br /> (SEAL ) ----- John A.Fe7f�zson _ ��,,,_ __i___ <br /> �gy rc�mmissi�n expirzs ?�arch 24,1919. Notary Public. <br />