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� ��jl <br /> �s�,, D��D G��C�O�D �oo ��o <br /> .� . <br />----r---o�-RT.P3PF&_B:4RTLF•T4'�b.�Yrintinp,7il�iojr2pAinpandCaaZnl;y44uppties;�C3iaa�i8._ : �_._._:____.__ .,:.. .. ___-_. ..--"—..� -.�.W,_� _._�. __.� _---------� ___...--_. _ ._ __ - ---- _ -_ - _ <br /> II <br /> FRO.M I hereby certif'y that this instrument was entered on ✓Y'umerica,l !' <br /> ---- - --------- ----- - --------------- - ---- -- - -- --- <br /> Index and filed for record this---------6---------------daz�of-----A�Y'�1---------------- � <br /> .fl. D., 19_ 1�`--, at- _ _ - - --�- - - - -- --------o'clock,- ---��,M. <br /> ---John__5_._�_�V�,_�i�_v_ner__&_W1 f e--_---- ------- Warranty <br /> TO Deed. • � <br /> -------------- -- - - ------ - <br /> -------- �;-------- �------------- <br /> I SB�,C T.Wdrd Re aster Deeds, <br /> B�J---- -- -------- --- - - - ----- ------------- -- ----- <br /> i Deputy. <br /> I __-- ---— — ------------- — ---- <br /> --- <br /> ------------ — -- ------------ - <br /> �.r�o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> We J'ohn S.C.W Hi�ner and Esther E.H�trner <br /> �i���------ ----s - - - ---- - ----- --- -- --- - --- - - - - -- --- ----�H].��b�I�c�, -&--YVif�_�---------- - -=---------------� ------ --- <br /> of the CountJ of_----AOX__BL1t�E3------------�r,r�.�7 {S"t,a,te of-------N�bx���------------------------- ------- --------------GTantor-;�-----, in consideratzon <br /> -of the sum of_--------- S_eVe2ltee�l__$Ui1(�red_.�_�.��y--Se_�eIi--7,�1��.QQ------- ------- -- ------ - ---- ------------------ - --- --------------DOLL�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do. he�•eby GR✓�NT, B,F1RG.gI.N', S.ELL, .gND CO.N'VEY'icrato-----I�Sc1G---T-�Wa�'(�--- ---------------------- ----------------------------- <br /> _ <br /> I ---------------------------------- ------ --- -- - ----- --- ------------ -------------------- --- ------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> of the CountJ o�--H311- -- - --- -----and State of_----- --2�EbY'�.S�C3--- --- ------ ------------ -- _ .-- - --- - ----,Grarr,tee,--------, the fol,lowinQ <br /> deseribed premises, situated irc the County of_______._________Hal�. ____________and State of JV'ebra6cka, to zvit: <br /> .Commencin�..at___a_._point__Sixteen _(16)__.rods_west._ of___t_he,_n�rth.._eaat__ corner._.of_. _the__North_Wes_t____guarter <br /> of the North eas� quart�r (N.W.�- of N.E.�) oP section Twelve (12 ),oP township nine (9 ),North,of <br /> -R�,�� ���-- (-14-�-we�- af -'Gh�----��-��lgP2�5 ) rods thenc�ysoutri at �i�ht an�les,twelve roda and fifteen, <br /> line,Ninete�n and�two—fifths- --- - ... �.-��--��'1�---Ga�n�- �'�b-r�.s1�-�,+�r-�r�nir� ���ncg---va��t---a�--�t�e-`s�-e-t-��-n <br />, -re��t- f 1�---rds:�-S-Pt} ;t-��ncc east at ri�ht an�3es,l�in�t��n and .,�vo—fittYs� f 1�-2/5 } ro�ts,thenc� nnrth, <br />, .at __ri�ht__a,n�;les,twelye„rods__ a.nd,__fifte�n___feet___(_12___rds.l5f't.__�to...the__��,ttle__same___.. <br /> b�in� a rectarigular piece of �and containi7Gg sixty eight thou�and one hundred eighty one and threE— <br /> -���ths---�l-68-18-�-.-3�---sc�u�.��-- f-e.c;-t��are-�-o�--.�es�...------------------------�------------�----------------._._.- --�-- --------------------------- --�---- - - <br /> ..-- -------�--------------------------�-� <br /> ---------- -�-----....------ . ------ --- - -- --- ---- ----- -- -� -- -- - ..._..._....------------------------------ ._...-----�---------...------------------�-------._... ------�------�--�------- � ---�---------------------- ---�----- <br /> �._------- --- -- ------------------ - --- -- --- -- --- - - � ._- -- - --- � -- --------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenance,s thereurcto belorz�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozver, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grczntor_____.__, , of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �D �d�1Q AIY� t0 �OY� th-e above-described premises, with the appurtenanees, unto the said�rantee_______and to__.__h.f S_ _ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .11nd__��________hereby eovenant________with the said GTantee_______that___.______�e__________________ hold___________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfeet title; that_______�!e___________________ha_Y__e.�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> aradincumbTances whatsoever------------------------ ------------------------------ - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- <br />', ------------------------------------------ --------- --- ------ -- - - - -- <br /> -- - -- - - -- --_...-- - -- - ------ ----- --- ------ -- - ---- --------- - ----- ------------- ------------ --------------------- ------------------- - ----------------- --- <br /> �1nd_______________-WE'_._________._____________.______________. covenant_______to warrarct and defercd the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever--- ---- - --- - -- - --__ -- ------------------------------------•---------------------------------------•-------- -------------------------------------- -------------- ----------------- - <br /> Dated the_--- ----18t-------- ----------------da�J o�-- - AFT'i1 - - --- --- -------�. D.,19--1�----• <br /> W'ITNESS ---------.7OY111_S_�_�_�_W_._H�.VTI��------ ------------------------ <br /> � <br />' ��_i_�h__L_._P_ie�c-�------------------------------ -- -- --------Esther--E_,_Hiy_ner--------- ------------ -- <br /> ST.1TE OF eN'EBR�SK.g, <br /> BOX Butte-----------------------count�, �ss. On this------------18�------------------daJ of--------APT'f 1-----------------------------------✓�. D., 191�.__. , before me, <br /> ------ ------------ <br />, the undersi�ned, a Notary a-nd for said County, personally eame_.___Ja�__S_.C_.V�._Ii�V�e�__3�,�__ _.____ <br /> I' -------Esther E._Hlyner __��_s__b��--��---Y�!��'�-�--------------------------------_.------------------------------------ ----------------------- <br /> - - ---- - - --- ------------ --------------------------- --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> �S�T' � to me persortally known to be the identieaZ person___________whose name________aY'e_____________________afy'ixed to the above <br /> instrumer�t as�rantor________, and____.__.__�t h�Y___.____________severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be____t7"1_.eiY'_.___volurctary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> Idl�'A�'ITNESSW'HEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and afrixed my ofJicial seal at_�I�Ii'1�21�FQ�'_d�„ <br /> _____in_ said__coun�y_!________________ ________________on the date last above written. <br /> (SEAI, ) " <br /> --- ------Keith__.�_�_�?ierce- -------------------------- - <br /> ✓l�'otarr�Public. � � � <br /> .My commi,ssion expiTes_________DeC.�.St <br /> -- - ---- ----- ------ ----- -- ---------------- ----- -191-�.------• - <br />