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r� � •�„i <br /> �.. DC�� o ��C�O�D �Oo . �d� <br /> D D <br />= �_ ___ _ _ __ ___ _ _ .__ . ���_ _ _T_ ____ _____ :� _ _ _ <br /> � <br /> 56oi0—IfLOPP&�AR7'�ETT L'O.,1''rtintting,7 itAopraphting and Cozirely Supplies;O��iaTia. - ���_ ��T `^`�v� -�^ <br /> I <br /> �''R�� I hereby certify that this instrument was eratered on ✓V'umerucal � <br /> Index and fcled for record this____��______________dar�of..______�II��_Crl_____._____ <br /> --A_lie�_.E._Ho el---and__hus�and -- -- - �. v., 191�-----� at--- __._ . 9 - - ------ - --------d�to�k.--�-• --�• <br /> - -FF-- warranty <br /> Tp Deed. ' <br /> - -- --------- -- --- - ---��e- --�-�--- <br /> ----------- ---- - <br /> Re�ister of De s, <br /> -t,�irtni�_��Dre�vs-* - -- - - - -- - -- - - - --- <br /> BJ---- - -- -- -- - -- - - -- - - -- - ----------------------- <br /> De ut <br /> ------ --- -------------------- ---- -- -- -- -- - - - - -- --- p �' <br /> �.�ob� �Y� �er� �p �'C�je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ����------�-�-�-Ali�-�--E.H��Fei -amd--�_.W_._A,_HoPFel_,�rj.��---a.nc1__husband-,----------- ----------•------� --------- - ---- . <br /> of the CountJ of_------Ha,ll - -- -- ----<Lrcc� AS"tcete of--_--------Nebr�,SKa_.-----------------.------------ ----Grantor-�------, in eonsideratiora <br />' of the sum of------�`'Q1�7't_�_�_�'1__�'I1��ldred--'s�l'Id.__210_ ],44----- ----------------------- ------ --- --------- ------- - <br /> --- ----------------- -------------------DOLL✓1RS, <br /> in hand paid, do----------------hereby GR,RNT, B.l1RG./1I�', SELL, .RND CONV'EY'rtinto----- "��1K1._1t',__.�r_�lK$�,r---------------------------------------------------------- ' <br />� � �J f� _ -----and State of_--- -- N��?�'�,_� - ---- ----------- - --- -- - -- - -- ------ Gran,, the followin� <br /> o the Courzt o --------�i�l-�.------------------ .- , <br /> I described premises, situated in the Countz� of____ ________.._.�ia,ll___,__________:__________________________an,d State of Ne,br��ka, to wit: <br />', ._L.o.t.�....eleu�n--�(11-)----axid_.�w�1V�---C-12.�__in...Br.ett-'-�---A�i�_it_i-Qn__to--the--u-11-1a.�.e---af---�taad.._Fii-uer--,-DTebr-a:��a.---....- <br /> -- ------- -._... - -- - --- - -�- - -- ----- -- --- - - - - - - - ---- ---- ------- ----- -- - - -------- - -- ---.... ----�-------....- -�-- --- ..... ------------�----------------�----- ------------- --- ------------.. <br /> --- -- _ ---- --- - - --- --- -- - -- ----- --- -------- .....-�---�- ------ ---�-� --- - - - --- - ------� ----- - -- ------ -�-------------------- ----- ------------------- ------------- ----- <br /> ----------- -------------- -- - - -- - - -., - - ------- --------------------------------------- ---------------- ... -------- -------- --------��------- -----.._.- --- ------------ -----------------------------------------._.. <br /> ---------------- ----- -------�----------�--------��-- -- �----- --- ---- --------------- ---------_------------------------...----------.,. <br /> ---- ------ - - ---- - ---- ----- --------- - - ------- - ----- ---- ---- --- - ------- ---- � <br />'�� --------------------------------------------------------------- -�- - -- ------------ -- ------------�----- ------- - -�-------------- ---------�-�--�------------------- <br /> ------- - -......._- -- --- - - --- - --- <br /> ----�------ --- - ---....._-� --------- - - -- ._ - - - -- --- ---- -- -- - -------------------------------------�------------ - -------- ---.....----------------------------------�--��-----�- -- .._........----------------�---�--- <br /> - ---- --- ---------------- - - ---- -- --- - - -- -- - . . _...------- - ------------------------ <br /> To�ether with all the tenem.ents, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belorz�in�, and all the Estate, Ri.�ht, Title,Interest,�ozi�ef�, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and De�nand whatsoever of the said Grantor.�---,������'�, o},in, oT to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 �d�1C AI1� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�rantee_______and to ______h�'z__________ h,eirs <br /> arcd assi�ns foTever. �lnd___W e________hereby covenant__.____with the said Grar�tee______that___.___._l�'�_�_'___________________ hold___________said premises by�ood and <br />�I perfect title; that___.__Tr9_�_____________________hcl��___�ood risht and lawful authorit� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> I and incumbrances whatsoeveT------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- - - -- - -- - --- -- -- ------- - - -- ------ - ---------------- ---- - -- ------------ - ----------- ---------------- ------------ - ------------------------------- <br /> .Flnd___________________S!�I�___________________ ____________________._ _ covenc�nt___.___to warrant and defend the said prem,ises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever-- ------- - _---- - - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ---- -------------------------------------------- <br /> - - --- <br /> a <br /> ---------------------- --- ---- -- - -- --- - - -- - -- --- - - --------- --- - - -- --- -------- --------------------- --------- --- --------------------------------------------- <br /> Dated the--------26Lh---------------------daJ ��- - Mc3.rCh- - --- --------- -----�1. D.,191�------• <br /> W7TNESS ----------------A1�C�--�-•-�����1---------- - ----------------- ; <br /> _w_._��Sp�_a�Ue ----------------------------- ----------------------- - --- ---- -----------------J.w.A,_�op��l.------ -- --------------------- <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR.ISK�, <br /> �ss. <br /> -------da o March------------------------------------.�. D., 19_l�l'..._ , before me, <br /> -------Hall-------------------------------count�, on th�s--------�---t n-- � f---------------- <br /> the undersi�rced, a JV'otary Public_______________________________.___within and for said County,personally came_____________________.._____________________________________ <br /> --------Al i c e _E.HoFpe l_. and_._J.W.A.Ho�p�l_,wi Pe--and_--husb artd,------------------------------------- <br /> ---------- <br /> �SF�.L) <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_�_..._____whose name$__3rE_____.______�________.___��xed to the above <br /> instrument as �rantor_g___., and_________tneY_________________sever¢lly aeknowled�ed the same to be______thE�_�Y'____voluntary <br /> act arad deed for the purpose therein ex�r�essed. <br /> I✓Y'W'ITNESSW'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my of�2eial sead at__WOad---�{�u�Y' <br /> ,N�bra.81S3__iYl___sald___COLi21ty___________on the date last above written. <br /> � ------- --�Y,�.,�5�?r_����--------------------------- <br /> .Notary Public. <br /> .My eommission expires__�JI�.T'C71 2 7 z---- ---- - - ---- - ---� - --------- ------ --------19-1�------• - <br />