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�� � ' <br /> �.t..� . D��D C��C�O�D �oo �0 0 <br />-- -. ;�i:,�U-Kt,OPP�Pe BRRTI F•TT CO.,Printi�z9,Lilh.n�raphinp and Counta�"b"upplies;t3mahn. :- . � :, _--- _ _ _. .,. __:.;_ _-_�_�_�___ � ,___ .;—___�^ _-- .__� __� _ __ _-. _ - ___-- <br /> _.._ � ._ _�_� <br /> _ _ . _�_—._.. <br /> FR�� I hereby certifi� that this instrumerct was eritered on Numerical <br /> -- ---- In,dex and filed for record this----------2$-----------daz�of------�.Y'�n-------------- <br /> --C_�_01iI3�--H3��E'---&--H1�S�?_�.71d__.. _ ------- -- Warranty ✓1. D., 19.1�' ---, at--- -- -------�----------------- -------o'clock, __P•__,M. <br /> TO � Deed. <br /> --- --------c����_� ��----------------------- - <br /> Re�iste of Deeds, <br /> _,�i.a�us_t---, :,�i��-�-Fr_��--��Ha�ge------ ------ <br /> B�- -------- ---- -- --- ---------------------- -------- <br /> _and--�_illi�m__A,Ii��--Jr_,_-------- ------------ Deput�. <br /> �.�o�a �Z� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ���t---w�_,_Cax�o_li_ne__k���e _and__ wm.A,_Ha�ge_,wi2'�---and.--husba,nd� ------------___�_------ --------------------------------------- -- --- <br /> of the County of_--��,��.-----,----------------_---.ayzd St,�atc of----------N2bI'�3k3--------------------------------------------------------Granto�-------, in consideratiofi - <br /> of the sum o�--Q�?e-Dollar_�_(and---other.___valuable _consid�rat fon�--------------------------- ---- --------------------- --------- -----��,��j�;� <br /> in hand paid, do______.________h,ereby GR�NT, B�RG.f1IN', SELL, .�.�D coNVE�unto___Augus�__Iia�g�_,Fr��i___�.H�b�__`s7,21�_W��.���fl___ <br /> ---A-•-����e�-��-•- ---- ----- - -- - -- ------------------------------------------- --- - ------------------------------------------�----------------------------- <br /> --------- ----------------- - <br /> of the Count�J�}-------Ha.l1.-- - -- -_ - - ---_and State of---- - - ---- -NE?b2'33k:� --- -- ----- -------- - -----,Gran,tee.-�----, th,e followin� <br /> described premises, situated ira the Countz� of______.________Hc3�11_____________.___._________________.__.___�ri,d State of JV'ehrsixka, to wi.t: <br /> ..__Lot,..Two.__(2 ),of.__t�ie County Sub--division of_.the West_..Half_ (VV�_.�__of..the._S_outh._We_st____Qua,rter____(_S�!�_�., <br /> ---.oP.--Sect.ian...Fifteen.--(15_�,T�wnsnip._.Eleven--(-1,1-�- Nort�.,Range_..Nine....L9-�---west---o�'.__the...6��....pA.�,.a_co_nt_a�in- <br /> __ in� ttivo_acres:accordin�___to___the, recor8ed..._�?la� o� .said _sub_-d.itr3sion___on___file____in__the___ofPi_ce.--.of___the <br /> ----Re�i.s.t�r--�-f---De�c�.�_._o�'_--�.�.1ci---I�al�,.._Ca�n�y,-�.�..s�---�'x_�.�t_i_Qn��_Blfl�_k._Qne...Hundr��._.Fnrty-nin�---�-1��-�.--in---the <br /> ._..Uz�i_Qn---Pac.i_Pi�__Railx►ay---�.omFany.'.�__S e�.Qnd---A_s��li�i an__t�...�r..�,nd---Z�.lan�i_,Nebx.asK�.s-�.�....aur.u�yed,_�1.atted-._. <br />, --ahd._.r�corded.-- - - -.. ------- --- ------.._....-- --- ---------------- <br /> -- - ----__ - -- ------- - ------- ------ � -- - - - . - ------------------ - -------- <br /> To�ether with all the ten,ernents, hereditaments, and ap�urtenccraces thereunto belort�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Ir�terest,Dawe�, ' <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoeveT of the said Grantor_�----,��������,����d�of, irz, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br />' �0 �A�1C AIY� t0 �OY� th-e above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rar�teeH_.___and to______�h��I'_____ h,eirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .flnd_____VII�'______hereb�covenant_______with the said Grantee�._____that________YY�______________________ hold____________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that._________w_1_e__.___________.ha�e_�ood risht and lawful authoritz� to sell and convez� the same; that the�are free arcd clear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever---------------- -- -- ------ ------------------_. --- -- ------------------------------------------------------ <br /> --------------------------------------------- -------------------------- <br />� ------ --- - - - - - - -- - - --- ----- - ---- ---_ -------- ----------- -- - - ---- ------------- -------------- ---------------- --- <br /> ------- ------------------ ------- - <br /> II ,,qnd_____________,_____._yyQ____________________ ____________________ covenarat__.____to warrant and defend the said premises a�sainst the lawful claims of all persons ' <br /> whomsoever---------- -_ --- --- ___ - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> ----------- ----------------- ---- ---------------- ----------------------------- -- <br /> Dated the---------2fS�h------------------ ----da�J �1�- - �[�'CYl ---- ---- -- --- --.,4. D.,19--�-�----• <br />�I tif�'ITNESS ------Ca7'01�7ie---Hag�-�'-'-- - ---------- --- -- -------- <br /> . <br />' ---I�._G_.A11art------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------�-*��-H��------------------------------- ------------------ - <br /> ST.1TE OF NE13R.1SK.,4, <br /> �ss. <br /> ---------���.�------------------------------Count On this-------2��h___ <br /> y, --------da�J of---------7t���h-----------------------------------�. D., 191- -- - , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned,a�Y'otary Public_______________ .within and for said County, personally came_____________________________._ <br /> --------Caroline--Hagge---and---VVm.A.Hag�e_iwife--`�nd-- husband;------------- <br /> �5�Z� to me personally known to be the identical person$_.._.____.whose nameg_____�re_______._____________c�f�'ixed to the above <br /> instrumen,t as �rantors___._, and_______.___t�e_Y__._________severatly acknowled�ed the same to be_thf'3Y'________voluntar� <br /> act and deed for the purpose thereira expressed. <br /> IN W'ITNESSYVl3EREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and af/'ixed my ofj2cial seal at_�Y'dAC1__---__- <br /> __I�4�.�d_,_�I�__S_��,�__�OLiT1t3T�______________orz the date Zast above written. ' <br /> ------------�._���_].ldn.-------------------- ------ --- ' <br /> Notary Public. . <br /> .Mz� commi,ssion expires------- - --Sep�_._2?�_�_1Q16------- ---------------------- - � <br />� . <br />