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� _ _ _ � <br />.. <br /> . � ��,,,� <br /> ��. , DC�C�C� ��C�O�D [�oo �Oa <br />=`�� 'YG��6=KI,OPP i�BAKfiT,Z'TT CO.,Printin9,Lithoqraphting anil Criu�nty Suppdies;Omaha. _ —_--= _--= -° --- _ <br /> FRO�1 I herebz� ce,rtifz� that this instrument zvas entered on ✓1�'umerical <br /> _ __ Ir�dex and fcled for record this__.___2_�________________da�of____._���'1_______.____ <br /> �. D., 19.�4------, at- _ _ _ -- - _9-_ _ -- -------dclock---A. --.M. <br /> ---�-�vt�e---u.J�.i�'y--&--vi�i-P�� ---- - - - - - _.. --- Warranty • <br /> q.p Deed. • <br /> - ----- - - --- ---- - ---- -- --- = -----��G?iv__v , <br /> --------------- --- <br /> Re�ister f Deeds, <br /> ---Wm.J.Speetz�n---- ---- --- ---------- ----- ---�-- <br /> B�------- - -------------- --- - -- ----- ----- -------------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.r�o� ��Y �er� �p ��je�e �re�e�t�: <br /> ���.�---- -C_l�d__e__ V_._Jury---and--Jennie--I_.Jury --(hi-�--w_i__fe-1------------------•---- <br /> of the Countz� of_-------Ha,Il _ --- ------utzd :5'tc�t� of---_----------NebY'3sk�,--- -- - ------Grantor-s-------, in consideratiorz <br /> — ' _____________DOLLd4RS, <br /> of the sum o�--------�wenty-- tYzree__Htzndred_ anci__no _lo�----(_�2_3oo_._Q4-�-------------------------- --------------------- --------- <br /> in han,d paid, da.__ _--___---herebz� GR�✓l�'T, B�RG�IIN, SELL, �ND CONVEY'u,r�to-----�M1___�7.S�E'�'���21_---_-------_-----__--_--------_- <br /> -- ---- --------------- <br /> ------------------------- --- -- - ------------ -- - --- -- ------------------------------------------ -------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------- -- --- <br /> of the Courct�J��---------Ha.11 - - --- ._and State of--- -- N�bI'3�1��3, --- - ---- -- - -- - -- -- - ------ - ---,Gran,tee,--------, th,e followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the Cour�ty of____.__________.____Hall_____________________________._______a.r�,d State of Nebr��cka, to wit: <br /> ...L�z:�_..Sev�n---(.-��l.Q�K_.Thirt�r-�_�_v�n--�-3_7-)---of---Wasmer�.w...A�.�lit.i��---�j.ty....A�---�r.a.n.d---Ls_land,-in--- <br /> ...�ai c�_..Hal l_..C.�unty,,N�b r�sxa_s t o�e ther.-with__t��e- --imFr_oyement s_--txlere_on.._..._--------------------_--------------------------------- <br /> - -- -..._._ - -- - ---- --.. -- -..__... ------ ------------ --- -�............._--- - ------ -� - -----� -- - --� --- ------ --- ---- ----_...-----�---------�-�------------------------- ---- ------- ---- ---------� <br /> ------�------------ -- - ------ --- - - - ------ -- - -� ---- --- ._..__.--- --.__...------------�--�--�----�--------------- ----------- -- ----- -- ----- -----------�----------------�------------- --------------------------------.....------ <br /> ------------- --� ------� -- ---- --------------- - -- - -- - � --- -- -------- � - -----�-�---._.-- ---------------- -----------------�----------------...--�---.....----�- --------- - - ----.....--�-- --�--- �-------------------------------�--. <br /> --------- ------------�-��-------- ---- -..... --- - -- -� --- ---- -- ------ ---. .... ...............� -------------------------..--�-- ---------------- ----------------�-------------------......-�----....--�� - - - -----------_.............------ <br /> -- -------- ------------------ -- - --- - - ------ ---- - - - -- - - - ... .----------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenefnents, liereditam,ents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�s, and all the F.state,Ri,�ht, Title,Interest,Doz��er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoez>er of the said Grantor�.____, , of,in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �D �A�1C �1�� t0 �OY� the above-described prem,ises, with- the appurtenances,unto the said�rantee________and to_____hj.$____________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �lnd___1Y_f'__________hereby coveraant_______with the said GrarLtee________that_____________Tt��.________________ hold___________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfeet title; that_.____��__.__.______.___ha_Y_e__.�SOOd ri�ht and lawful authorit� to sell and convez� the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br /> and ineumbranees whatsoever__�XCep'�._OT1�__Cert_c3,1�.___�'1�'St___111�I"�g��e___�_I'),__QS'�„��.I���___�uXA___Qf'___F_1f_���Xl__.H1�LYLd2'��___1Y14�_.__ <br /> __No�1o0___Doll�,rs_,payable___t_o._the___Oc_c;ic�ental _�ui_ld_ing___�.nd __L__oan__A_s:�oci�,tion__oP___Omaria_,Nebraska,,which <br /> the__grant_ee herein _assumes__and a�rees_ to__�ay_. <br /> .grcd_____________________w�_._________________.______-_-_ --.-_ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever-------- - _ _ -- --.------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------- ------------------------------------------ <br /> Dated the------------a.�t-h-------------------da�J ��- -- _�3�_Ch- - - --------- ---- -..__.R. D.,19_��-----• <br /> W'ITNESS ----------------------C-�Y-de---V.Jur_y_-------------------- - --- <br /> --C,�_,�'low�r ------------------------------------------ - -----------------------Jennia--I..Jury_-- ------------ ------------ <br /> ----------------------------------------- --------- - - ------------- <br /> --- - <br /> Geo.Cowton <br /> ST.1TE OF eN'EBR�SK'✓1, <br /> Hal l �ss. <br /> --------------------------------------------------County, Ora this--------1�Gth-------------------da�J o�---•------.�,�'C�_1_--------------------------------.1. D., 1�.�----- , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned,a✓V'otarz�Public---_--__--_-_--_-_-_._-__--___--within and for said County, personally came------------__---__-__--_-_. _--_--.-_---___-_--_-----------__ <br /> ----------- - Clyde--V._Jury_ and---�-e�2ie_.__I_.�'uxy_---����---3��.f_�-�-------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> Es�az) -- - ---- ---- ------------ -- - - ------------------------ -- ----- -- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_�_____.__whose name�_._32'�___________________________u�j"ixed to the above <br /> instrument as�rantor__3__,_, and____________I��____.______________severally acknowled�ed the same to be_______OLiY'---------voluntary <br /> act ar�d deed for the purpose thereir� expressed. <br /> IaN'W'IT,NESS WHF,REOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and a�j"ixed my o f)icial seal at___CxZ�.21C�__ ______ <br /> ____._Is l�.Yld_i_121__Sd,1d__COLiTIL�_.__________on the date Zast above written. <br /> � ----- --------G_.T.P1nv��r------------------------ --------------- <br /> dl�'otary Public. <br /> . . . ------ - ----19-�-�-----• <br /> .Mz� commassaon expares-------'-4LigLiBt---- 2'jth-,------------------------------- <br />