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� . <br /> � �� <br /> ���._. D��U ���O�D ��❑ ��n <br /> ___ _ ,.. __ _. __ �:--_ _ - - ---._ -- - -- _ <br /> 56��0-IfL01'1'cE�ARTLETT CO..Printinq,LithopraphtinpandCounEy�uppties:dmaha. - `-`'- -` '"`--`- ' -'--- _- '.` ..._ _ .._.� <br /> . _ ____ <br /> --� -— _ . �. . _:__ _._ . <br /> __ _.. . __...: ..Y__ _-___.____�._���__��. _�._�_�.__.._.____�M--�-------.:_._�- _.._ <br /> FRO.M I hereby certifi� that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> ____ _ Index and led or record this_____21_______________da o �arch <br /> --- ----------------------- - - � f � f--------------------------------- <br /> _.__C__alv�n__L.Waggoner__�d_wi_fe_ Warranty <br /> .g. D., 191'4----, at-- _ _____.9:.30 -__ - - -----o'elock- -A-•--�• . <br /> Tp Deed. ` <br /> ----- - - <br /> -------- -------�----------f- ----- --- <br /> Re ister � )eeds, . <br /> (�rant 4:4ar3 <br /> B�-------- ------ - -- - -- ---_ - --------------- ------ <br /> ----'-- -- ------------ -- - --- - - -- - .._ Deputy. ; <br /> �.�o�a �Y� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> ���,t.______wes Calvin L.&aggoner_an3 Pauline Wag�oner,_husband_and_wi fe, ________ <br /> ------- -�----- ------- -- ----- <br /> of the County of---------�e►1,1 ---- -- --c�.�tc� �S't,ate of--------N9bT2�8k21------- ------- - ----------------------- - -----Grantor----8----, in consideration <br /> of the sum o�----------Twe�ty-s�ven--Hundred__and__no/100 -----------------------------DOLL✓IRS, <br /> ----------------------- ------ ---- ----------------------------------- <br /> in hand paid, do______________.___hereby GR��'T, B✓1RG�1I.N, SFI,L, �ND CONVEY'unto__________Gr8?'lt 4.�r8�rd <br /> ------------- --------------------- -- -- - - ------------ ----------------- <br /> ---------------------------- -- -- -------- ---------- -- ------------------------------ ------ --- - - --- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- -- <br /> ---a.nd State o -------N9bTSS��----------------- <br /> of the Courzt�J�f-----H�-�11- --- --- -- - - f --- ----- - --- - -- - -- -----,Gran,t.ee_----, th,e followin� <br /> described prernises, situated in t.he C,'ounty o/'_____�8��,__..___ _ ____________________.______.______._.____carzd State ot Nebr��ka, to wit: '' <br /> ....._Z`he._North_ fi.ft_y...faet.. _(50!_}__of _lot�four,_five and._sig_ _in__block._si$te_en__in_.the.,Ori�inal___town___of <br /> �- - ---...... ------ <br /> -----Wood_._Rivar,.Nebraska.----- --- ---- - -�-- -- - -....._..---- ---------------------- --- ----------�---------------�------------......- -- -----._...--- <br /> - ----- --- -- - ---- - - -- --- - ----- ----- - -- - --- - <br /> -------�------------------_--�--�. ---� - - - --- �- - -...__.-- --- --�-------------�-------�---�------------------------------------- ------------------- <br /> - ---�-------------�-- ------- ---- - -- - - - -- - - --- ---...--------------------�---�-----�----------------- --- --- --- -...__.. ------ ----- �------....------------------------- -------�------------------------------------ <br />�'I .--.._......-- --- -- -- ------- --. _-� - - - ----- ------------------- --------�----------- ---�-----�------�-�--�- ---- ......--------------------�------�----�----------------------------�-----� <br /> --- --- ---� -- - - ----�-- -.. --... <br /> -�-- - - ---- - - �-- --------_.___.._._..._._....._... - - - ---------- ------- --------�-------------- --------�-- -----�--------------...___..- -�------------ - --�--�---- - � ------- --...--�-� --------------�-----------�--------------------------- <br />' -- - - ._...- - -------------------- - - -- ----.._...-- -- ---- -- - - --- ----------- ---- -- ----------------------......---------- -�-...------- --------------------..._ --------------�-� --- ----------------------------- -------- - <br /> ----------- - - - -- ------------- - -- ----- -- - - - - --- - --- -. ... .---�------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurter�ances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title.,Interest,Do�v�r, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__S___��'���'�e�, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 �A�1P AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the a�purtenances, unto the said��d to______h�_S____.____._ heirs <br /> and assi�ns foTever. .�4nd____._Rf�_______hereby covenarLt________with the said Grantee_._____that__________�FQ_._____________ hold___________said pTemises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that__.___.___W8___________.____ha�e_.�ood ri�ht and Zawful authority to sell and cortvey the same; that they are free and clear of all lien-s <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever------------------ ------ ------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------ -------- --- -- ----------- ----------- ---- - -- -- - - -- -------- ------- - -------- ------------ - ----------------- -- ---------------- ---- -- - --- <br /> -- -- - -- - - -- - -- _ - - - -- ---.._ ---- - -- ------------------- -- ---- - -- ----------- ---- ----------------------- --------------- ----------------------------- -- <br /> �lnd___________________�!e____________________________________-.--_ cover�arct________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of ¢Zl person,s <br /> whomsoever- --------- - -- - -- -- -- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----- ----------------------------------------------- ---- - ---- ------------ -- <br /> Dated the----------17th ------------------da� of.__----MBTCh------- ---- ------ ------.✓�. D.,19--14'--• <br /> W'ITNESS ----------------C$ZY��1___�e��a�0�1�3�-- ----------- - - <br /> ---W.I,.Sprague-------------------------------------- ------------ - -..----- -------------------Paul3ne_.�fa�qoner- ------------- <br /> ST.gTE OF NEBR.ISK�, <br /> $al l ss. <br /> ---------Courct , On this----------19th----------------da o 1+�8TG�'1-----------------------------.�. D., 191'¢-- . , be ore me, <br /> ----------------------------------------- ✓ - � f--------------- --- - - f <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public---------------------------------within and for suid County,AersonaZly came----------------------------------------------------------- <br /> _______Calvin_L_,Wag�,one r__and___Pauline__�Pag�ansr}_husban,d_and_.wi f e� <br /> (SEAL j --- ----- ---- ---------------- - ------ <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_.t�._____whose name__8-_____STH_________.____________af�'ixed to the above <br /> - instrumerct as�rantorf,�.____, and______________t�18ji____.________severally acknowZed�ed the same to be_______'�hQ3..t__volur�tary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I.N W7TNESSWHEREOF,I havehereunto subscribed my name and a�j"ixed my of)icial seal at_______WOOd________ <br /> __Ri4er,_�Iab_r_.311__Sr�3,�_._�_QUZI�y____._orz the date last above written. <br /> ------- ------------------�-+�-•-�p�Elg1�Q------------------------ <br /> ,Notar�Public. <br /> ✓lIy commission expires------ - ��TC$-�7i-- ------ ------- ------------------_..------191�------• <br />