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<br /> 5fiai�—KLOPP c�BARTLETT CO.,Prinling,I,ithopra.plaing n�ad Gbunly Supplies;Orrzalia. _ �
<br /> FK�✓� I hereby certify that this instrumerat was entered oro .Numerical
<br /> Index and led or record this________1 __________da o �ar en
<br /> ----- --- - --- --- � }� -� �J �-----------------=---------------
<br /> d4. D., 19.1�-----, at---- -- -_ 9-- - -- - --------o'clock-- --A_'.M.
<br /> ----�x_�_�'_�_�'u_�le__16!1�.1i�ms--�?c--�iusb.----------- -------- Warranty
<br /> TO Deed.
<br /> ---- ---- --- --
<br /> �����____-__(/%�_��_-�'� -------- ----
<br /> Re�ister Deeds,
<br /> ---�_scar---S._Hi_leman - - ------ ------ -- -- __ _- --
<br /> B�------- _ ---- --- - -- -- --- - -- ---------------- -_---
<br /> -- - -- Deputz�.
<br /> �.r�o� ��r �er� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�t� :
<br /> ���t----���Gertirudf: -T�i�..l_�,_am�_._�nd I_x�..._C_,_W.�11��,ms,_W_�.fe_��,nd--H'��b�,rid-�-----------------------
<br /> Ha.11-- - ---- ancl St�cte o --------.-----Nebr�.�ka.------ ------ - -------------------------------(�rantor_�----._ in consideration
<br />'',, of the County of----------------- f ,
<br />��, of the sum of_------_F_13Z-�--HLiT_1d.Y'�-�'1---'-_- - - - -- -- -- -- ---- ------------- ---- --------- --- --------- ----- --- ------------ ---------- - -- - - ------.DOLL.qRS,
<br />'� in hand paid, do-----------------h,ereby GR,FINT, B�RG,lII✓1�', SELL, .l1JV'D C,O✓l�'VEY'unto-----��C-BT---�_._Hjl�'I11�3.rL-------------------------------------- -----------------
<br /> II� ----------------------------------- - - --------- - - ------------- ------------------------------------------ --- -- -------------------------------------------------------------- ---- --- - -
<br /> I o the Courct o ------------F3c�,11----------------------and State o rl�b_I c�.u1K�------------------- - --------------,Gran,t.ee--------, the ollowirz
<br /> f ✓ f 1'-- --
<br /> -- - --- -- - - � �
<br /> deseribed premises, situated in the Countr�oj'_____.____�3�1-1_-_.____ __________________________________.____and State of JV'ebra6cka, to wit:
<br /> , •
<br /> II�', .._Lot�.._�Tumber...T�tro----(.2.� .TYireF�-.---(-3-)--1='-ou-r----(4.)---�,nd---S_ev�n:�een_�ff._we�t.--sid�:_..of---�o�,---Number---One--(_l.) _A_ll---
<br /> �
<br /> I', _.._in.__Block_..Nurnber__.7'�y�:nty___One_ (21_)___�;�acColl__.8c__L�flan�s._Adc�i�ion _to_,._the_. Town___of__Wo�d___River.,_T�ebra�ka,
<br /> I''� ....����xsi.in�--�Q- t�.�__.x.�cQrc�ed--�:�-��---t.he��o�_, ----------------------- - - ---- -- --- ---- -----------------------------�------------ ---.....--------------------------------------------
<br /> I�i -----.....-----------�------- -� - --- - ---� - - ---- - - ---- -------�---------- ----------------�----------------------------- --- ---------- --- - _...._...----�- ----...-----...- ---------------._.._----------------------------...-------.._..
<br /> ------------------- -._.__...___.. ---- -- -_......_ ---- ---------...-- ----- - -- .._..-------�-- ------------------�---------...------------------��---�- ------ -------------------------------- ------------------------------------ --
<br />,
<br />�� _--------------�- -- - -------.....-- -_ ._--- --- --- ------- - ------�--- -------...------- ----------------------------._....__....- - ..__..._..-------- ------- ----------- ------ ------ - -- - --------------------�---- ----------
<br /> f -------------_ ......._. ------- -�-- ------� - -...- - -- --- --- --- -------- --�---- �------------- ------------_.- -- -------- ------ -----------�---------�-------------------�--- - - -- -- -------------------- --��-----
<br /> - -- - ------ -- -- ------------ -- -- --- -- -- ----- - -- -- - - -- ------ - ----� -------�---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --- ------ ------- ----
<br /> I To�ether with all the tenements, hereditame32ts, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Fstate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,PoTVC-r�,
<br />�'� Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoe,r�er of thP said Grantor_____._,��Pn�Pe�EE��'��t��Y�; of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br />'I �0 �d�1C �TT� t0 �OY� the above-described pren2ises, with the appurtereances,unto the said�rantee________and to___ni S_______.____ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �Lnd_______I_________hereby covenant________with the said Grarctee________that,____._________�_______________ hold.____,____said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that_________I_____________________haVe__�ood ri�ht and Zawful authorit� to sell arcd convey the same; that they are free and ebear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever.------------------------- - --------- ------------------ -- ----- -- ----------- ------------------------------
<br /> ----- ------ --- --- -- - -_ _ - - - - .
<br /> _- -- -- --- ----- - -- ------- ----- ---- -------------------------�------ - --- ------
<br /> -----
<br /> I�' ' �hzd___________.___._______I________. ____.__.___________.______ covertant_______.to warrant and defercd the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> I whomsoever-- ------ - -- --- - - - - --_---- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---
<br /> -------------- - - ---------------------------------- ------------------- ---
<br /> I�I� ------------------- --- - -- - --- ---- -- -- - - ----------- -- --
<br />'I Dated the-------------------7tYt ---------- ---da�J �}�- -----T.��,T'C71- -- _�1. D.,19--1�----• Y
<br />� W7TNESS -----------------�r e_�'_�Y'Ll(�E:_V`J�._111�3,II1S------ - -- - ---
<br /> I�
<br />' ---D.D.0!��ne----------- --------------------------------------- - - ------------------zr�, --�_�Y�_��l ia_m_s-------------------------------
<br /> - -
<br /> ---------------------------------------
<br /> ---------- ----------- - ------
<br /> -------- ------ - ---- -- ----- -
<br /> -- - - -------------------------
<br /> ST.1TE OF JV'EBR�SK,4,
<br /> ss. :
<br /> I''�, -----��'s��.-�--------------------------------County, � Or� this----------------Zt h------------da�J of------------���.T Ch------------------------------.q. D., 19---1.�F._ , before me, ;
<br /> I, the undersi�ned, a JV'otary Public___________________________.._______._within and for said County,personally came____________________________________.._______________________________
<br /> --G�r_tx�u�i�:___W_ill_iam� --as�d--sr�__�._._�villi�,m�---"-�1if-e---�.�n�i---�i�.sb_and!'_---------------------------------------------
<br /> (sraz ) -- ---- - ----------------=---------------------- - --------------------------- ----- ------------------------------
<br />'' to me personally known to be the identical person___�._____whose name__�___are___________________.____a fr'ixed to the above `
<br /> instrumerat as �rantor.__�__, and_______.�Yl_�y._________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be____xh�_fr_____voluntary '
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I�Y'WITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my of�cial seal at____V'1_4_Qd__R1Y_E;r
<br /> _______}_�,71___SG��_d___C�L1T1Ly__,_________ _____________on the date last above written.
<br /> --------- --D_._D_..�7!K;�,n�------------------------------------------------
<br /> �V'otarz�Public.
<br /> ,My commission expires----------- J�,21y.- -lytil--- ----------------------------- 1�------•
<br /> ----- ------�9-- -
<br />