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� �� <br /> �a��� D�C�D ��C�OC�D �Joo ��o <br />=-.' ` =rC.;;�—ICL�PP`&AAR7'LF,TT C0.,Printin9,I,tilhnpra�hinganitCoainty�Yi�pplies:Omhh.a. ' _. _ :. _. :_. _ .. _'____.. ----,.:-,. .-._.�__�.-.____�_. _._ _. _._ -- - ---_ <br />��. _ ._ _ ,,. _ , _ � __- .. ._�_„ _...:,-.�,_---,_— ---- ._:_.., . �..,:_.:.. ____..__— ..---- __ ----3l- _.__..�.. .Y�_:._�.-� <br /> TRO,M I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on Numerical <br /> Index and fi,led for record this.__.____�._______________day of_____��r�h____________ <br /> .fl. D., 19-----�-�-, at----- -- -- -- --- -� - - -------o'clock----A_�_.M. <br /> ____A_x�_r�iL�---1�_._Rief,�in�;le -- -- -- -- --- --- Warranty <br /> TO Deed. <br /> - <br /> --------- -------------�%����--- d��� <br /> -- -- ----------- ------------- <br /> Re�ister of eeds, <br /> ----�l t I�_.Au ;€;u s-t-ln.----- --- --------- ---- -- _- <br /> 8�1---- -- - --- ------ -- --- - -- - --------------- ----- -- <br /> ------------ -'------------- ------ ----- __ - -- -- - Deputy. <br /> �.�oi� �Y� �e� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> ����----- - -A�*hux _I�i.Ri�1'-(S_in�;le..) - ----- ---- ---- --- --------------- ---- - ---------- -------------- ----------------------------------------- --- --- -- <br /> of the CountJ of----------�i�,ll -- - ----ccrz,cl Stccte of----------------------IJ'�br�,�,_1:�.------------------,----------------..--------Grantor---------, in consideratiora <br /> of the sum of_--------- T}lree--HU2ldred NO!�1-QQ- - ---- - -- --------------------- - -- --- - - ------ --- ----- - - --------- - ---------DOLL.IRS, <br /> in hand paid; do-__----------__-h,erebz� GR�NT, B,gRG.F1I�"', SEI,L, �4ND COJV'VEY'unto----------�I_._R_..�11�,1S_�_fT1---------------_--- -_--,------ ---------___--_- <br /> H�,11 ----and State o ------ ---- -- -N�bra.5Ka. --- ----------------- - --- -----,Gran,tee,------, the following <br /> of the Count�J�}----------- - - - -..----- -- - � <br /> described premises, situated in the County of____ _ _________.FIa1�--..__________________._.____._________an-d State of Nebrs�ka, to wit: <br /> .......Lct.--a�:yen.-(7_(.�Ei.�rht. (� ) _anc3 -Nine (9 ) ,�31ock- Two ..(2_)_,.in.._�tief._l�dci.i�.i,on__,t.o...Doniphan_,Nebr�.ska-,-------- <br /> -- - - -- ------- --- --.- --- --�- --- ----- ----------- -----------�------- �. ... .............�-�---�- - --- - ---- -- ----------...---------�-----._....---------------- ----------------------- ------------------------ <br /> ------------------ -__....-- - -�----------------- ---- - -_.......--- - ---- ---- - ------...- --�-- -._....------- - -----�------ ------- --------•-----�---------------------- ------ ---------------- ---------- ----------- -------- ..._ <br /> ------------ ----------------- ----- ----- ------�---- --- -._._......-- - - --- ------- --------------------------------------------�----------�---� - .._.... ----- ------ .....----------� - ----- - -- --- -- ----------------------------------------------.._... <br /> ----------- -- -- -- - --- ----- ------ --- - - -_- - -- --------- - -- . . .. . --- ------ - --------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the terzements, heredituments, and a�purtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,DoT��n,r, <br /> Curtesy,Claim arcd Demand whatsoe��er of th,e,said Grantor_____.,�z��t5�����i���of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 ���1C AIY� tD �OY� the above-described premises,with the appurterzances,unto the said�rantee____._.and to________YLj,B__._.___ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .Flr�d________S____lzereby covenant_______.with the said Grantee______that,____._________I__________________ hold.___________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that____________I___.__________ha__V_e_�ood ri�ht and lccwful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and elear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever--------------- -- - ------ ------------------------ --------- ---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --- --------------------------- <br /> ,qrcd___________-_____._______�_______________________._. __ ___ _________ eouenant________to wurrant arcd defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims-of all persons <br /> whomsoever---- -- -- -- - - - . _ - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -�--------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- <br /> Dated the---- --- �T'd------------------------d��J ��- -P�3Y'c;h - ,_ �1. D.,19__1�.__, <br /> W7TNESS --------------- �r�hUr__�I..1�1(��------ - ---------------- <br /> ----H.A_.I.�e r���.n- ---- ----------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> C .M.Redm�,n <br /> ST�SfTE OF NEBR�SK�4, <br /> ss. <br /> H�,11-----------------------------County, On this------------�---------------------da�J of--•----------���rCh-------------------------------✓1. D., 191�'-- - , before m,e, <br /> the undersi�ned, a�N'ota�y Publie._______________________._________within arzd for said County, personally came_________._________________________________.____________________ <br /> ------------- - - �rt;iur---��.R_ie�----�S-�n���--�------ -----------------------------------�------------------------------------ ------------------- ----- <br /> (SF�AI� ) <br /> ---- -------------- -------- --- -- ---------------- -- ---- --------- -------------- --------------------------------------- ------------------ -------------------- <br /> to me persorcally ki2own to be the identical person______.____whose rzame_________________i$_________________.afJ"ixed to the above <br /> instrument as �rantor________, and_________________�1F%.____.____.______severally acknowled�ed the same to be.______m�!__.________voluratary <br /> act und deed for the purpose therein ex�ressed. <br /> IJV'W'IT.NESSW'FIEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and afj"'ixed my ofy'icial seal at________________________ <br /> _____D�n_i�?han_,_in__s�.id_ eour.��_,______on the date Zast above written. <br /> ----------Chaa._�.R�dman--- <br /> ------------------ <br /> ✓l�'otary Public. <br /> . . --------- --------1917-----• <br /> JVIy commi-ssaor� expires_._______.______1DeCe2Tl�er__lc�tll_______________.________ <br />