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<br /> ���
<br /> ,i� o D C�C�C�O�D �100 �d�
<br /> D�f�D
<br /> :___ _ _ _ __ � : _ -_ _ — —_
<br /> -� � 5u��il--KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Printinp,Liihopraphing and G'ounty Supplies;nmalaa. � � �� _ A_ _
<br />_� -<, ._ . _,,. _-__ _... _v _
<br /> _ - - _ _ --.�. —__.._
<br /> FROJVI I hereb� certifz� that this instrument zvas entered ora Numerical -
<br /> Index and filed for record this.._.__2$._________._____daz�of___F��I'U�.Y_�t______.__
<br /> Charles A.---H�nn &--'rviPe---- _ _ --------- Warranty �. D., 19__ l�'__, at---- _ --- --11.:_30__ _--- --------o°caock-A-,-----�•
<br /> T� Deed. j�,�%�'��C_ �_
<br /> ------ ---- -v�--- - -- - ----------- ----------
<br /> _- ------ -
<br /> Re�ister o eeds,
<br /> ---Edyl�,rci__C_.Ha,n.n------ - -- - -- ---- ------ -- -
<br /> B�---- - - - - - --- -. ----- -- -- - _ -------------------- -
<br /> , Deputy. _
<br />� �.�o� �Y� �e� �p ��je�e �xe�e�.t�:
<br /> .
<br /> ����___- �tJe,Ch��.rles___A.����nn _��nd Louis_e, Hann_,his wife_: _____
<br />'� of the Courcty of_- ---Hc�l.l_.- --------- ------czri,c� ,State of- --------NextZ's�.a$i� ------- ----. _--------------Granto�•-fl-----, in consideratiorz
<br /> I'�, of the sum of--------- Qn�--D�_1_lar (-�n�l--ot_Y�.�r--�_Qn�i�e_r._��_ian�-1------------------ -- ---=- -- -----�����#
<br /> --- - ------ ------------------ ---- --- --
<br />�I irt hartd paid, do---------------hereby GR�FINT, BJIRG.RI�'', SELL, �ND CONVEY'urzto--�C�I�i�,Y'�--C-.�i�'121---------------------------------------------------------
<br /> of the Gount�J of-----��,11-- -- -------- - - --- --and State of--- -- - ----�T�b�'a81��,-- --------------- ------ - - -- ----------,Gran,tee--------, the followin� , ,
<br /> ;
<br /> described premises, situated in the County of______ _��,],],__._______________________________________.___arzd bYtate of,Nebr��ka, to zvit: i
<br /> _..�art.___of_�Lot._. 1�. of_..th� .County �ubdiyision of.__the___South half___o�'...the._.S_Q�:�t_k�-.�.��,st___Qu�.r.t..e..r. _q�'...��ct�_ion
<br /> 16 in TowrtshiF 11 Nor�rl,of Ran�;e 9 ��est of' tY�� 6';h P.1�. ,�e�cribed a,s Pollows :�3e�;innir_�; at a,
<br /> --�po-�x�-�- --i� t-h�-�Wes��rly -li-n�: ��'--s���.�1--I�a��----13 -v�hic�---�:-���s---��--#'ee��-��ou���e�r-�y�--f'ra�----�-t-s---N-�-r-�t�—v�e-��....----
<br /> cc�rner,runnt.ng thenee Easterly,and pa�allel with its Northerly line,103 3�4 feet ;thence South-
<br />'''' --�r1: -�d ara:z2.el-tih;-it�--�+-s-- WeStgr�� ..-3�ne._ 1�0- f��t;tY1�T`t-C-E�--1�e�at-�'I'I ---�Ytt3--- -��..-Yr�I-z-�-fi:--�91-t-Yi---1-t-�--N��tYi�r'
<br /> Y� .._F y > �� P �Y
<br />�,, __.l_ine,103 ��?�, feet___and_,th�;nce Nort'r�erly.�alon�;__its Westerly_.line_:1___0. _feet.__to._ the ..Blace___��'_ be�;in-
<br /> . . . . . --- -----
<br /> nin�;bein�; a rectan�;ular piec� of' �;rourid :ciavin�; a 2�orth�rly frorrtage of 103 3 feet on Cha�rles
<br />', --�t-r-�-�t -(w���-ch-- is--nouu ��-fee�- in---'�_idth)�,n.d. -�---de�ath.--�o-�----1`-�k�J---�ec:�-..--- --------- -- ------ ------------------ -
<br /> --- --------- -- -------------�----._.
<br /> -- --� - -- ......--�-- -------. _ -- - ---- --- -----�--- ---------------------�------------------�--- ----------�--- ------------------- -- -....._............- -...........------------------------�------�----------------------
<br /> -------------. _�------------- -- -- -- --- - ------ - -- -- - -- --�- - -- - - .. .
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurterzances thereunto belon�in�, and all the E.state,Ri�ht, Title,.Ircterest,DoT��Pr,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Grantor__S___���',�1,���j��; of, in, oT to the same, or anz�part th,ereof.
<br /> �CO �d�1C All� t0 �OY� the above-described 7�re�ni,ses, with the appurteraances,unto the said�rarztee_______arzd to____.h�.__8_____________ Tieirs
<br /> and¢ssi�ns foTever. .l1nd_____1�Ye______hereb y covenant_._.___with the said Crantee______that_____we______________________ hold____________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfeet title; that__.___Vile--------_---------_hay8__�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free and clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever-----------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------
<br />,,
<br /> -- ------ - - - ---- -- ------- - --- - ------- -- ------ - -- --------- - - ----- --------------- ---------- ---- -- - - - -- -- ---------------------------- ------- -
<br /> ./lnd__.:___-________tive______.___:________.___________________._______ covenarct_.______to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever---------- -- --- ___ - ---- - -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- --- -------- - ---- --------------------
<br /> --------------------- - ---- .. --- -- - - - ------- - - -- - -- ------------- -- -- ----------------------- ------------------------- ---------------------- ---- --- - -------------
<br /> Dated the----- ----2-�-�h ------ --------------da�J ��- - F�b�il��----- ---- - -.l1. D.,19_14-----•
<br /> _ W7TNESS ------------�lldxl_G'_S---A.���riY_t-------- -------------------
<br /> ---JIIhn-A3.1.-a.n---------------------------------------------- - - ----
<br /> --------------I,QU�.S_e-�-H�.x1n------------- --------- ------- --- '
<br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR.ISK.�4, .
<br /> �ss. :
<br /> -----------�iall---------------------------Count�, ) Ora this-----------2_7tY1---------------.day of_------F�bY'Ua,7'�'-----------------------------�. D., 19--�'-4 - , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public_._________________________________within and for said Courcty,personally came__________________________________.____________.___________
<br /> ---------- ----- - Clla�rle-s--A_._Iianri__arici---Louise__Hann.,hi_s__wiP�--- ---------------------------------------------- ---------------
<br /> -- - --- --------- - ----------- ---------------------- ------------------------- --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> (SEAL ) to me personally known to be the identieal person__S.______whose name_fl___�,rE_______________________a f�'ixed to the above
<br /> - instrument as�rantor__s.__, and________________th�=Y____________severally aeknowled�ed the same to be_______the_ir___voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> I.N'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,I have hereu�to subscribed my rcame and afJixed my ofj"acial seal at_._____Gr_xc'�.I'l.d___.__
<br /> __I�l�'�Cl__,_�Xl__S�,id.__�OUnt�_�______________on the date last above written.
<br /> -------------John__All�n.-------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> .My commi,ssion expires-----------��.?1�-�---�----- - --------- ------------------------ ----19--1�----• ,
<br />