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� f..t �,� <br /> ,�_ D�C�D �C��OC�D �oo �do <br /> . __� _ _ _ � �:_ _ _ _ _ _ - __ _ <br />� ��6ai1}—KLOPP&BARTLE7'T CO.,Prtintinp,T.itTanpra.pTiing�and G"oztnty Supplies;O�nalc¢. . .� . - <br /> I''I+'�� I hereby certify th�t this irzstrument was erLtered on .Numerical <br /> Sarah I.SCh001@y __ _ _ _ _ Index arzd filed for record this___________� of__�+��2Y'll�,r�_________ <br /> .�1. D., 19--14---, at-- - -- - - --9___ -- -- ----o'clock--A,•--.M. <br /> -- - -- - ----- - Warranty — � — <br /> -------- -------------------- T� � <br /> Deed. - ' <br /> ���v���= <br /> Re�iste of Peeds, <br /> JoYlri. Qi1.f nri ----------------- - --- --- - ------- --- -- <br /> B�------ --- - ---- --- --- ------------ -- -- -- <br /> Deputy. <br /> ��oi� �YY �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t� � � <br /> ����----- IySa.rah_1_.Sah�U1�,Y___°1Wid�Y�"- - ---_ --- - - -------- -- ----- � - ------- --- .--- ---- <br /> of the County of_-------Hr`�11_--------------crirc� Stccte of--------N��lI's'�,S_K�----------------------.--------------------- ---Grantor----------, in consideration <br /> of the sum of_------K1.T1�- �'�14U�_�Cl_�'�V'��'�C1----.---_—___—_-__------- - - ---- -------------- ------ - - �OLL✓1RS, : <br /> in hand paid, do----------------herebz� GR,�INT, B�FIRGJIIJV', SELL, �3ND CO�V'VEY'urato-----JOhI�---QcU.�.21r1--------------------- -- ---------------- <br /> of the Count�J a�----CT��----- -- - - ----and State of_----- - N�12ri�sK�- --- ------ - -- --------- ----- --- - -----,Gran,tee-------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County o�.________,___________._-___ H-3.11______.-.-----___----_-------and State of Ne.brs�ka, to wit: <br /> Th�---�.nu.;h_..One---Half---Af---the---�_au�h_..East�--Quar.�er--(-S�5--•.E.•�-�----c�f'---S�ctir�n...�igh�.e_erL---(1�--�.---To.�rnahip---Te�;---------- <br /> (10-)�ven--.(.11-)_--�Y�s�__6_th..P_..�..C_c�ntaining---a��---�4,--G4verxlrn�nt---surv�y--_�i,�1'it�---�5�--�-- <br /> Acres m�re �x Less. <br /> Sub�ect--t-°--Le�,se -e�pirfng Mareh__Fir�t...1915.-�---------------------�-------- -------- ----...------ ......----- - <br /> �-----�----------�-------�-- ---- -----�----- ------ -- ---- -- _ - -- ----- -------- ----- --- - �-------------- �- - -----------------------------------��-------- �------- -------....._.__.....---..._._- ---- --------------------------- - - <br /> ------- ----------------- -- - - --------- ---- - -------------- - - -- - ------ - - - - -- �- ---------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditame32ts, and appurtenances thereunto belon�dn�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doiv�r, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim arad Demand whatsoever of the said Grccntor______,and,of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or r�nz�part thereof. <br /> �0 �A�IE AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described premises, with the appurtenances,unto the said�rantee_______and to.___hi S, _ lzeirs <br /> and assi�nsforever. ./�nd_.____I______hereby covercant________with the said Grar�tee_______that_________I________________________ hold________.___said premises b��ood and <br /> perfect title; that______.___________I________ha_v��ood ri�ht and lawfu,l authority to sell and conve� the same; that they are free arzd clear of all liens <br /> andincumbrances whatsoever•--------------- -- - ---._---- ------------- ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> •----------------------------------------------- ----- ---- ------------- ------ - -- ---- - ------- - - - -- -- ------ --- --- ------- ---- -- -- ----- ------------------ ---------�--- -------- - --- <br /> ----- - - -- --- -- - --- -- - ----- --- --- --------- - -- ----- -�---- -- -- -- - ---- --� ------------------ ------------ ------- ---------------------- - ------- <br /> �nd_____________._______________I._________________._____________ covenarLt________to warrant ared defend the said premises a�air�st the lawful elaims of all person,s <br /> whomsoever-------- _ _ - - - -_ - - - - -------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> �±h --da� �/'- F�b ---- - ---- ---- - -------.q. D. 191�'----• <br />' Dated the--•------ =--- --------------- - � - , <br />'',, W7TNESS i ----�.�Sr3.h---I.S_Ch0A1�y------- --- -------- <br />', H,_n_..Tr4u�- -------------------------------------- ----------- -- ------ <br /> ------------------------------------------------- --------- ---------- ---- ------- <br /> ----------- ----------------------------- <br />'', D.D.0 'K�1e -------- ---- - <br /> ST✓ITE OF NEBR.ISK�, <br /> ss. <br /> -------H�,],]----------------------- On this---- -�h---------------da o --------�.���-------------------------------------Jl. D. 19_�.�_._ be ore me <br /> ---------County, 7- y } , , � , <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie____.________________ _within and for said County, persorzally came______.____;__________________ <br /> Sarah I.Schoole�r ���Widow" <br /> -- --------- ------------- - ----------------------- ----- - -- --- ----------------- -------- -- ---------------------------------- --------------------- ------- ----- <br /> ��'��'�' � p y p __ fj'zxed to the above <br /> Lo me ersonall known to be the identical erson____._______whose name____________��_____________________ _ a <br /> instrumerct as�rantor_____.__, and______SZ?�________________________severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be__n�r_.__,________volunta� <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I.N'W'IT.NESST�'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofj"'icial seal at_._________.___________ <br /> ____.____WO�d__R1Ver_►►1__�a�.d_counfi�_i____on the date Zast above written. <br /> D..D.0 �Kane <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> Notary Public. <br /> .My commission expires------ --_-J`�,21y----1_�th -- -- - ------------------ --------19_��-----• <br />