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� L�.Q � <br /> DC�C�D G���O�D �oo �d o � <br /> �. _ _ _ ___ _ - ._ <br />_ _ .� _ �, � � __ _ <br />� `u6�iU—KLOPP&BARTLFTT CO.,�Printing,Lelhographing aracl County Supplies;On�aTa¢. . . . . . .. � . � ~� _��__ <br />__. _..:._ ._._..... _. .. _ .,. . . .. .._... _ .. _ .... ._ �. <br /> . ._. � ���—:- - —..'— ---- .dF.�.v...__:;.. <br /> FR�� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on .Numerical <br /> ;':'11f 0]^d �`r`.�3�1rT1��T'Q c�CN��� Index and led or record this---------�---------------da o FEbY'U�a.7'�r----------- ' <br /> � � �J f--------------- - <br /> �. D., 19�-�'------, at---- -- -._�__ __ - - -------o'cZock---�?-- --�• <br /> ---------- ------- - ---- - - - --- --- <br /> -- - - -- --- wa�anty <br /> TO Deed. <br /> ---- -- ------ -����i�: ---------�-------- --------------- - <br /> Re�ist of Deeds, <br /> Cr_��r1e s---_I3.Hell_in€�-- ---- - - ------- ------ ---- <br /> ��------- _-- -..- -- - _-- - ------------ ------- <br /> Deputz�. <br /> �r�oi� �Zr �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�: <br /> ����-----�ti_l2'_ar-�.--t�.��irxa��r-;:�--��nc�- �er�h�,--�3arn��Fd--- -- -------------�- ---- - ------------ ----�--- -----------------�---�-------- '. <br /> husb��,nd and Urif� � � <br /> of the Count� of-----�i�Lll-------------------u,n,d .State of--Nebr�.:;k�. ---------------------------__Grantor%?--------, incoresideratiorz <br />��� of the sum of_---rl�'-="�� -�'-�lC)t.l_��121(1--5�X__��U21�:."E;CI-- 1!'�.ft-�r �--2'lO.f/___--______—____.____-_.`-_`�__`-_�__------�-_-_------_____�_-DOLL,/1RS; <br /> in hand paid, do----_-- -_---.__h,ereby GR�1NT, B.gRG.RIN, SF,LL, �JV'D CO�I�'VEY'urzto_1:Y1��rl�S__13.g�E;111�1,�-----_--_--- .__-_-_-__--_------- --_-----_,-------- " <br />' ------------------- ------- - - -- ------ ----- - -- - -- - -----_�----------------------------- ----- ----- -------- ------------------------------------- -- -----------------.-------------------------------- ------ <br /> ___--___-and State o _--NEbra,Sk£3, _--__---_---._-_--,Gran,tee--------, the followin� <br /> I of the Count�J O�'--II��11 - - - -- f ---- - -- ----- ---- --- ---- -- - <br /> deseribed premises, situated in the County of_._.____,_____ ���i11_--_ ___._____and State of JV'e,bre6�ka, to zvit: <br /> ___._ ------------------------ <br /> Lct---2:±umb,�r__.I?our----(�4_-�-_-in_}�lock 2Jlzrnl��er_ One hundred. ��nd--'i�venty Five.---(12.5 )---of-_-Union P�.c if ic- -_-_- -- ---- _ <br /> �i.t�.l.l�^,.sw;'-.--�-c>Irt�?�:.�y.! u SE'C071r1_ 11c�dlt:i_Un . t;o__Grand_ .I��lartd_.T��br'�'iaK�l, �Lu.. SU3^VE',yE3d.��l�.tt.�c�- -anci.--r�cord�d.,------ <br /> `'u�j�c�':.,h�y�c;v��r _±�__the_unT��id b�til��ce_. c>f..�.--rnort�;a�;e of �1�00. in favor...of 7�he E�uita,b:1� Buildin� <br /> ,.� <br />' �,r.r.�___�q;��,..AS:�Qci��tion--c?f',--Gr��.nc�---I�1•Unc�_..Neb.ra,sk��,�,T�lic;7i_balaxice_.Gr��nt�:e...rzerein- a:sumes---wnd--��,�;ree.�------ <br /> --�---- -------- --- <br /> to---�?;�;T.-�.�:>---�?zrt_ �f t:le conaide;r��tior; �bove__namec�, <br /> ------------------- -------�--------- - --- --...- - ----- --- --------__...------.__----------�---�----------------- -----------------------�---,.__...--------- - ----- -------- - �---�- ...-- -- - ---------.... ------------- --.......----�----�- - <br />'� --��---------- ------------------------�-- --- -�- -.....-- ---- -- -... ---� - --- ---�------.._- ---�---�-------------------�----- -.. <br /> .----- ------------------------- ----------------- ---�----�------�---...-� --�- ---------------------�------ ------- <br /> --- -------- ._------------- --- - ---------�--- - -- -- ---- - -- ----... - --- - - ------ -- --- ---- -- - ---�---------- - -- ------------------------�------------------------�------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditameyzts, arzd appurtenarzces thereunto belofz�in�s, and ald the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Da�ver, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoPZ�er of the said Crantor______,and of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br />', �0 �d�1Q Al�� t0 �OY� the ubove-described premises, with the appurtenartces, urzto the said�rantee_._.___and to__h.i�__ _ ________ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd.____j'".�'_______hereby covenant_______with the said Grantee______that____W e__________________________ hold____________said premises b��ood an,d <br /> perfect title; that___'±v_e_______________.______haV e___�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free arcd clear of all liens <br /> II and incumbrances whatsoever-----��:.���.]u---��-- 's�1�S?Y�'--���.��"�CC�-'- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- <br /> I ----------------------------------------------------- - -------------------- - ------- --- ------ -- - ---- --- --- ----- -- ----- - - - ----------- <br /> ---------------------- - -- ---- --- ----- -- ---- <br /> T"rc _ covenant_,______to warrant and de p � ' f f p <br /> .Flnd__._______.________"__--------_-----_-._---__--_---_-___---- fend the said remises a aanst the law ul claims o all ersons <br /> whomsoever-- ----- - -- --- - - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- -- --------------- -- ------------------------- <br /> ------------------- -- - - - - ---- -- - --- ---- --- -- - - --- -- ------------ - ----- ------------ ------------------------ --- ----- ---------------- -- - ---------- --- ------ <br /> � Dated the-------------ti�,�1------------ --da o __�'C-�Y'U�.2' ----.g. D.,19-�1�-----• <br /> �J � � - -- -- -- ----- <br /> WITNESS �r'ilford ``J.I3t�,rTl�;.rC� <br /> --------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- --------- <br /> 13ert7ia Barna�rc� <br /> Jc�h�--r�-..����*t��c�-n-------------------------------------- ---- <br /> ---------------- ----------------------------- - -------------------- ------------ <br /> ST.l1 TE OF NEBR�SK�, <br />' �ss. <br /> -----�i�.11--------------------------------County, On this--------c�t�-_:-----------------da� �f--------Pebruary---------------------------.�. D., 191�'--- - , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a Notary Public______________________________----_withirz and for said County,personally came__�r�_��nY'a__�J.13t17'21_�2"d___�;,11d_________.___ <br /> I�erth�i R��,rnarc� <br /> to me personally kr�own to be the identical persor�__�______.whose raame_�_�re__ _______ __ _ _____ __afj'ixed to the above <br /> (s�t�.Z ) <br /> irestrument as �rantor__�.__, arcd_______._t�?�V_________-____severally aeknowled�ed the same to be_____tti�ir___voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I,N'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereurcto subscribed my name and afj"ixed my ofy'icial seal at____,________________ <br /> ____Gr'w21C1 Z:;_1��.Tld :��b7'_______ ___________on the date last above written. ' <br /> ------------- <br /> - -�T_O�'ll:--�1-.-1±�x.�';1i:3_Q�I.---------------------------------------- ---- <br /> Notarr�Public. <br /> • LtarC�i 2��"� _Zg�- -------• <br /> JIIy commissaon expires------ -- ---- -- - -- -- ---- ---------- -------- ----- ------ � <br />