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�'�� <br /> � , D�C�D C���O�D �oo ��n <br /> N_ _,. .,u�?0--1f'7,bPP c�fiE[R'f`LETfi CO.,Printin9,I.itho�r¢phing and Coiinfy�S'uppties:CSneaha. ,' ___ . _,_ ._ _._ _..-.__ ._ ...:_:. __;_:..�..__�-�: �_i. ___ -°----- _ - °- - _- <br /> FR�✓� I hereby certify that this instruinent was entered on Numerical <br /> Index and fcled for record this_______��_______.___day of________.��.rta.���_____._ <br /> . �1. D., 19_14-----, at,--- -- -- -- --4_ -----o'clock,--F-.--,M• <br /> A�a�h�_._FJ .uQ�ni�,----v��i 14�v-_ ---------�Warranty j <br /> �,� � Deed. • ���� � <br /> �� <br /> ---------------- ---��� -- ------------------Y �------------- <br /> Re�iste of Deeds, <br /> ---------- ---------A.�?�Nammor�d- --------------------- <br /> B�---------- --------------------------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �r�oi� ��� �e� �p ��je�e �re�e�.t�: <br /> �i���------- A�,ath�--�I_,_KQ�ni_� v��islo��, -- -- -- --__ ---�-- ----------------- - -------------------- --------------- <br /> ` cr r � ' � _.____._____Grantor.___._____, in consideratiora <br /> of the CountJ ��----- -- �t1'1T1��-- - - ---crrad b�tcr,te of----v311_�U�_I'�l� -- -- - --- ---- - ---- - --- -- <br /> ofthe sum of------- - -tiiX--T11Q�sand --- -- - -------- --------------------------------- ------- -------------- -- --- ---------- --------------------- -----.__DOLL�RS, <br /> in hand paid, do__________ ____hereby GR�4,N'T, B.�4RG�IN, SELL, .g✓V'D COJV'VEY'urato____.__..__�-R__Ha?%1rt10Yld_____________________ <br /> ----- --------- ----------------- <br /> f y f 1' -----and State of_--------------r18k.?TaSk3--------------------------- ,---------------,Grantee--------, the followin� <br /> o the Courct o --.-----------=a11------------------ <br /> described premises, satuated in the County of___ ___________h�ll-_ __.____________________________._______and State of Nebr�&ka, to wat: <br /> I'', .__....Lot__.Nunit�er_._�.even,._(_7�____in__F�lcc.k_.T1urcLber__�.�:_vent.y._��ine___.(79_)__.of___th.�.._Gri�,inal.._town_,_ngv�.__�.i_t.Y_..of___..____...__ <br /> �rand Isianc�, ide�,raska,____as .the _sarle____is_..�latted___and recorded. <br /> . .. . ---- - � -- - - - --- - ------- - ----�� -- - � --� - - -------- - ------- --------�-�----------------- �--._.. . ............----- <br /> -�--- --- - ----- - -------- ----- - -..-- ---- - - --- - -- -------------------- ----.....__........ - --- - - -- --- - ----- ------- ----...----------------- --- ----------- --------- ----------------------- <br /> --------------....- ----.._..--- -------------- - -- __ - -- -- ----- -- ----- - ....----------�-�- ----- --...._..------ �------�------------------•---�--- ---- -------------------- ---------------_........---------------- ------------- - <br /> .----�----------------- ---- - -------._...------- ----- - - --- ----------- ------ .__..........---- -- ------------------------...-------- ...._..._...__....-------- -- -�---...---�---. � - - -- ---------------------...----.......---�-----.....____ <br /> ------------�-�-------------------...----�� --- -- -- -------- -- - -. . -- ----._._..__.... -- --- --- -�-----�-�------- ----- --..------�--�---�------ -------------------� �- ----- ------...--�---- ----------._......--�---------------��----- <br /> ----�---- ----- --------_... -- ---- -- ----��--- --- -- - ------ - ---- - <br /> To�ether with alb the tenements, hereditames2ts, and appurtenances thereurzto belorz�in�, arcd all th-e Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozoer, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demaa�d whatsoez�er�of the said. Grantar.______,and of eith,er of them,, of, irz, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �9 ���1C Al�� t0 �DY� the above-descr�ibed prer�z,ises, with the appurtenances, unto th,e said�rantee_______and to_____113._S_________ lzeirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �Ind_._I___a�?____lzereby covenant_____._with the Grantee_______that.__________I______________________ hold_._____.___.said premises by�ood and <br />, perfect title; that________________�____._______haSY�__�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritr� to sell and corcvez� the same; that they are free and clear of all liens <br />' and incumbrances whatsoever________________egC_e??t__t3Xe$___fOr_._the___�TEar_1�13__ana__suk�s�quent__tl.ereto_______________ ________________._______ <br /> .11nd______________.___._____I___.______________ ____ .-_-------------- coUenant_____.__to warrant arad defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoezer-----�Xv�.�?_� __�fi_.3�4�!e__S_t_&t4�.�-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ------------------------------------ -- <br /> --------------- -- - <br /> Dated the-------------14-t-h------------- ----da�J �1�-- -- - �I_�!L1�Lry .fl. D.,19_14-----• <br />�', W7TNESS _a'��'.�---_H__a_KQ_�xl_]. <br /> ---------� �' -- ----------------------------- <br /> ----- --- - - -- ---- --�_.�_,_�pen^_�x------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- --- ----------------- <br /> -------------- -- ---- - -`T-._J�tT'1��- ';i_•�� -- -- ----- - ---- - - <br /> ST�TE OF naliforriia <br /> �ss. <br /> --------------------�'�-�-�------------C'ourcty, ) On this----- --------�_�_�Yl-------------da�J �}-------------'-T�xiV��y_--------------------------.1. D., 1914---_. , before me, <br /> I'', the undersi�ned, a JV'otary Public--------------------------------__within and for said CountJ, Personally came------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> Agathe_ _�%.hoeni�,----�ic�ova------------------ -----------•-------------- <br /> ---------------- --------------------- ---------------------------------- <br /> ----- ------------ <br /> � <br /> -- ------ ------------ - -- ------------------------ ---- ------ ----------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------- <br /> to me personally knowrc to be the identieal persor�_____.._____whose name_._________i_8______________________a fJixed to the above <br /> ���.-�.AI+� instrument as�rantor___.____, and_____________ch�_____________severally aeknowled�ed the same to be__Yl�x___._______voluntary <br /> aet and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W'ITdV'ESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my ofj"icial seal at_________________________ <br /> Anar.ei22�}uallfoTnia_._______,__.___.______ _____________on the date Zast above written. <br /> - --------------------------E._C_.�_��n��r_-------------------- - --- <br /> �'otar�Public. <br /> .M� commission expires--------------------'`!?ay -15 th --- ---- -----.19--1rz-----• <br /> -- ------- ---- ------ - <br />