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i <br /> y� � � <br /> ��_... D�C�D ���O�D _ �loo � ��o <br /> _ . _.._ -:;6�T0—RT,OP�&BHRTLt;'1'TCO.,Printin9,l.itho�r¢pliinganitGou�tty:4upg3ties;�neaha: ` _:__ _: ._ _: . _.__;_e . ._._:_.__ :_, _;a...__ ___._�_:�_..__ �._....� -:--- _ ._. _ _ - - - .: - __ <br /> -`�_ __. __ _ __ _. . _ __ _ _..- - :,�� _ .__.< _ --._,.. _ <br />___. _ . <br /> -_:—__ —_,. <br /> _ .---_.—____—�— _�:_ _.____ -�.::—__:.-�,. .Y _--�--�-_�:r <br /> �'R�� I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on ✓1�'umerical <br /> _________1�Iin�'ielci_S_.1W�3,rxE�11_�__tiY1��Otib'er__ ___ Index and filed for record this_______l��Zl________dar�of_____J'�3.Ylll3.r�!___________ <br /> ��Warranty ✓1. D., 191�--- , at-------1]-- _- -- -- --------o'cloek----A._.M. <br /> TO Deed. ��-2� � <br /> -- --------------------- --- - -------- ---------- ----------- - <br /> - --- -------- <br /> Re�ister of eeds, <br /> 2,SaxtYia, J.licannold . , <br /> 8�,------------------------- --- ---- ---------- ----------------------- -------- <br /> Deputz�. <br /> �.r�ok� �ZY �e� �p ��je�e �re�et�t�: <br /> ����_._.__I_,__t�Tini'ie1_d_ S .�varr�;n_,_<�,ll�o_ known a;�_ 1V.a_._�t�arren_,_ _a_tiv�do�•_r_er <br /> . -- -- - -!- -------- -------- --�---- <br /> --------- --- -- - -- <br /> ' _--__--_--_---__--------Grarator----_------, in consideration <br /> of the Coutit�J o�----- -- --- I�s'�,�.a.__- - -a,rt,cl State of-...- ------------------Zf�177'c_'3,��Ca,_-- -- - <br /> of the sum of----------- -Trir�� _Fiun�red--anci__no�100--- -- ------ --- ------- - --------------------DOLL.f1RS, <br /> ------- -------- ------- ------- -- ---- --- - --- ----- <br /> in hand paid, do----------------hereby GR�JV'T, B,/1R(s�1I�1�', SELL, ,�1JV'D CONVEY'urzto---------Ii�cti7'_t11�:3.._J_._IiDY].T10_7_d-r------------------------ -------------------- <br /> ----------------------------- - - - ---- ---- - - ---- -- ----------------------------------------- - - - -- - ------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- --------------- <br /> of the CountJ��-� ----- --- - -- -H�,11 - ------and State of.---- - ----- - - - N_G1�2'�,:�k�.- - ------- -- -- -- ----- ---,Grcr,ratee--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the County of:..___.___... ..____________�i�1._7,_________________.__.______and State of Nebr��ka, to wit: <br /> .__._...Th�>...Nor���ity._-four__�eet____of__1�t_a_e.].even___ana__Lti�relve_,,___in b1ocK.._seventeen_�___compri_�_in� all <br /> ___._.._tY�at___�art_..o.f_..s_��,id__ lots_extendin�;___from_ the _�,ll�:y _in ;��.id �._ line J,yin�; Farall�l wi�ri__ <br /> - ---- ----- <br /> .___.._tl�e.,_��ll�y___�,nd___ei_�;rit�yt�four .fe�;t__aouth_ of_ it, in tY�e ori�inal villa�e _of Wooc�__River_�, iVebraska. <br /> -----------�------------- -- -- - - - -------- - - - ---- -------------------------------------------------....--�-- --- - ---- ----- _ ----------- ------- ------.._.._---...----------.----------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------ - .. --- ---- ------ ------ - - -- ------------- ------ - - --�-- --- --_....---------- ------ --- --------------- •----��-- �-�----- ----- -------- ------ ---------- ----------------- --------------------- ... <br />� - ------------------ ---- - --- - -- ---- --- - -- --- ---. _ - -- - --�--- - -- - ---- - -- - ------- - - - -- --------------------------------------� <br /> -- -------------------------------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditarrzents, and appurtenances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Doivr:r, <br /> I, Curtesy,Claim and Demarcd whatsoe,r�er of the said Grantor_.____, ' , of,in, or to the same, oT any part thereof. <br /> �0 �d�1C AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described prerrzises, with the appurtenc�nces, unto the said�rantee___.___and to_________YL�I'_______ heirs <br />'' and assi�ns forever. �nd_______�._____hereby covenarzt_______with the said Grantee_.___..__that____________I_.__________.______ hold.__________said premises by�ood and <br />' perfect title; that_________I'_____________._.____ha_v��ood ri�ht and lawfu,l authorit� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lien,s <br />''� and ineumbrances whatsoever-------------- ------------------------------ ---- --- ------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- <br /> -------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---- ------- -- -- - -- - ---- -- ----- ------ -- --- - -- - ---------------------- --------------------------- ---------- -- <br /> --- - -- - --- - - ---_ --- -- ------ - ---- --- -_ -- <br /> ---.------------------- ---------- -- -- --. <br /> .Flnd._______._-_____________I_..______..________.________________ covenant.._____to warrant and defend the saad premases a�airest the lawful elaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever----------- - -- - - - -- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------•----------------- -- <br /> ------------------------- ----------------- -------- - --------------- -- , <br /> --------------------- ---- - - - - --- --------- -- --- -------- ---- -- - --- - -- - - --- --- -- ------------------ ---------------- --------- --------------- ------------- <br /> Dated the------ ------�.2��1.->-------------------da�J �f�- --J��IU�Ny-� ------------ -----.�1. D., 19---1�--• <br /> W'IT.NESS ----------------------------------_W_�.SI��E:�.5�__�z_�Y�c�S'S'�Ll ----- <br /> ---- - -----�'�'-,T-.'-``-'�x`-�,€�UE'------------------- - -- -- ----------------------------------------------------- <br /> -- .��-- - ------------------ <br /> ST✓1TE OF NEBR.ISK�1, <br /> �ss. <br /> ------ ------------�i�3.11----------------County, On this--------------1-7t-th------------da�J af------__,5�,1111dr�'-s--------------------------�. D., 19__1�F_. , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Public_________________________________________within and for said County,personally came_______�(�_���_���___S_�_�y������ _ <br /> to me persorcallz� known to be the identical persorL.___._______whose rzame_______._________i�___________afJ'ixed to the above <br /> instrument as �Srantor_.______, and_______________ht'_________________�everallz�acknowled�ed the same to be______XIj.B_________volunta�y <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex�vressed. <br /> IJV'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereur�to subseribed my name and afj"cxed my ofj"ceial seal at.___._____________________ <br /> �Voocl,_Ri_v__ex__,_.TSebra,sK�.___in _�aid___��ont�h'e date last above written. <br /> (S.�1�I. ) ----- ---------------------------�f.-�,...5- �' <br /> P--���------�----------------- <br /> Notarz�Public. <br /> .Mz� commission expires----- - -- -- - ----T:q�.I'�2't `7_�1�1`� - -----------------------19--•--------• <br />