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��:�� <br /> ;...:. D��D ���O�D ��❑ ��n <br /> ; <br />^ 56�70—KIOPP ck BA�L'1'1 ETT CO.,Printinp�Lith�qraphitag aoa�l County�Suppliea:Omaha. . __.. - r� — -. _ ---- <br /> � :,� _� _ �.. <br /> _ _ _ _. .___ _ �. ___.__ _.._.__ .__ ____,.____.. --`--��—�:-__.:.__. <br /> FR�� I hereby certify that this instrume,nt was entered orz ✓U'umerical <br /> In,dex arLd led or record this________�3____________da o Jantiary_._________ � <br /> � � �J f------------------- <br /> _?'rlxlf_�.eld_�_.`_"�,rx�n• -- �Warranty ✓1. D., z9-�-�----, at- -- - -- 11. - - - -------o'ctock- - A•---�• <br /> �.� Deed. • <br /> �-�-�- <br /> - - - - ---- - -= -----�- ------- ' ---- -- - <br /> � `x' � � r T. Re ister Deeds, <br /> Cra r�. . arren and �.f� ie �r. :ar�en_,__ _ <br /> --- - ----------- ------------- ------._-- - ------_ , <br /> B�------------- - -- - .- - ------ -- --------------------- -- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �r�ob� ��Y �er� �p ��je�e ��e�et�t� : <br /> ����----- --z , -'tTMinfiel_d__�_.'"Iarr�n,--�.11s�- -�r,nc�wn__a� ?:�'a_�.'"as�en t---a---�i_d.c�t�r.-•----- ------ <br /> ,,; . . <br /> u�'1 ---------------�tai,cl Sta,te o . ----------------1�_e�ra,8ka,--------.. ____G�rantor---------, an consaderation <br /> of the CountJ of------------'------1 f <br /> of the sum o�-------- - -Fiv�--Hunc�r_e_d__and -n� -�1-QQ-- ------------------------ ---------------------- -- - ----- ---------- ----------- -- ------------__DOLL.�RS, <br />' in hand paid, do----------------�zereby GR✓1.NT, B.l1RG.�IJV', SELL, �.ND CONVEY'ur�to--------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- <br /> -------------- -- --------C�ra._E.��"_'�,rren--and �'f_f_ie.--G_t�"arren_---- - ---- - --- --- - ----------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------=----------------- -------------- -- <br /> of the Count�J��- ---- -Tr�1� --- -- -- __and State of_---- --------- - - - �'�e���,S_��_---- - -- -- - --- -----,Grantee--$--, the followin� <br /> deseribed prernises, situated irz the County of______ __________ _._��1.1________________________________.___and State of Nebr��ka, to wit: <br /> Lat.. aix___in_,_�lcck_:ei�hteen__and__lots__four_,___f_ive___and___e.ix.__in__'�lock_..tvrent_y-three_,_al_1.__in._.���ac_!Co]�1________ <br />'� - -.and__Le.fl�.n��.._Ad�.itinn -tr� -th�-- �.illaGe---�f__.�`,Q_oci_F iue-r--,---i�_e_�r�,�ka........--� -- -�-------------- --�-----------------------------------�--�----�--..._..__.. <br /> - -----------.Su�j.�ct--�-Q- -�w9---m�_xt�;a�;e�--af..._�'.rQQ_._QQ...e�,ch....xz�....�'.av.ox'--Q�--the_..':j:9oc�---R.ive_r_.._�u�l_din�---and__Lcan- ------- <br /> Ass,qc iat i_��.-- G-�-';">'Q-e-�--�?�,vex -,a?e�x�..�k.�.a--------------------------------------- ---------- -- - --- <br /> - --- - ............. .-�-------------------- -------------�-------------------------------------� <br /> ----------------_.. -------------------------�-----�-- -- ----- - --� - ----- --�- ---- ----------�--- ----------------�---------�----�----------�------��-�--- -------------�----------------- --- �----------- ...-------------------� ------------ <br /> ----------------------...._.....--- - - - - --------------- -- -- ----- - -- ---- - - <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, h,ereditaments, and appurter�ances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Risht, Title,Interest,I)oi��er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoez�er of the said Grantor________;cercd-�f Pitker-of tk�ns, of, in, or to the same, or anz�part thereof. <br /> �CD ���1C AIY� t0 �O�b the above-described prerni,ses, with,the a�pu,rtenances, unto the said�rantee.__S.__ared'to___�hS_lr_____.___ ILeirs <br />, and assi�ns forever. .,4nd.___I______lzereby covenant______zvith the said Grantee_S___that,____.________I____.__________._ hold__________said premises by�ood and <br /> I'i perfect title; that__..________I_ ha_7t_e__sood ri�ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and conve� the same; that they are free arcd clear af all lien,s <br /> and ineumbranees whatsoever--------e X�e�t--35--�,�_�Y-�---,9��t e��------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ <br />' ------------------------------------------------ --- -- --------------- --- --- ---- - -- --- - - --- - - -- -- -- -- - --- ------- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ---- - - -- - <br /> �4nd:___ _I_________.______._______ __ _____________ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�airast the lawful elaims of ull persons <br /> I'' whomsoever------ - - - - - - - --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- <br /> -------------------- - ------------- -- ---------------------- - - <br /> ---------------------- - -------- - ---- - ------ ---- - - - -- -- ---- - -- --- - - -- ------- ----------------------- - - --------------- ---------------------------- - - <br /> Dated the----------12t�-- --------- ---- - --da�J �t�- -- —4�,rltl�,rS!------- -- ---.l1. D.,19_1�-----• <br /> TVITNESS '�"infiel� S.�';arren <br />, ----------------------------------------- --------------------- <br />'� --- - ---- ---------�;_._I,_._S��ra�ue--------------------- --- - -- -- -----------------------------------------------�---- <br /> ST�TE OF JV'EBR�SKl1, <br /> �ss. � <br /> �J, �-�-�h----------da✓ of--•---------January_---------------------------1. D., 19---1�- , be ore me, <br /> ------------------�=�s��.�.--------------------Courct � On this------------------- <br />, the undersi�ned, a JV'otary Public____________.___________._______.with,in and fvr said County,personally came__________________________,__________ _ <br /> -------------- - - -- <br /> --------- ------ --------------- '�.'inf iel_d__S.';°.�arren <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical persor�____._._____whose name.__________i�_____.___________________aff'ixed to the above <br /> (SEAL } instrumerzt as �rantor________, and.____._..____hS_____ severally acknowled�ed the same to be____�1_1.6___________voluntar�y <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W7T�V'ESS W'HEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and af�'ixed my of�"'ieial seal at________________________ <br /> "'OOd R.ive�_,iv2�;r3,3k_�,_,1T1__su,id_COUnty__on the date last above written. <br /> - ----'-'-,_�-�-��r-��-�--------- ----------- <br /> ✓1''otarr�Public. <br /> ✓Vly commission expires----- - - - ----- -- ---- - ---- -x 4s'��'G�-2�-,------ -------1,91-�------. <br />