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' <br /> I <br /> � - ----- __ --- - ��� � , <br /> -------------�------ ------ - - <br /> ; Re�ister of )eecl.s, ! <br /> ' ---Ft_t�__R_._I'arar_r_en-and--i�e-t-t-i-e---�-.P_aulk � � <br /> i <br /> __.._ __ ��J- - - --- - - - - _ _-- ---- __ -------- - - -- - i <br /> -- - - - -- - ---- -- - - --- -- Deput�. � <br /> ___ _ . - __---- ------- ----- , -- <br /> ---- --------- --- -- --- —___ ____ _ - --___ ----- ---- ----- <br /> -- - - - - — - -- —--- -- _- ---- --—_ . <br /> I <br /> ��o�n �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�et�t�: <br /> ����-- - I , :�:'ir�f ield_�_,���'arren,__ a ��idca�er, - - ----- -- - ------ ---- �- ------ ------- ------ - - -- - --- __ ! <br /> I <br /> ---- --- -- - -- - - - _ _- -- -- ------ ---------- - ---- -_ --- - -- - ---- - - -- - ----------- ----------------- I <br /> � --- - - - -- -- - ----- --------------- -- -- - <br /> ' � H�,11 P?ebraska <br /> I of the Count� of- ------- -------- --------crsr«' ;Sta-tc� o/'----- ---------- - ------ -------- ------_ -----------(�rantor--- ------, in coresideratiorz- <br /> , o� the suriz o}'_-------- F_ive Hundred_.and.-nc-/1�Q ___ - ----------- - - - ----- - --- - -- -- - -------- ------ ----DOl,L,�RS, <br /> ---- - -- ------- � <br /> � <br /> r in han,d paid, do _ _ __ ___l�.erebz� G.R�✓�''T, B.�RC:�ELI1", S.EI,I,, �a���°D C'OaNVEY'r�nto--- - --- ---------- - ------- ---------- -- - --- - - ---------- -------------- -- � <br /> i <br /> -_----_----__----_--_---E t t_a _F.�"�.rren_-and-_i;e t t ie-- F.Paul k i <br /> of the County of- --T�8.11-- ---------- - __-----a.nd State of----- _ i4_�_b_r���ta.--_ _----- -----,Grafz,, th,e followira� ! <br /> i <br /> deseTibed premi,ses, situated in th� Coz�nt,y oj'____ ______ �7a11___ ___ _______________________________ari,d �State of JV'P.�T,Q�ICCL', to wit: ' <br />'' .__._._Lo_�.s___ten,,ele.ven__.�,rd._ t�elve____in___�lcck..__'�''.._.in___A.=ac!C.oll_,.ar_d._Leflan�s._.Seccnd___Additian to the <br />' ..:...:Sr.�ll��.�.._.c.�' �:'.c.�.d...P�,iver_,��e�.ra_�k_�z- - ---- - - --- -- ----- --- - -.......... . - --- -�--- -----� - ---------- -------- ------------_. ... .... .-- --- i <br />' ; <br /> _______ ,_Sub_aect _____t� a___m�crt_�a�e_fcr___�'�00._0� in _favcr_._cf_ t.he '"ood .River.__I3uilding_ and Lcan <br />', '! - - - --------- - �- � <br /> �� � <br /> _------A��_o-c-i�.t.ian,-- - - - --- -.._- -------------- ------� � -------------------------�-- � <br /> ---- ---- --- - ----...... �- -�--�- ------------- --------- ---------------------------------------------- <br /> 1 <br /> .._.....-- -� -------- -- ---- -- _ - - -� -- - -- ------ --------- -- --- --�- ---------... <br /> i <br /> .. --� - -- - -....--��------�----� -�---------------------_..__.- --�-- - ----- --- - -- -------�-------------------------- ------- - � <br /> i <br /> i <br /> - ---- ----- - - - -- -- --------- ----- --- --..__..---- ------- <br /> -----�-- �------------------------------------�- -------------• ------ --- ------.....-- ----�- -... ----- ---- - - -------------------�----�- �-------�----- <br /> -------- i <br /> � <br /> i <br /> .--- ---- - - --„--....-- - -...---- -� ------ - -- - ----- --- - ---- -- ' <br /> --- ---�----�-----..._- -------- - ------ ....._.__...----- ---- -�--- ---...._.....---°--�-�-�-��- � -- -----� -------�----� <br /> --�-----�� ` <br /> � <br /> -- --- - - --------- - - --- -- ----- - --- - -- --- - ---- - -- --- -- - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - ------•- ----------------- ------------------------------------------------ ---- : <br /> To�ether witTi czll the tenerrzents, 3zef�editaments,� ap�urtenanc�es thereur�to beborL�irz�, and all th,e Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,DowP��, � <br /> �� Curtesz�,Claim and Demand zvhatsoever of th,e said Grarztor_______,-rrrcMU��efeti�er�s��z, of, isz, or to the same, or any part thereof. � <br /> �D �A.�1C Al�� t0 �OY� the above-describn,d premises, with the appurtena,fzces, rcnto the said�rantee__f3__and to.__�h�1�- --- ---- yzeirs ' <br /> and assi�ns forever. �![nd____I-_-_------_hereby coven.ant.______with the sccid Crantee_______that_____T ._____. hold_________said premises by�ood and � <br /> perfect title; that________________Z__________ha__V_e_�;ood ridht and lazvful ccuthoritr� to sell arzd convey the sa•me; that they are free and clear of all liens � <br /> I <br /> and incumbrarcees whatsoever------------------------------------------------------ - <br /> ----------- -- - -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- � <br /> --- -- - -. ._ --___ _ _ - ---- <br /> - -- - - - -- - - ---- � - -- - - ---- ----- -- -- - - --- � <br /> ' ./�nd________________________I._.___. _________ __ _____ ____._ warrant and defend the said prerrzises a�ainst th,e lawful claims of all person.s <br /> whomsoever-- - - -- ---- . - - <br /> - _ ----------------------------------------- - -- ---- -- --- - <br /> ---- --------- --- ------ - --- - - <br /> ' --------------- - - _ - -- - - - - � <br /> ;' Dated the-- I_2th ---- ------ - ---�a� �f- _ - -.Jan�'.�,ry -- --- ---.g. D., 191�'------• � <br /> � <br /> ��' WzT�v'ESS ---T='_ixtif_i�ld---S_,�',�.sren----------------------- ' <br /> -- - ---- - I <br /> � <br /> ------ ---- - ---- ---------------- -- -----.- -- ------------------- � <br /> '� ---- - - ----- _. ",.I,-��ra��-------- ------ - - -- � <br /> ' - - ------------- - ------ -- - -- --------------------- --- i <br /> �� <br /> ---- --- - ---_ - -- - - --- - ----- - --- - - <br /> �! ----------------------------------- -------------- ----- ---------- ----- <br /> ,. <br /> � ST.gTE OF .N'EBR�SK�, i <br /> ss. � <br /> !; H�,11--------------------Coztiraty, On, this--------1_3�h Janu==uY'---------------------------- -�. D., 19_1�--- , be ore me, 6 <br /> I, <br /> ----------------------- <br /> - -- - -----d�� �f------------ - - y f <br /> ii the urzc�ersi�ned, a Notary Publie-----------._---------------------wiLhin,ccnd for sued Cour�ty, persorzally came----------------------------------------------------------------- i <br /> --- ---- ---tt inf ieI d � .,,,�,rren---------------- � <br /> �; ------------------ ----------------------------------- -- - - ------------------------------------ ---- <br /> - - - - -- ---- _--- -------- -- -- -- -- --- ----- ------ -------------------------------- -------------------------- -- --- <br /> t,o me personally knowr� to be the identical persora._________whose n,ame____ ___ ___ 1$___________________af�"'ixed to the above , <br /> " I <br /> ��; �S.�'AI�� instrumen,t as�rantor_______, and________._�e________________ _ severally acknowled�sed the same to be_.___'?l a__________voluntary j <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex��ressed. � <br /> j I�V'W7T✓1�ESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subseribed my name arad affGxed m� ofy'ieial seal at________.__.__.______ � <br />, � CCUTlt}y <br /> ;7ppd j��,y��}iV'e�r ti9�[3 �.21 8�.1C1 ____________�n the date last above writtetz. ; <br /> + <br /> �i - � _, � <br /> i I <br /> , . - ------ �ti_�L_._��ra�ue--------------- --------- ----- <br /> I �l''otar�Public. <br /> � .Mz� commission expires------- ___._ _- --�,�Sa,rCh_. 27�h - --- - ------ - --- ---- �91--�-'------• <br /> � <br /> , _ � <br />