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<br /> ,.,#: , D�C�D C��C�O�D �oo ��o
<br />—� ,�u�70--$I.OPF`&B!{RTLF.7'T CU.�Prinling,LxZfiopraphin�an�l Cottnty Dsuppliek;OmahR:__ _.--`- - --�..�_ -- --- ___ _-- -.— -. _= --- --
<br />_ -,_.. ,;.._. _, � _. ; _..__Y,_- __ _::.:- -.- .,. __ —_.._�_����.
<br /> _._.�,_ .. _. —. __ __ _ , __ __
<br /> - �__..._.__ �.:���._.e..�___ _� �.�- - _�—=�--- '-_--
<br /> FRO� I hereby certify that this instracment zvas entered or� ✓l�'umerical �`
<br /> ----- ------- ---- ------- ---- - -------__- ------
<br /> - --- In,dex an,d fcled fo3� record this----- _ _S'��--------day of-----�I_�i1L13ry"--------- ''
<br /> r �. D., 19_14-----, at--- --- -.._ _.__ �� •�� _-----o'Cloek,- P•---✓YL
<br /> ----- ----------�a,mes G�.�unz &�_wife _- ------------ Warranty
<br /> rp Deed. �
<br /> ---- - -- ---- - --- - - - ---------��- -- -- -
<br /> Re�sister o eeds,
<br /> __ C�l iver �;i.G�ood --- - ----_
<br /> 8�-------- --- -- - - ____ ---- - - ------------ -- ----
<br /> - ----- De�uty. '
<br /> �.�.o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�:
<br /> ���t. _
<br /> ----------�"'e, J�,me� G.�un� and Ada_�3.Kunz_ Htae�a�.d_�nd �_�fe ---- --- - - ----- --,----- ------- ---------- -
<br /> of the CountJ of_--------- H23�.1 __----cr�zcl ,State of- -----------�`Z��x8,8�Sc'�. _ _------ ----Grantor-�------, irt consideration
<br /> of the sum of--------- T1Q1'O ThQ1183,?id------�...._�. �_,_�.�.._�,..._----- =---------------r__--.---_-_------ ---- --------DOLL�RS, '
<br /> , _ j
<br /> . . .. �
<br /> in hand paid, do _------------herebz� GR✓1✓l�'T, B�Rr�I.N, SELL, �ND CO�V'VEY'unto-----_ �1'3.V�:£--r�I.C'iOQd- . :' _ . __ - --------------
<br /> --------------------------- - -- -- --- -
<br /> ------------------------------ --------- - ----- - -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
<br />, of the County of_ - ----- - -- N@2?1c�,11a. ------------and State of'----- ---- --------- -�1TSbT&8�t�,--------- ---------------- ----.----,Gran-t.ee,--------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the Courzt� of___ ____________`'Ta1.7.__ _________________________________________.an,d ,State of JV'ebr4�ka, to wit:
<br /> -------------------�.1��---��e�t---.hal.f.._.Q.f_._th�---TS�rt.h_�e.s�--quart_e r_...af---th�__.m��x�h...�re.a.�...quas_�.�.x_._flf_...�.�.c_t_ion---�?um�;�-x--------------
<br /> ___________________S.ixt.e,en,__(16.).__To�yn�hi�?___T1um�e_�...T_�_n_.__{_�_Q_�_._TyT�_rth___Ran.�e._,Num�e_r___Twe_lve___.�12_)_��est._ of.__the.___6th.._....__.___
<br />, ____._.,__,____�ring.i�al_, �.�e_rid_ia.n.__,___�ont_�.i�,�x��_._T�rr_e_r�t_y�__ac_xe$___m�re___�r____�e.ss._accorc�in�:__to___Gcvernment_____._......_______
<br />, - �----�-----------auxvay--thExE�f.. -- -- ----- ----- ------- -.....--------.._...------- - ---- - -- --- - ----- -..__......-------------------.._._......-- --------------------------�------------------�
<br /> ----------�-�---....._--- ---- ------------- ------ - - --- -------- - �-- -- ----------------....._.._..--- --------- -----... -----------------------�--�--- �-----------------.........----- -----...- ------------------------------ � -
<br /> ---------------�-- -----�---- --- -- - -- -- -�- -- �-- - - -_..--._...- ---- ------._.-------------------------------------�-------------------�� - ..--- --�----�-------------- - ------- ---- --- �-------------------- --- ----------�------------�---
<br /> --------------------�--- --..._..- -- -- - -- ------------ ------ -- - - -- ------ -- -------- -------
<br /> To�iether with all the tenements, hereditaments, ar�d appwrtenances thereurcto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�sht, Title,Interest,Do�vPr,
<br /> I' Curtes�,Claim and Demand whatsoe,ver of the said lsrantor______;tz7tt�'trj''�t�t'e�"trf'th�, of, in, or to the same, or artz�part thereof.
<br /> _ �CD �d�lE AIY� t0 �OIl1 the above-described prefnises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee_______and to_____�?_1�__________ heirs
<br /> and assi�ns forever. �rcd___'4?_@____._____hereby covenarzt._____wi,th the said Grantee______that_______4f(�_____________._._____ hold____________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfeet title; that______.__��______________ha_V_f'__�ood ri�ht arcd lawful authorit� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and edear of all liens
<br />� and ineumbranees whatsoever-------------•---- ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -
<br /> --------------------------
<br /> -- .__--- - - - --- __ -- _- -- -- - _--- ----- -- - ---- --- ---- ------------ -------- ----------- ------------ - --------- - ----------------- --- -- ----- --
<br /> �nd____.______________tVe___________ ____.___ _________________ covenarct________to warrant and defend the said premises a�airzst the lawfuZ claims of all person,s
<br /> whomsoever------- - -- -- -- - - - ---- -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- --�------------------- -
<br />�' ------------------ -- - - - --- - --- --- - - - ------- -- -- -- -- --------------- ---- ------------------------------ ------------- ------------
<br /> Dated the---------------�-�h_-- ----------- ---daJ of�- -- - -.T�,riY-- - -- - --_ ----�. D.,19.1�----•
<br /> W7TNESS -----J�r�1�3---�--•-��-�------------ --- - ------- --- ----------- -
<br /> �:
<br /> -----�_.��.C�_'_Y�.�.ne_-------------- ------------ --- --- -----Ada---B.Kunz------------------------- -- ------------ ----- -
<br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�SK�,
<br /> �ss.
<br /> -----------------------���.li-----------..__count�, � On this-----------�t-h--------------------da�J o�---••----------Ja.Tiy_--------------------------------.fl. D., 191�---- , before me,
<br /> the undersi�sned, a Notary Public________..__________________.___within and for said Countz�, persor�ally eame______________________________________________._____ _
<br /> Jame-�--G_,_�:�,��---�x�c�---���__B��ux��"---hu s��.nd--and_w i f e_r�--------------------
<br /> to me personally known to be the identical person_________whose name_s___ar_E___________________________a fj'ixed to the above
<br /> ��EAL � instrument as�rantor__F�.__, and__________�h�y____ severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be_�he_lr________voluntary
<br /> act and deed for the,rourpose therein expressed.
<br /> I.N'WIT.N'ESSWSEREOF,Ihaaehereunto subscribed my name and afrixed my offLcial seal at_______________________
<br /> ,
<br /> '``o0d R�_y�_�__�.___�,x1___��1,.d__�_4�1,X1�y__,- ----------------orc the date last above written.
<br /> D.D.O�Kane
<br /> ---------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
<br /> Notary Public.
<br /> ✓ll� commission expires.----- -- ------ -- -------- --- - --�r`�11y_--�`���.- ---- -------19--1-�----•
<br />