<br /> � �� � " .
<br /> . D�C�D C���O�D �oo �O❑
<br />_______ _ ___ .�� __� _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _
<br /> .;G.,�U—XI07'7'&BA72fiLETT CO„Pritialin9,I,tithoqraphing¢iad Count,y S'uppZaes:Omaha. .__.. _ -_. _ .>_,._ �� _—. _ .- - --. —.
<br /> K _--.:�.- ` -- . __..._ , _ _ ___ _,-_
<br /> _ _ . . .�__._ _--_---_ .. __>rv y.__
<br /> � ....__:...°- ����-�._=-..��_..._._e....�__._^e.___.,_.�..�R-__�.:.'-.��__..__._..�.. ��.......��
<br /> I''R��� I hereby certifr� tTiat this irzstrument was entered orz ,Numerical
<br /> _ Index and filed for record this.________�"l________.___daz�of._D���ib_Br_____._,__
<br /> ---John -l�llan__an�l w i-f e - - - - .�. P., 19---13___, at---- -- 4.3Q - - --------o°c�ock---P_-•---�•
<br /> Warranty
<br /> To Deed. �/fi j�
<br /> ��'�����--�J��--------- -------- -
<br /> - -- - - --- ---------'---
<br /> Re�is'-ter Peeds, : '
<br /> ---- --- ------------�x_�hur---�.._R�e_st_f i�1.d----- --
<br /> � `
<br /> ---- B�--------- -------- - - - - -- --- - -----------------------
<br /> --------- - --------- ---- - - - - - --- - . Deputy. .�
<br /> �.r�o� �Y� �et� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�. -
<br /> ,
<br />, ����-- -- W�� -�T_ohn--,A11an an-d.--Fannie -L.Al-lanY- -hi�--.w-i.f�---- ----- -------------- -------- --- -----------------�-------------- -F - - ,
<br /> ----- ---- ---------------- -- ------------- - --- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------,------------- '
<br /> tr - -uiac� Stat,e o -- -- _--i?��r3�k2�-- - - ------------- ------------------ - -- ------Grantorg- ---, in co�rCSideratiorz
<br />', of the CountJ of-------------._��111-------_- }
<br /> of the sum of------ --- -FiY�--�ILiriclr�d___f1.f�Y----CQ�1G-0-- ---------------- ----------- --------- ------------- ---------------- -------------------------------DOLL�IRS, �
<br /> in hand paid, do_.__________. _____herebz� GR�JV'T, B✓1RG�II,N', SELL, .r1ND CO.NVEY'unto___.______ATthi�T____Fs_._7V�Stfl�ld______________________ _._____ ,�
<br /> ;�------
<br /> � J f r.r --._and State of------ --- ----- - -�`.�'c�r.ct_Sk1-- -- --- - --- -- -------,Grantee------., the followin� r.
<br /> o the Count o ----------�-�a.11------------- -
<br /> described premises, situated irz the County of'__.________________. __'�ali __________________and State of Nebra�ka, to wit:
<br /> ..------.._.Fx.�c.�.i.s�nal---�-t--.�_ix---(v--)----in_.�l�.ck--Fo_ur--.(-4-)---o.f_..Charl�s__�'.asmer.!_s...A1c3i_t_ion...--tn----the---�-i-t-y---o-f---�ranrl_
<br /> -------.--1_s.land-_.arad.__;�a�m.e-r-'-s----A.nnex__�o----F-ir-�-t---A.acli.t.ion,._..and._.i_t.s._"ouiplen�.ents,-�--tv--�z�.t-:-------A-1-1---v-f---Fra�.t-io-n31 ,
<br /> --.--__.�s_l4�k_..Fiva--�5--).__a.f--.�[n-o-dbin-e---.�cicli.tion----t-o---t-he--�i�-y---o f--�'srand---I.sland,----and--Fxa.ct-isanal-_La�t_._Fo-ur_---(-4)
<br /> .----------in..�la-�k--.T��r�ty--s.ix•-:�-20"-)----af---Eal�e�-�--�.--,A,cad�tion---to---t�i-e--�-i-t�----o-�---=xan-c�---I-slar�d�-in---��a�.-1--;-o-ur�-�3�,---------.-
<br /> ....-------�I.e'ara�ka}----as--�urvey-�-��-----�-l�t.t_e;�--��r�__.r e�.�r�e d-�---t he_._��ho-�.-�---.�Q.�m_�.ng---o�1�.---.��'-�.-7,----1-a_t.__.�_f.._x.�.^_tangu.l�x._
<br /> ----------f�.xm--h�v.ing.._�a_.�outh.e�-lY--f_ran�-�.,.a---Q.f...�_4__.f�et--�.n...�iv.i.s.iQn---�_tr.a.�-�� -a---de-p�-h .a�f----1�-�----f�-�-�r----and--------
<br /> �----�-----'�c�.una��--on.._the_..i�'.e.st- 'a.x -T�_l,ien_..`'tree.t.---��- -�ai�_�.�,�Y-R---�----...---- -----�-------------------------------�------------ ------�-�---��-------------�---------------�-------
<br /> ------------------------------ - - - - - ------- -- -- - --- -- - - ----- - -- - --- ----
<br /> To�ether with�ll the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenarzces thereunto belori�ins, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dozv�r,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoer>er of the said Grantor_g----,�-�a�.ke��-�e�a, of,in, or to t,he same, or an�part thereof.
<br /> I�', �9 �A�1C AIY� t0 �OY� the above-described pTernises, with th,e appurtenances, unto the said�rantee._______and to_______rl�,;�.___ ____ laeirs
<br />' and assi�ns forever. J�nd____W6---------hereby eoveizant_____._wit,h the said Grarztee.______that______gJ_8___________________.__ hold___.________said premises by�ood and
<br /> perfect title; that___.__._56t8_____________.hctV_E___�SOOd ri�ht and lawful auth,orit;y to sell and convey the same; that they are free and elear of all lien-s
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever--------------__----------_---_-____---------_-----_
<br /> ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
<br /> ---------------------------------------------- ------ -- - -------------- ------- ---- - ----- - --- - - - -- -- --- ---- - ---- - --- - ---------------------------- ------------- ------- -------- "
<br /> --- ----- - - -- - - _ - - - --- - - - --- - - -- - --- -- ------ - - --- -- -- - -- ---------------------- - -------------------------------------------
<br /> �lnd__..________._______Q1_4______________________.________________ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�air�st the lawful claims of all persores
<br />' whomsoeUer--------ex1��t aa__tu- .��.xes �a�---i,��e.---�sar---1�.13.------------------------------------ --------------- - ----------------- ------------------------------- --
<br /> -------------------------- - - --- --- ---- - - -------- -- - - _. --- ---------- - ---- ----- --- ---- --- - ----------- ---------------------------------------- -------- ------------
<br /> Dated the----------------- ---�4�h _daJ �1�- _..- -�ept enlb8r--- --------- --- .�1. D.,19---��---• `
<br /> W'ITNESS -------�uhri--All3ri---------------------- ------------------
<br />' --- ------- L_.r_._911an--------------------------- ---- ----
<br /> -------Ean�ia--L.A11a�----- ------------ -�-- -----------
<br /> ST.lTE OF ✓Y'EBR.ISK.�4,
<br /> ss.
<br /> ----------------------i�11---------------.County, On this--------- ---24th----da� �f----------u-�-���I?]a�B.r---------------------.1. D., 19.1$___ , before me,
<br /> the urcdersi�ned, a.N'otary Publie---_-----__-___-_--__-_-_----_--within and for said County, personally eame----------__---_---__---_------__-_-___---_-_-_----------_--__--
<br /> --------- -�7ohn--Allan-- ana__Fanni�---L_,_Alla��---���---�';.�_�'�----------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />' --- -------------- - --- -- ------------------ ------ - ---- - --------- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> to me personally krLOwn to be the iderztical persorz_�________whose rzame__g__�r-p__--._________________af�'ixed to the above
<br /> �S�AL� instrument as �rantor_�__.., and_________th�y_________________severally acknowled�ed the same to be______�h�_lr___voluntary ,
<br /> act and deed for the purpose therein ex�ressed.
<br /> IJV'W'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afj"zxed my of�"icial seal at_.__________.__________
<br /> �x'3nc�---�-E'r���1&1�--i�---���-El--�Oi�l'��y�--------------on the date Zast above written.
<br /> ------- ------------------------L_,_�`�,_Allan---------------------
<br /> �''otEZTZ,�Public.
<br /> ,My commission expires------- -- - -- -- -- -------- ------'�e�t--�4s ------19.1.6------•
<br />�- --1--- �
<br />