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�:�� <br /> _ � o D �C��O�D �00 �do <br /> DC�C�D <br /> ____ _ _ __ __ <br />_ _ _ : ___ _ . _ _ <br /> ;�ti�iO-KGOP1'c�BAR1"LA'TTG'O.,Pritating,7.ithographinganiLCou�nly'Supplies;�nir�aAc. ....` � .�...- -- ..... ..-��--- `-- -` -. �`_. .`--- -- --. _. ._ <br /> FRO✓VI I hereby certify that tlais instrument was entered ora Numericad <br /> Index arzd filed for record this________19___________day of______I)B^_�rlh�r_._.__ <br /> .1. D., 19---��---, at-- _ __ - - _ -- �-------_o'clock,-----P_.�M. <br />� -----f�enry_ H�r�J.y---3nd_?�ttif e - -_ --- Warranty -- <br /> TO Deed. �/�,�� � <br /> -------- ----- ---�� - ----------------------------- <br /> --- - <br /> Re�ister of eds, <br /> ---------- -_Lu�ill�---Fr_ainarc� _ -- --- - -- -- <br /> ��------ - - ---- -- - -- - - -- - ._ ------------- - - - - <br /> Deputy. <br /> ��o� �Y� �er� �p �C�je�e ��e�e�t� : <br /> ���t----- -�ienry-�.-�013� �� Edy�ne___1d_.Qnly,-- hlzsband--an3--w-1 f$ ------------- --- - - -------------- -�--------------------------- <br /> _. ,, <br />', of the Courctz� of------------_�_�311------------art,cl Stcxt.e of------- ------------1��bT$,�ka-----------------------------------------Grantor-----------, ir�consideratiora <br /> _ <br /> of the sum o}�-------Fi_��.e_�n--Hundr_e_d__�n�-no-� - -- - - ----- ----- - -- ---- ---- ---- ------- ------- ---- ---- - --- -------DOLL�1RS, <br />'' in hand paid, do-- ------------lzereby GR�✓1�'T, B�RG�lIN, SELL, ✓IJV'D CONVEY'unto----------Ll.1G_��.1@_Ex_21_7.X1Ax_C�--------------------------- ------- <br />' ---------------------- -- --- -- -- ------------ - --- - -- -�---- ----------------------------------- --- - --- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- ------------------------ <br /> of the Count�J�}- ------ ------ -- -- ----- - -- ------and State o�----- - ----- - --N�W YOrk--------- ------------- --__.- -- --------,Grantee--------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the Courctr� o�'______ ___________ Hall.__________________________________,_and State of Nebr�dcka, to wit: <br /> ------Lots__�•�:�t'�.�.x_.t�n�---(1-�----and--T.wo--.�-2-�-.--in--�.lo_c_k__1?unl��ran----(-11)----o�...�ahimmer.!s-._Ad.cli_t-iAn---t.o---.the._�-ity <br /> ...�f.._irand--I s.lancl.-Ne_k�raska as--surv�y.ea3---P--lat t_ed__ans_r_e�ora�a�-- -- ---- - ----------------------------------------------------�-------.�-----------�-- <br /> .-------,--�uk�j_e;v,_h.ov�_e_ver-,---�u--th-e-.-un-Pai-d.--�alan.e-e---.a.f--a-�i�o.r.t-g-age--�f--��.O.G..-in.._i'.avar---af-..Th�e.._Er� <br /> I''�, ...�ui_lain�--.���.._Laar�_..As�o.c.ia_�.�.a.r�.._o.�_._"�.x�ns�---�s.�an.�--�Ze�x�p:���- --�Eh_a�c��---balan�e----��7-3�.�.�.�..�.---th_e...�saz��_�.�.-------� <br />�'�, ---"-er�_in--a:���z�es-anc� agr-e-�s--�c- -p��--a� -��r�-�o-�'---�h��--�vor�si:cl€-rat-�o�--aba�r� -nar�ed-� --.--------------------------------------- �-- <br />' �--------.............--- ------------- --- ---- --- --- ----- --- -- ---- ------------------.....---------------------------------.... ---_....-- ----------- ---------------- ------�� ------ ------------------------------��------- -----------.. <br /> ....------ - - � -- �--�-��-- -- ---�--....._..- - ---- -�- ------ -------- ---- -- ----- -- -- - ---�-------------�-- -----�- �--�-----��---�-�----�------._-----------------------------------�---�-----��-- - - -- ---------�-------�---------�------- <br /> -- ----------- --------�--- - --- ------- ----___._..---- -- - - --- -- --------- - - . . . ._.------------------- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditczments, and appurtenanees thereunto belon�irz�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,nor��er, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoe,��er of the said Grantor__g_._,and of eith,er of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 �A�1C AIl� t0 �OY� the above-descr�ibed prem-ises, with the appurteraances,unto the said�rantee_______and to_______heT_______,_ jzeirs <br /> and assi�ns foTever. �Ind_____�Y•'�_______hereb�eovenant______with the said Grarr,tee_______that_______9�t@____._______._______ holc�____________said premises by�ood an,d <br /> perfect title; that_______Y�!e____________________haV�__�ood ri�ht and lawfacl authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all Zien,s <br />!� and incumbrarcces whatsoever--------�Xu-��-t---3S__a�0Y8---�_'�at��--�Tla_--'�a�eS---�Qr----��le---y��.x---�g_�.�-•--------------------•------- ------------------------ <br />�'� ----------------------------------------- --------------- - -----------_ - <br />' -- - - --- -- - -- -- - - - - ------- ---- ------ - - ------ ----- ---------------- ------------- --------------------------- ------ -- -- <br /> .�4nd__.____________h e___-_____.___________ __________.__.___ __ warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaim,s of all person,s <br /> whomsoever.--------e:�.�ept_-a$_.a'OQ_V� S��'�e�-•--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ------------------------ -- ------_ --------------------- <br />� Dated the------- -----ilth--- ------------- ---da�J �f�- ---�e.0 em�er---------- -----__�. D.,19----1�--• <br /> W'ITNESS --------r��11T_-Y----x,_Cc�1-Y--------------------- ------------------- <br />� LaRoy J.EasF�ards as to Henry H.Caly --------ya--t-7�.e---�1-.rol-- <br /> iY Y------------------------ ----------------- <br /> ---�-�v�rr�--�,-.-�'erg�.sQ�r--as----��---��p��r�--�-.�'oi�. <br /> _ _ _ _ _ , __ <br /> ----�ta�e -v-�-�dsr�r��ka -. --- -- -- - - --- : <br /> Hall County. � �s . Cn this llth day of De�eiaber A.D: 1913 befc�re me the undersi�ned, a <br /> i�Totary P�.blie; wi'tYiin and for said County, personally came Edythe fi� .c'oly, to me �ersonally known <br /> to be the identic�l n,�rson whose name is affixed to ths a�ove instru�nent ats, �rantor, and she <br /> ---a�knowle-agect--�tne samd to be her volunta�y act an� de��d for th� purpose ttierein expressea. ' <br /> In Nitness �Vhereaf, I have hereunto subrycxiqed my name and affixed my offi^ia� seal at rrand <br /> Island,-Nebr, on the aate last above written. <br /> - ---- <br /> _ . (SEAL} Jahn A.F�rguson <br /> +�y cor�mission expir�s �darch 24, 1919 I�?otary Pu�lic <br />, State of �:lifisav.ri l - _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __.. _ _ . __ _ _ <br /> �ity of �t .Louis ( ss . Cn this 15 ciay of necembex 1a13, before me, �urt Elder� a Notary <br />�' Pu'�lic in and for saic:� .Caunty, -person�lly aar�e -H��ry HY�-�oly v�rho is per�onally knot�n to me to be <br /> the iaentical person v�hoee name i� affixed to the above ir:strum�nt as �rar�tor and he acknowle��;ed <br />' t�ie �aia instrument to l�e his valur.tary aet and- e�eed, " ` - � • ' <br /> �itn�,�_s .my n�nd and., Natar,ial, Seal t�ie date afore�aid., <br /> _ - _ (�EAL) Furt E1der. <br /> �y cor.l:.�issian expires 1��ay' i, 1917. . ; ._ ,, ` *;lotary Fu�Iic_ -- <br /> --- - __ _. _ _ _.. ._-- <br /> � <br /> �__ _ _ <br />