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i�,�`� <br /> `` . D D ° � 0 G°�D L�Oo ��o <br /> DC��D �C�C�O <br /> , _ ___ _ __ � . _ -_ _ _ _ __ <br />,�_ _. dti�iU--KLOPP&BARTLF.TT CO.,Printxiag,Lithogra.phing¢n(l County Suyplies;l)n�aha. M -- ___�,__.__._ ___. .._._ _��_..-� ._w_.� <br />.._. . _. _._ _. _ _ , . _,. _ ,_ '. --. �.. _ _ .__ _ _, _,� _ _ <br /> _�__.... ..__ _,. _ -'-- -----°----°-' -- W�_ � _ <br /> FRO✓ll I hereby certify that this instrument was entered on .Numerical <br /> Index and fil,ed for record this.______�,.�____________day of_____DB��i�icl8r------ <br /> ./1. D., 1913-----, at- -- - ___- -_ ..1_Q -- ------o'elock--_�---✓vL <br /> -----------��1art_in__Ale��.n_��a�__an�l__�vif_s------- Warranty � <br /> TO Deed. � <br /> ��---=__--�-------------- <br /> -- - - - <br /> - -- <br /> - <br /> Re�ister of D eds, <br /> --------- -- --------�!_i.�.lia.m_�I�hnsan--- --- - -- - <br /> ��--- - --- --- - --- -- .__ ------_ _ ------------------- ---- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �r�o� �YY �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�r� : <br /> ����----__?��ar_�_in---Al�xander_.and__B.extha---Als_xan der,�'�;�nd__�n�__�if-e----------------------------------------------------- <br /> �-I311 -_crnd .S'tute o r'ebTaBk� - - ----- --------------------------------Grantor-8-------, in consideration <br /> of the Count�J ��-- -- - -----' - -- - - - T--- - - -- ------'-- - <br /> of the sum of_------ S_lX�y--�rid--T1Q--�------ - -_ -- -=__ -_ _ ---_- _-- -- -_— __ - ----- -_- �------- - - --_--------DOLL.IRS, <br /> ira hand paid, do_.-------------_ her�ebr� GR.FINT, B.9RG�F1I✓1�', SFLL, d4ND CONVEY'ureto--------_i'�G_111��II1_aI_Qhri_8II21-------------------------- -------------------- <br /> � �J f 1� ----and State of_------- -----N_6_bTciSka__.- -- ---- - --- - - --- ---,Gran,, the followi�2� <br /> ------- - <br /> o the Count o ------- - --- ,_3�.--- ---- - - <br /> described premises, situated in the County of__._ ________.______H$11_________________.___________.______arad State of.Nebr��ka, to wit: <br /> .........---La-�--.�Q.a---.T_�rQ----�2-�--..in_..��T�---�1�_y_en- �_ll� -of--H.r'.�_lax-y-'--s----�ddi.t.i�.n._.t�._.t.h�...�it�...Q.f...� <br /> ----�----.N_c:�r.as_ka---as_.surv_ey.e� -Pla�-�^r�r_cie.d..- ------------ ----�-- --�---�.............................. � --- ------------------------- ------�--�-- --- --,--- <br /> ---------------- <br /> .............---- --...----- -...-- - --- -- - �- --� -- - -- ---�--�---------- -------------- ----------------- ----------- ---- ---.....--...-.-..-----------��----�-�------------ --...............---------------------------------------------� <br /> .............. ....._...---..- ----- - - -- -------- - ---- - --- -- -�-- ------....------- --------------- --�---------------....-� -- - ---------�- - �- ---.....- - ----- ---- - ------------------------------ -------------------- <br /> -------...--�-------------------------- --- ------------ --� - -- - - --- --- - ---- ---� - ---�- - �-� --�------�-----------._...--- -.__----- ------- -------------- ------- ----....--�------.....................----...--�--�-�------------��-------� --- <br /> -----------------------------� - -- ------- ---------- - --- - - --- ------ - - -- - - - <br /> To�ether with aZl the tenements, hereditaments, and appurterzar�ces thereunto belon�irZ�, ar�d all the Estate,Ki�ht, Title,Interest,Do1vPr•, <br /> Curtesy,Claim,arcd Demand whatsoe,ver of th,e said Grantor___-_._,a,nd of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or ant�part thereof. <br /> �A �d�1C AII� t0 �OYI� the above-described prerrcises, with the appurtenai2ces, urcto the said�rantee________and to_______h1S.____.___ heirs <br />' and assi�ns forever. .�4nd._.__�i��____Tiereby covenant__.____with the said Crarctee_.____.that________________1�Z�_____.___ hold_________.said prernises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that.___.____1r':e,..___________haV�_�ood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and corcvey the same; that they are�ree and elear of all liens <br />' and incumbTarcees whatsoever_____.__________________________________ <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- <br /> ---------------------------------------------- ---- --- ---------- ---- --- - - - ------- -- --------- - - -- - -- -- - - -- - ------- ----------------------- ---- --- - - ----- -- ------ ------- <br />` - - ----- - -__- - -- -- - -- - -- -- -- --- - -- ---- ---- --------- - ------ -- ---------------- ------------------------- ------------------------------- ----- <br /> ,,Qnd:______________�'�'e_._______--_____ ______ ______________________ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s <br /> whomsoever--------- -- - --- - - - - _-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------------------- -- ---- - ---- _- - ------- - ---- - - --- -- ---- -- -- -- ------ ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- <br /> Dated the----- ----------�.��h-----------------da�J of- -- I�1_QY@m��r- - -- --- -�. D.,19_�1�-----• <br /> W'ITNESS --------------?�d�x_x_lYL__1�.1 @XSridB r----------------------------------- <br /> ----- ------- ----Arthur--�-��_a.y_�r------- ---- ---- <br /> ------------�e��h�__Al���nder------ ------------------------- <br /> ST�1TE OF NEBRJISKl1, <br /> �ss. <br /> -----------------------H�-��--------------_County, Or� this----- -----14th-------------da� of-----rjQde::�be�'----------------------------�1. D., 19_-Q� . , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a Notary Publie__________.______________________withirz and for said Countz�, personally came_______.________________________..________.______________________ <br /> ---------1Jlart_�n--Al_�x�ns��x---ans3__�ar�-.ha__Alexandes--------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- ----- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical person._B._____._whose name___B__s'�.�_8__-___________________afj'cxed to the above <br /> (aEAL� instrument as�rantor..&___, and________�hgy______.__________. __severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be_the_3.2_.__._:_voluntary . <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> LN'WITNESST�T�'HEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af/'ixed my ofJceial seaZ at___.____________________ <br /> ____r��21d___Zi31�T').d�____�IQU�_______ _______________orz the date last above written. <br /> � <br /> ------- AT'�lilLlr---G'_.�'�8r------------------------------------ <br /> �'otarz�Public. <br /> ✓YIz� eommissiorz expiTes--------- ---- -- - ----- ----- --u:8.3t--15 t_h-------------------19--�-----• <br />