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�� � <br /> ��.�. : D��D aC�C�OG3D �oo �a� <br />_.__� _�_ __ __ : _� �� _ —_ � — _ __ _- _ -- <br /> .�G��O—KLOPP c�;�A�TLETT CO�.,Printing,Litlinpraphing an�C County�S'uPpliesj'CTmnlaa �--.. '�..' ... �.� . .. . ... - - --- .. _ . .` . _ <br />�.�. .—r._- ...,..--. ....._..,. _.�_.. __„_. . ... . .... . .. .. _� ..._.:. _ . ._ —,.:�� ... .. . .. . _ <br /> _:.--_ . .—:.:__— .. ��.-.�.� . ..,—_ ..__._�_.___._.=---._..._._:,..�..��:�__..__.._,___ �-� - __�..._:.___ _ _lt._ .:_:._..�_�._ ..._..! <br /> F��� I hereby certify that this instrurrzen,t was entered on .N'u,m,erical <br /> Index and filed for record this__._____�__________________daz�of_____I1�a�Iri��r----_--- ' <br /> .fl. n., 19--13----, c�t.-- ---- - ---- 4------o'ebock,---- P.-�• <br /> ------I�oaa-i�---C.T�u��agle-a�d- �+�fe -- Warranty _ <br /> �.� Deed. ��! � <br /> -- --- - ------ -- ------ ---- --- -------------- ----- - - <br /> Re�ister o .Deeds, � <br /> ----- -- ------- -�i illiam--B_.Din�,7ilan ---- --- ----- <br /> B�------ -- --- - - - -- - ----- ---- - -------------- ------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> — - -- --------- --- <br /> �.�o� ��Y �e� � �C e�e �e�e�ct�: <br /> p � � <br /> �,���----------------Loui-s--^_.Shurna.g_le_.and_Laura__Thurna�le-------(--hus-k�-an-d--and--�ife_--�------------------------------------------ <br /> -------crfid State o ------------------NebT36ka------------ ---------------------------------_Grantor.--$.-----, in consideration <br />�I of the CountJ �f------ --- ��c111 -- f <br /> of the sum o�------------ -Gne--Th�ufiand- - - - --- - -- -------- - - -- ------------------- ---- ---- ------- ------------- -- -------- ------- ---- - --- ---------�oLL.�R,�, <br /> in hand paid, do----------------herebz� GR.q.NT, B�RG�I�I�', SELL, �ND CO.NVEY'urcto--------�'11111211_F._I�iri�,2T131Z-------------------------------------------- <br /> I of the Count�J�f----- --_..__Ha�.�.--- - - -----•and.State of_----- - -- II6bT_ct8.�G� ---- -- ---------- -- - - -- - ----,Grarztee.-------, the following <br /> II described premises, situated in the County of_____..__.________.Fi���__ __________________.____________.___ccnd State of.N'��ka, to wi,t: <br /> ---------------------���._.�Iumb_er----Thr-ee----(-3-)---.o�---Blacl�-Nw�ber----Th-r-ee----(�-)----of---�-]m--P--la��;---A�el�.-�-�-o��--�-r-a�-d...�sl&r�d- ----- <br /> --�-------- ------T?e praska:-.-as._.surveye��--P1at t�-.. . ............_ --� � - --- - --- �- -- ...-----------....--------------�- ------- -----� - -��------- <br /> --------------------...- -- -- �- - - -- - - -- - --- - ------.-_.--------------------------------------------- -- ----- -- ------..._.- -.. --�----�------��----- ------------ -- - --�-- -- ----------------------------------�----------- <br /> ---------------- - ... -- ---- --..... -------- - - -- - - -------- ---- �--..- - - -_..-------- --- -....--�---------------..---------•---�-- --� --_..--- - - --- ----- ------ ----------�------...-------...---------- - <br />' -_._..--- -._. - - --- - -- ----- -- --------- - - ------------.....-- ----------------------------- --- ------- -----------�-- ._ .......--- ----- -�---�----�-------- -- -------------.._...._...---- �--------------------- <br />, .................--� -----....... --....- -....- ---� -- - - - -- -- ..------ -- - ... . .--�--- --------�---�------�---- - - -----.._...... ..--------�----------�-- -------------.._....... -...-��-----�---- ----- - ...-- -------- <br />� ------------- ------------------- --- -- - - - - - -- ---- - -- -----� - - - - ----- --- --- --- - - - -- - -- -------�---------------------------------------------------------------- ----- <br /> To�ether with all the tenemerzts, hereditamerats, and appurtenanees ther�eunto belon�in�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dorver, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the sai,d Grantor.____.__,and of either of th,em,, of,irz, or to th,e same, or any paTt thereof. <br /> �C4 �AL1C AIY� t0 �OIb the above-described prern-ises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee.__.___and to._______h�&___-____ heirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. .f1f2d_____W8_______hereby covena�zt_____.with the said Grantee_.__.that_____,__W8________________..___ hold___________.said premises by�ood an,d <br /> perfect titde; that_._________]�t�.__.________.ha___V_H�ood ri�ht and lawful authoritr� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and clear of all lien,s <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever--------------------- ------------- ------------ ---- ----------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------------------------------- -------------------------- <br />� ---------------------------------------- ------- - ------ ------ - - ----- ----- _ - --- -- - - ------ - - - <br /> --- - -�- --- ------ - ------- ---- ---- <br /> � - <br />' - -_ -- __- -- - ---- - -...----- --- - - - - - --�- - ------- -- - ---------- <br /> -- ----- --- ------ - - -- ------- -- ---- --- --- <br /> .11nd=__________._____._____.3K�____________________.______._____ _. warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons <br /> whomsoever---------- - -- - -- - - - ----- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ----------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- <br /> Dated the---- ---�'_1_��t 6 eS���------------da�J �i'--- - -- -- Apr 11- ---------- - -----.g. D.,19---��---• <br /> � W7T.NESS ------.Z,QUia__u_._Thurnagl8----------------------------- ' <br /> ---- - ------ - ---------�J_�m�s---�::._Ilill-------------------- -- --- -------Laura--Thurna�le------ - ---- ------- ------------ <br /> ST.-4TE OF NEBR�1SKd4, <br /> �ss. ` <br /> ----------------------------H��.�---------County, ) On this---------Eif��Bri�h----da�J of-------.__Apxi1------------------------------..�. D., 19_1Q--- , before me, <br /> the urzdersi�ned, a✓l�'otary Public-----_-_----_-__--_-------_-_-------within arzd for said County,personally came_-------_-----------_____----_-_-__--_-_----_--_._---__-----_- � <br /> ---------Z�c�t�is__U_._Th_urr.agle---�.n�t__Laur_a---Thurnag_la_.hi.�---�¢if_e------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> --- ----- -- _--- -- --------------------�----------- - ----------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------�---- <br /> to me personally known to be the identical persorc_____._.____whose name_._____ __l��"ixed to the above ' <br /> (SEAL} instrument as grantor_g___, and______._____th8y_____________SeveraZlz�aeknowled�ed the same to be______th_812____voluntary ' <br /> aet arcd deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IJV'W7TNESSWHEREOF,I have hereunto subseribed my name and af�'ixed my ofj'icial seal at_._____________________ <br /> ________x��d__�_�#.�$�_(�,_i�8}7r��ka________._on the date Zast above written. <br /> �z .E.Dill <br /> -------------------------------------------------------- ----- <br /> ��'otarz�Public. <br /> � .My eommission expires-------- - - - -- - ----- --- ---�jul�t'_1�'ith�----------- ------19-�'------• <br />