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D.� I�3------v Qt-- --__ - -- __ __-�i -------0'ClOCk;-Pr--�• � <br /> ----- ------- - Y --- �Warranty <br /> TO , Deed. - � <br /> � � <br /> ---- --- --------- - --- - <br /> -- -- -- ----- - -- -- <br /> -- <br /> Re�sister o Deeds, <br /> ----�har lo��e__�_cY�i�:rofsky,-h-i-s--4�ife-•-- ° <br /> ��----- - - --- ---- - _- -_ - - - <br /> -- _ -------------- -- ---- - <br /> Deput�. <br /> �.�o� ��Y �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ����----_ __._ �s- �_i_�.��elm- �yYi.i�_�Qf��y� ------ - ---- - - --- - -- ------------------------------- -----------------------------------�- ---------- - --- - - <br /> of the Courzt� ��----- - -- -- Fi311-- - -- -crncl Si,�r,tc> o}�-- - - - ----------- l�lebra�$3--------------- -- - ------Grantor-----------, in consideratiorc <br /> of the sum of_-------- - -�lX�_�_eA--��]1ridT_fld -�16�Q}--�°`- -�_Q_�1QQ-------------------- --------------------- ---- -------- ---------- ---------------------DOLL.IRS, <br /> in hand paid, do e-S------------hereby GR.F1.N"T, B.gRG�1I.N°, SELL, �JV'D CONY'EY'unto------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------ ----- ------- ----------._�hax lot t�- S^�i�.r�of�-ky_,--�Y -�'?��-�-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ - - -- ------------- -- -- <br /> o the Count o - -------. - �.a��. - <br /> � �J f --.and State of_---- - - -- -- --- -_-N���_�1�li�---- ----- - -- -- - - -- --,Grantee-------, the followin� <br /> described premises, situated in the Countr� of____ _ __..___________.___H�1_�._____.___ ____.______Urzd State of✓l�'ebrsaka, to wit: <br /> --------1�U�---�9----��-)----i.n_._�loc k---'�?in�ty_-f.s�ux----�Q�a----of----�h-�--oxi�;�r.al_...�9Y:n.,.naw._.�.i_�.Xr--..Q.f--rs-and---I.s.lans�,......---.,--._--- <br /> _.. _.,N�araska,___as___.___surveyed, ___platt�d__and. rEC_orded_.____.________._ <br /> - - - -- -- - --- -- - ------- - -- -- -- --- --- - --------.._- - --- -- -- �� -- - -- ----- -- -- - - - - --- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------ -- -- ---- --- <br /> -�------------------- ---- ---- ---- -- - - -- - - - --- ---------- --�---�---------------------------------------------------------- ------ ----------- ----------------------- ------.....--------------------------�------------------- <br /> ----------------------- ---- ------------- ....- - - - --- --- - ------....- -- ------ ----� - ---- -------- - -----...------------------�-------•--...___..... ------ ------ ------------------�-----�---------- ------- ------------ <br /> --_...-- --- ._.._..---- ----------- - ... ---- - - ------..._-----�----------�---�-----�----------------- ---------------�---- -�-� - - - -- ------..__................._..----......._..-- ---- -------- ------------�--------------------- <br /> --------------------------�-�------........_....---- ----- -�-- - ---- - � - --- -- - - - - -�-- - -- ------... ----------------._.---.._.........- ------ ------ ------------ �------------------........... �----�--------------------� ------ -- � <br /> -------------...------------ ------ -- - ---- - -- -- -- -- - ----- - - - -- <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances thereunto belorL�sin�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Dau�er, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Dema»d whatsoever of th,e said Grantor.__.___,��e�c�at�ae���.#,lae�, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br /> �0 �d�le AIY� t0 �OYb the above-described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rantee._._.___arcd to_____h_8r________.___ �zeirs <br /> and assi�ns forever. �nd_.__I_________hereby eovenan,t________with the said Grantee__.___that______I________________________ hold____________said premises by�ood an,d <br /> perfect title; that____.____..I____.__ __ha._Y_@_�ood ri�ht and lawfuZ authority to sell af2d convey the same; that they are free and cbear of all lien.s <br /> and ineumbrarzees whatsoever---------------- - -- ----- - ---------------------------------- --- --- - <br /> -----------------�----------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ----- <br /> ,F�nd.___:____._______.._________�____..___..___ __-________._____ covenant________to warrant and defend t3ie said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> whomsoever---- ------ --- - -- - _ - _. - -- --------------------------------------•-------------------------------------------- --------------------- ---- -- - - ------- -------- -- <br /> Dated the---- ------17t- ------------da�J �1'- - --�1oYe�aber- -------- --------�. D.,1913-------• . <br /> f <br /> his <br /> W7T✓Y'ESS�S t0 nark ----�.i_l�e_7.tn_X__S�hi��kaf�ky----------------------------- <br /> mark <br /> ------------------------------------------------ - ----------- ------------ - <br /> ---- ------ - -- --------I►.�_.A11an--------------------- ---- ---- - <br /> ---------- --- - ------ Anna-- �tohr_n_- - ---- - - ---- - -- -- � <br /> ST.1TE OF NEBR�KSK�1, <br /> �ss. <br /> iiail -------------County, ) on thzs-----------------17th-------------da� �f-------._NQ�tember------------------------_.�. D., 19_�..�__ .. , before me, , <br /> ------------------------------------ <br /> the unclersi�ned, a Nota�y Publie--_---_--_-_--------__-_----_-..-----withi,re and for said Cour�ty, personally eame--_--_-___-----_--__-__--_ _--__.._--_____-_-_--------__-_ <br /> --------- - -- - ---- - - ------�'i 12°le lm---��i��r k4:�s kX-------------------•--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ <br /> - ----- - ------- -- ---------------------- - -------------- --- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> to me personallz� known to be the identical person_.__._._____whose name____________1_8-----------------afj'ixed to the above <br /> �wEAL) instrument as�rantor________, and______________he__.__________�aa+e�e�dd�y ackrzowled�ed the same to be_.__Yl�.g.-_________voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> I✓Y'W7TNESSWXEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af)ixed my ofricial seal at____________________.___ <br /> irz2ld IS13t13�___3.21__Sdid__C_Ot111ty_____________orz the date last above written. <br /> ------------------ -----------L.�-.A11ar�------------------------------ <br /> .Notarr�Public. <br /> JII� eommission expires---------- - -- ---------- --- - ---- - -----._S_�_P_t---24------ --------19�.�------• <br />