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���` <br /> DC��D C�C�C�O�D �oo �do <br />=__�..�..�. ��'_-��=%L27F�&EA"RPT,F7`T G'O.,Fra'�edinp�I iEhopragteinp and�,'atanty 8upplies;`"t7maha. �_-� -_``�.� _�..:��_----'`�'- — ;=:s ------ ..._. ...._.. . — -.__ . _.._-.- ...-_- ...._.=.- .. . ._.-_=__ <br /> -+—--..�._ __ _.__.__ �_,_. __ _ _ -' _--- c-.,—_ ... ...._ _ __-� _ — _ __..�_._.___.�_.�.._�_ - - __� —.-:�—��.__ —.—_._. �.�--- <br />__.�_. __ _ _ . _, _ .— <br /> I! <br /> FRO✓VI 1 hereby certify that this in,strum:ent rvas entered on .Numerical �' <br /> Index and filed for record this.._.________1�_________day of__N9Y�I(1�$�'____.____ �� <br /> .g. D., 19�.�--- -, at- -- _ ._ ___�.Q._30-- --------o'elock- A:-•-,M. ' <br /> -------���__AQ��--Inv_e�_tn�-ent- -Ca. -__---_ Warranty , <br /> TO Deed. � <br /> - ----------------��������---------------------- ------ <br /> Re�ister of eeds, <br /> --------- -------------�ohn__�i._GeLhart ------- ------------- <br /> B�------- - - ------- ------- ------ ---------- --- ----------------------------- <br /> _ <br /> _ Deputy. <br /> -•---: ---------------�— ------- -- ----- - --- - -- - __ -- - <br /> � � <br />���� � � �r�o�a �����Y� ���e� �p ��je�e �re�e�:t�: � �: <br /> The Ro ---------------- - <br /> ��ja�t----. - - <br /> -- -�s__Inv�stmen�_ _Co,,- �_.c_�_x���ca_�ior��------------- ----- ------------ ----------------------------------------- <br />'' of the Countr� of-------�= -------ce-fa,cl Statc o --.----------N_8hra8_�L3-----------------------------------------------Grantor--------, in consideratiorz <br /> al�l - - f <br /> � ------ ---------.DOLL✓1RS, <br />'�,, of �he �um of_------ - F].V 8__hundr_e_c�--& nfl/Q-o- ---- - - --------------------- - ---- ------ --- - ---- ---- ---- ----------------- <br /> . <br /> II in hand paid, do--e6---------li,ereby GR.R�'T, B�RG.gIN, SELL, �JV'D CONVEY'unto-----e7_4hri_M�rS_bhBTt----------------------------------- -------------------- <br /> I ------------------------ ----- --------------- -- - ---- -------- -------------------------- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- <br /> T f __________ Grantee,_______, the followin� <br /> o}the Count�J�f------- �-.a�.�. --- --- - -----and State o ------ -�18�x��-1C-c'�- -- -- ---- -- --- - -- --- - -- - � <br /> described premises, situated irz the County of___________________ ..Ndll________ _______arzd State of JV'ebr��ckcc, to wit: <br /> ------------ ------ <br /> ---------LAt._,N�umb.er___Five...-�5-)----in_-B_lo_ck__Nutt�ber---Eigh-t-.-48-�-...ix�.-..Ko.�h_ler----Plac�e���rand--Is-land� <br /> -� ----.a� th_e_.r��o�a�a. p_�.a_�.�_t_�e�eo�-=-� -- - ----- - --------------- �- ---- ......................--� - - - ------------- -----� <br /> - -- - --- -This__deed- is_ �ade---s.u�j ect__to---the---t_axes_.for.._the.._year--19i3-�--------------------------------_.._...._..._...-------------- ------------------- � <br /> ----�------- ------- -- ---- - - - -- -- ---- - - - - ------- --------------------�----.......----- ---------------- ---- --------- -- ----- - ------....._..----------------- ----------.......---------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------ ....... - ------------ --- - --- - - -- -- -----� -- --�-- - --- --- - ---.--- ---------- -----�--------- ----- ----- ------�-�--- -------- --- ---__.... -- --- ----- _-- -----------._...._----------- -- <br /> ---------- ---- - --- ---- -- - -------- --- - -- ------ ---- �--- ------------------�-----��----------�-------------------....- ._... --....---- -- ---- ------- - �---- -- --- ------�-------..-------------------------._..------- <br /> -------- -- ---�------------ ---..__...._--- - --_.. --- - --- - __ - -- --- - --- -----�--�----------------- ---�---------�--- --------------------------�- ----------------..........._� - ------- ------------------�---- - <br /> --- --------- _.------- ----- -- - - - - ------- - --- - - - ----- - --- ... ----------------------------------- - ------------ <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and a,vpurtenances thereunto beloj2�irc�, and all the Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,�h�tt�t�s•, <br /> B'abr�eea�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of th,e said Grantor___:.__,�e,Eb�o��ea�e���e�, of, in, or to the same, or an�part thej•eof. <br /> �O �d�1C AIYb t0 �OC� the above-descr•ibed prern,ises, wath the appurtenarzces, urzto the said�rantee___.____and to__�1�8_______________ he,irs <br /> said The �oss Invastr�:ent Co . <br /> and assi�ns forever. .lLr�d___thB-�-----_hereby covenant_fl_._with the said Crantee______._that______j.�_____________________ hold__fi______said premises by�ood a,nd <br /> perfect title; that______1'G____________________ha8____�ood ri¢ht and lawful authoritz� to sell and corzvez� the same; that they are free arcd clear of all lien,s <br /> and ineumbranees whatsoever_______________________.__________.______..___ <br /> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------- <br /> -- ---- - - - - --- -. -- - -- - - -- - - <br /> ---- -- --- - ----------- ---- - -------------- --- <br /> - ---------------------- ------------ ------------------ ---------- <br />� Inve�tment Co . <br />�', �4nd___.�h8__H3�d__The---RIIBB---�--------------- �ovenarct_�_____to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of all person,s i <br />'', whomsoeUer_____�xee_�t___taxes a�44e___c�����ib�s�_�_____In__�`itness._�h�reof,___.tYie___said___�e___Ros�___Inyestm�n�___�o_,___ha� <br />' c_�e�__�he-s-e---pr�sant-s-�_ident--a�d----its-�-ox�or-at-e--$-e�l---a��ae�.etl-hsxet-o--this ` <br />�, . _ �--------------------12th------- --da� �t'-- Nov$_m__ber - ----------- ---,�. D.,zs_13------• <br />�I W'zT�ESS -----'1'�i-�---�_9s�---�n�r��a_�ment--�o,}------------------- <br />',, ------ ----------- -7'.J.Hans en------------------------------------ - -- - � c oxp) �y-----------Fred__�C_.Aah�-9�.,---------Pxe_�.id_�zit------ <br /> ( s eal) At t est--------------5.I3.Ros s--------------------Sec retary--- - <br /> ST✓1TE OF .N'EBR.1SKg, . <br /> �ss. <br /> -------------------------�.8.11------------County, On this---------------12th-------------da�J �f--------N�Y_��,�_��---------------------------.1. D., 19__��__. , before me, < <br /> the undersi�ned, a✓Y'otarz�Public__________________________._.____within and for said County,personally came____Fr e�j__9V._._A�ht OIl}__Pr_@S_1�lEr1t___ ' <br /> I o�__�Yi e R o s s--Inv��t_r._:e nt---��-t�----------------------- --------------------------------------- <br />' - -----------...--------- ---- - - ----------------------- - -- - -- ---- ----- -------------- -------------- ---------------------------------------------------- <br /> Presider.t af said Company and the <br /> to me personally known to be the�identical person___..______whose raame____________i$____________________a f�'ixed to the above <br /> instru e t as�ra�or__ _ arcd__ _.____ se►r�r��g aeknowled�ed the same to be____._x1�.S_.__.____voluntary ' <br /> anc� �tie vo un�afy ac�--ar_d-�c�eed---�f the said The F�oss Investmer.t Co., : <br /> (SEAL} act and dee��or the purpose therein expressed. <br /> Idl�'W7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�"'ixed my offLcial seal at_.____________._______. <br /> rS�i1S�__I_�_lc'3S?G�r__._�Z�bxs'�S�Ca.__ _______________on the date last above written. <br /> T..7.Hansen <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> .Notarz�Public. <br /> ,My commi,ssion expires----------------------------------------------Feb---l7th----------------19_1C-----• ' <br />