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����. <br /> ,_ DC�C�C� �C��O�D �oo ��� <br />�-`<_.;�i��U--KLOPP"�StTAfiLET7'CO.,Frintang�7ithom'¢P�ing and Cou�it,y Suppties:llmaha._, . �s,.� __;_ __ d . _ , _ s��—:-_ __. �_� ____ _ _— ._--- - -- -_ —_ _ <br /> _ _._ __._ <br />�--_ �--� - -�---� ��-:_,.-_ __....., ._ . .. .: .: . . . .. . .. . _.,.: ...,: . . .:-- -- -:--_� -..-,_,.�.___ :-.�-.:, _-:._:.�- . _—�.�..---__...__�--_....— .�.�.._. _-�_-_ ��—__�—.__.__�_..�u.:__�..3�.=.���_._ ._�._ -- <br /> FK��� I hereby certify that this instrument zvas entered on ,N'umerical <br /> Index arzd filed for record this____..____7_____________day of____NpV@�'i�JeT._____._ <br /> ✓1. D., 19 �.3----, a,t----- - --- -- -9_ - - ------o'clock,-�:---,M. <br /> -------�ririg-e-t---Dorie_.�.--hus��r�d - __ - - Warranty <br /> r� Deed. . ' <br /> ---------- - -- - -- ---- - =------ '`�� <br /> ------- - <br /> Re�ister Dee,ds, <br /> ---------- -------------�t���i�n__F_i.��ge_r�ld- - - ---- <br /> B✓------�- ----- -- -- - --- --- - ------- ----------------- -------- <br /> De ut <br /> ---- ----- -- --------- - - - __ - -- - - -- -- P �J• <br /> --- - - --- — -- --- _-- - --- ___ — - -- <br /> --- -- -- --- -------- --- ;` <br /> ��ob� �.�� �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t�: : <br /> ���t------_ ---���- �r_id�e-t---DQr_is--and__�Taraes Das_is-,--�rife__and huaban.d------------------- --------------------------------- ---- <br /> � ' ' r _______________.__Grantor._�_______ in consideration <br /> of the Gount�J �f---- -1,_Y�"i�.Tl. --- - - -- crnd �Stat� of------V9_tl�h---�Rk4t� - - - - ---- - ---- ----- , <br /> of the sum of_------------ Y+I_@_ _V_�--Th�i163rid------..------------- <br /> ---- ------------------------------- ------- -- -------------------- ----- <br /> -------------------- -------------------.DOLL.IRS, <br /> an harcd paid, do------------------l�ereby GR�1NT, B.FIRG�II�1�, S.ELL, .l1ND CO�'VEY'unto--------�.-r'-�fl�hgA--�_�-�-Z��r81C�-------------------------- ----------------- <br /> of the Cou�2ty of---------HSll---------------------a,nd State of_-------------------N81JTR��3-------------.------------------------_.---,Grarztee-------, the followin� <br /> _and State o , ' <br />�', described premises, situated irc the Countz� of___ _________ _.�jg�.l_____-----------_---__------------_ f JV'ebr��ka to unt: <br />', --.-----TY��e.--NQr.��---we�t----s�uax��r--Qf---����__2y?or_th_we�t---�-uar_t_er-.-- '°'--4..N._�_.4�....and...�he---Sau� <br />� --�----�`T9r��._w.�.�.� quar.tsr - ��-�- N•�-�4�-_S�_c.tiQn ;T�r.enty--Thr-e-e- ---��3-) -T��naY�.ip....T_en.--t-10_�._.l��e------- --------- <br /> . ___Tw_elve . �12 ) �Ve:t_,_6th___P,�._____.Cont_aining._Cne___Hundred__T�ent.y,..Acres,_.____rr�ore..,_or__les_s_,.��GOraing_.___,.__._ <br /> ------to...r overrment Survey_..ther�of..__.-�---- ---------------__.------ � --- ------------ ------------._...._.------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> __...__.._.._.._.__..- ----.. -----------._.._..- -- ----..._---------- -------------------�------------- ----------- -------------------.... -- ---------- --�--�--�------� --.......... -- --- -- ------------._--�--------------------------.._ <br /> ------------------ --------___.........-- --�-- ------.._.... -- --- - - - - -----�-- .._.-- ----�-�-- --�------- ----- ----- ---.... ---- -�------ ------ -------�-----�------- -........---�- -------............---- --- ------...._�-�-�---�� - <br /> -----------..._- -------------- - - - -- - - ... ---- --- - -- - -- -- - --- -- - -- - <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and ap�urtenar�ces thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri�ht, Title,Interest,Do7+�er, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of the said Gr�antor_______,u�e�eatieer-e��., of, irz, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br />�'� �0 �d�1C Al�� t0 �OY� the aboz�e-descr•ibed.prern.ises, with the appurtenances, unto the said�rarZtee_______and to_____h18_____..___. heirs <br /> and assi�nsforeveT. �Ind____yy�_.______herebycovenant__.__._wi,th the said Grantee_____.that_________.__�`�'_Q__________________ hold____________said premises by�ood an,d <br />' perfect title; that____________�!e.___________h,a_Vg_�ood ri�ht and lawful authorit� to sell and eonvey the same; that they are free and clear of ald lien,s <br /> andineumbranees whatsoever------------------ -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- <br /> ------------------------------------------------ ----- - -- ---- ---- - --- -- - - --- - ----- - -- ------ ----- - - - - ------------------ - -------------------- -- --- ------------- ------ - - <br /> ,/{nd__________________.__.__W�______.____._._ __._____.__________ covenant________to warrarzt ai2d defercd the said premises a�airzst the lawful claims of all persons <br /> I whomsoever--- ---- - - - - __ --- - - ------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> ------------------- ------------------ - --------------- ----- --------------------------- - <br />' --------•------------ -- -- -- --- -- - __- - - --- ---- - - -- - -- - ---- - - ------ -- ----------------- ---- --------- -- -- ----------- -- -- ------ -- -------- - <br />'' Dated the-----------�.- -----------------------da�J ��- - - - - ��A-�.-- ---- -----�1. D.,Z9--�----• <br /> W7T.NESS ------�r-�dg@�---D�r-�E-------- --------- ------------------------ <br /> ---- -----Al.�'r�e:�.Q�k---------=----------------- ---- -----�-?-?�Mas---Dor_is-------------------�------------- ------ -- <br /> ---------- - ----- - -�3�_a�__A_._2T�rs-is-- -- - -- -- ----- ----- <br /> ST�TE OFSOL1t7i,..DB�I�.Uta <br /> �ss. <br />'' ----------------�+Y�an------------------count�, Ora this__ 3 Qth---------------da� �f----------QC_�o_b�r---------------------------.1. D., 19-�-- - , before me, <br /> the undersi�ned, a dl�'otary Public----_--------------__-_-_-----------_-within and for said County,personally came---_.------_--__.______--__---__--------_.-------_--__----------- <br />� ---------�id��t--Dor-�-�--ax�d__�_ame�.__�2aris�---�rifa---and__h_�.l�and---------------------------------------------------------- <br />' -- -- --- - ------------ - -------------- - - - - - -------- -- - --------- --------------------------------- ------------------ -------------------- <br />' to me personally knowrz to be the identical person__B_______whose name__8___8r_8-________._______________af)ixed to the above • <br /> ��EAL) instrument as�rantor___B__, and_________��l�.y_________ severallz�aeknowled�ed the same to be__thE3_lt________voluntary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein e�pressed. <br /> I.NW'ITNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and af�xed my ofjicial seal at_________________________ <br /> --------------I��nns-be.c�__�_.I1-.�,�`_"_�-- -��u� V he date last above written. <br /> � <br /> . -----------------=--Jean--A_._NQ��i�---- ------------- <br /> Notary Public. <br /> ,My commission expires--•--- ---- -- -- -- ---- - -- - ---GCtU��8r--2----- --------19_�-------• <br />