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° i <br /> 't� �J t� <br /> ��: D�C�D ���O�a �loo �d� <br />=_._.:: r���U=ICLbPP�-B:4RTLEfiTCO.,Printing,7,ith�praphingan3County,S'upplies.'C3mrzha. , , _ . ,: _�` ' - _ -- - __ -. - _— .__ <br />�__-___ __ .. _. _ _.._ _..,_ , .. __ _, -,.-.__ _ ,,_,- __._„�� _ _ �� _ <br />__._._. . _ _. - ._- .- _. _. _ _ . <br /> '; <br /> FRO<M I hereby certify that this in,stru.ment was entered on ✓Y'umerical <br /> Index arad filed for record this_.____5_____________.__.__day of___�4Y@Iii.�Br__.____._ <br /> - -- ---- ---- --- �' <br /> - _J__�?��_i_Q__N�.cho_lson- - - _ -. -- Warranty �1. z�., 19 13---, at-- _ -- __ _ _ -'�-------o'cloek_ P• --�vL <br /> ------ - ro - <br /> Deed. <br /> — <br /> . � <br /> ----- - ---� --- - -- --- - -�--'�-------- ----------- <br /> Re�ister f Deeds, <br />� -- el-�m�S--l_`d.�ei.ik9��.Q�---�r.�-�. _ . . . � .: � � .. <br /> b�--------------�-------------..___-----------------------------------------'— �. . <br /> Deputy. <br /> ------ —-- __--- _------ ----- -- _- --- -__ - — --- -- _--- <br /> -- ----- - --- — ---- <br /> �.�ob� �YY �e�c �p �C�je�e ��e�e�t�: <br /> ���t----- - - I,-_.Isssie- -P1ich�lsan, -- -- - - - --------------------� --------------- - - - -- <br /> -----._.--------- ------------- <br /> --- -------- --- ----- ---- - --- ----- - --------- - - --------- ---- - ------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------- -- ------ <br /> of the CountJ °f_--------H�11----------------crrid Stccte of----------I`?B.bTSSk3--------------------------------------------------------Grantor---------, in coresideratiori <br /> of the sum of------Cne--Dolla�-�.nd-loY�--�i��_ af_�e���421---------------- - ------ --- ---- - - -- - ----- ------------- -- - ----- -- ---------DOLL�IRS, <br /> in hand paid, do-------.----_hereby GR�JV'T, B�RG✓ll.h�, SELL, .gND CONV'EY'ur�to---.------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> -- ------------------ <br /> ----------------------------- --- - - ---- ----- -�Tames---Nicno_ls_os�--�r-•r--�3�-h_ueband---------------------------------------------------------=----------- ------------------------------------- <br /> of the Count�J��---------- ---.H311 - - - - ----a.nd State of-- -- - _--- -- ----- - --I�I6_bT�S�.Ca------ -- - _ - - ----------,Grantee,--------, the followin�s <br /> described premises, situated in the Countz� of.__.________._._.______Ha�-�_____________________._________and State of Nebra�ka, to wit: <br /> ---.--.----.Lot...Four_._:�4�----in--Blnck---�ightean =-(-18-). -of--H.r_.C.1ark-�-s--.�d:i�.t.�.Q�...._t.o...t.k��----�.� <br /> .Nebraska, as shown___by_th:: recorrled plat__thereof. <br /> - - -- ---- ............... ..... .. ... ---- -- -----------�- ------ --------------- ......... . ---- -- ----- <br /> -___ --- --..... - --- - - -- ------- --------- - ---- --- --- --�- --�------....... - -- ---- - --- - --- ---- - ---,�- --�-----�--------�----------------------- --------�---------------- -- - ---------- <br /> ---- ----------_..-- ----- -- -------� -- --- -- -- --- - ------ ------- - ------ - --�-------- ----- --------------....---�---�------------�-----�- ----- ---�- ------------ -----�-------........----------------------�:------... <br /> -- -------� -- -------� --�--- ------ - - ---------- -- - - - - -- --- -- -- - �---------- <br /> To�ether with all the teT2ements, hereditameyzts, and appurtenances ther�eurato belon�in�, and all the Est.ate,Ri�sht, Title,Interest, I)oio�r, <br /> Curtesz�,Claim and Demand whatsoever of th,e sai,d Grc�ntor________,arzd of either of them, of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. <br />', �t, �A�1Q �1�C� t0 �OY� the above-described prein-ises, with the appurterzarzces,unto the said�Tantee__.,___ar�d to_____.___�1_��____._._ h,eir,s <br /> and assi�res forever. .ELnd_.__�__.______azereby covenarit_______with the said Grantee________that_______________I._______________ hold____________said premises by�ood and <br /> perfect title; that..__.____I_________________h-aVe,__sood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that thez�are free and clear• of all lien.s <br /> andincumbranees whatsoever----------------- - ----- -- -------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- <br /> ----- - - - - - - - - - ----- - ----- -- ---- ----- -- <br /> ---- ------- ----- - -- --- - -- ------- <br /> ----- - - ---------- ----- ------------------ -- ----- - <br /> .flnd______________________.._�__________________.._..___________________ covenarat_______to warrarzt and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful claims of ¢ll person,s <br /> Iwhomsoever--------- --- -- - - - -- -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- ------ ---------- ------------------------- <br /> I ----------------------- ----- - - -- --- -- ---- -- _- -- � - -- ------------------------- ------------------- ------ ------------------ -- ---------- ', <br /> I Dated the,--- --------8th------------ ---da�J �1�-- -- - J�ly --- --- -- - -- ----�1. D.,19-�------• - <br /> I <br /> W7TNESS ----'�eBS�.@__t.�1�kiQ_�.�OSI----------- - - ------ -- <br /> ---�z�UxtQ.�----L'_QIK_t�.2T1----- ---------------------- ------- --------------------------------------- - -- <br /> ST�TE OF NEBR�SK.l1, , <br /> �ss. <br /> -----------------------EI811--•-------------County, On this------------$�h--------------da� of'------------------------JU.13r----------------------.1. D., 19_�.l_ ._ , before me, <br />� the undersi�ned, a✓Y'otary Public---___--_--_-------_-__-__-------_within and for said County, personally came-------__-------_-_-_---___-_�--___.---_--____-_---_-___.-_ <br /> ---------- - -- ----- -------- ----J�s��e__A?i��l_�.�_1^szn-- ---------------•------------------ - --------------------------- --------------------- ----- <br /> ---- -------- - ------------------------------�-- ---------- ------- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------�---------- <br /> to me personallr� known to be the identical person______.____whose name._________18______.________________afj"ixed to the above <br /> (SEAL� instrument as�rarztor___.____, and_____...___sh_Q_____________-,y.e��y aeknowled�ed the same to be_____���______:___voluntary <br /> act ar�d deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W'ITNESSYVHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed my name and afjixed my of'fieial seal at______._____ _ <br /> -_-_------_�r�Yl�_-�$_���1�-------------- -------_---_--orz the date Zast above written. <br /> � -------- ------�eor�e__�_Qw_tQn ------------------------------- -- <br /> .Notary Public. : <br /> .Mz� commission expires------ - - - --- --':;ay ------10----- --------- -Y916------• � <br />. . � � '�i �� <br />