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<br />� 56ai0—KLOPP&BARTLETT CO.,Prinling,I ilhograpRing aiul G'o2tnty Suyplies;Oraalaa. .. . � � �-� �� ��� �� _�� ���� _ ___ _ � _ � _
<br /> FR�� I �zereby certifr� that this instrum,ent zvas entered on Numerical
<br /> Ifadex ar�d f'iled for reeord this__.____�.,�J_____________day of_QC�Qh�r_.___._____
<br /> , , .g. D., 19-13-----, at------ ---_._1�.�0._ _-- ------o'clock,__A.--_.M.
<br /> ------- �ag-�x r-�valkina-_� i�_if� - - - - Warranty , ,
<br /> TO
<br /> Deed. �� ,
<br /> ------------- --'.�_ �r�-��--------------------
<br /> Re�ister f Deeds, ,
<br /> -1'° � -- :
<br /> -------- .,�aria--A-.-Fa��a�� --- - - --- -- ---- ---
<br /> B�--- - - - --- -- ---- - -- ---- -- -- -----------------------
<br /> Deput�.
<br /> �r�o� �.YY �er� �p ��je�e ��e�e�t� : .
<br /> ����----- --�1�?r �-,_C�lk_ins -and._�_l:ara_u.alkin�� --Hu�_k�a.nu__�nu__��_if-�------------------ -----
<br /> --------------------�-- ------------ --- -- - - -
<br /> of the CountJ of-----------?�1r�11---------------r�raa' State of- --------------�1�b�_a���---------.----------------------------_Grantor--8----__, in consideratiorc
<br />'�, of the sum of--------- C17B �'--r'-�---� - - -- - ----_ - - - ------------------------------ - --- -------DOLL,�IRS,
<br />'' in hand paid, do-------------_----h,ereby GRd4NT, B✓IR��✓II.N, SELL, .qJV'D CONVEY'unto--------��•ar.�a__A,B�]�,tT�c1_T117.---- - -----------------
<br /> of the CountJ�}�---------- - -- ��z�11 --- -----and State of----- - -2�8_b��G�w- -- - - ----- --------- --- -- ---,Grarztee--------, the followin�
<br /> described premises, situated in the Couni:y of___.____._.__ ._ ��11__________.__________.____________________and State of Nebrsaka, to wit:
<br /> ..............Lot---�Ji�r�1b_��---�?�ne----�°-)--in_B_ZQ�k- Nur.:��_��_..�;�:�-?.� -(�-)-=--�f---��-a_1_l.��h.!--�----��;l.:d.a.t.a.�n---�-�---".xan�...��l�n�. --------- - --
<br /> --.........._1��Y�raska as sur_srzye�, -nlatt e�__ana_r�_�O1'Clea.. ----- --------- ----- - -- ---- - - -- - ---•
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<br /> .._ .---....�na--L-c�.an---As_s.o.c_iat.i�n.._c�f__�-r�nd...I_s.lanc9�,._--N.ebr_a_�_l:a..�°;.riich---�aala_nc.e.....��.r.an���._.h�r.�in..._aaaumes---and----------
<br /> --------------��.r.�_�_�.- �_a..._���.X--as- �a�x.t --�z---.�h-s ::_�ns.�.c��_x.��.iQn- -f_os_-�n�.�_a���i_._._..----... ---------- ------- -- ---- ------ --- ------------�------ ..
<br /> ------------._---------------- - -- --- ------ - -- - - - - - --- --- -- - - - - - . .. --- ------ --- ---�--------------------------------------------------------
<br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditaments, and appurtenances th,ereunto belorc�in�, and all th.e Estate, Ri�ht, Title,Interest,.l�o�uer,
<br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of th,e said Csrantor____S_,and of either of then2, of, in, or to the sc�me, or any part thereof.
<br /> �D �A�1C Al�� t0 �0�� the above-described pre�rzises, with t,Ize appurtenaraces, unto the said�rantee._______ar�d to.___________Y'i8r__..___ heirs
<br />' and assi�ns forever. .Elnd___Y�'B_________hereb��covertant..____.zvith the said Grantee_______that__.___._______h_H______._____ h-old_________.,_said prerriises by�ood.and
<br />' perfect title; that___.__...�:!e__________________ha_V.�_sood ri�ht and lawful authority to sell and convey the same; that they are free arzd clear of all liens
<br /> and incumbrances whatsoever-------��_:e�?t -�s_a�_QV_�__��_a�_�c�-- -�na---�a��-�----�'o�'--=�-��----Y-���---7���.�-�-------------------------------- --------------------------
<br /> ,qnd_________________________��!�_._ __..________________________ _ _ covenant________to warrant and defend the said premises a�ainst the lawful elaims of all persons
<br /> whomsoever-------- ������- as_ _ab�v� s_t_��_e_3.------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------
<br /> --------------------- - - - - - - _- - ----- - - - - ------ --- --- ------- - -- --------- -- ------------------- ----- ----- ---------------------------------------------- --
<br /> Dated the-------------25 t h------------------daJ �1�-- - -C�.t_4_��-�- -- - - -.g. D.,19---1'�----.
<br /> W'IT�V'ESS - ------.�d�3r--rz-.�alklriS-- -------------- --------------------
<br /> ---- - - --- ------�'_�rin-__�_._x���us_c�n----- - - ------ -----�_1ar�__�a�kins--------------------------------------------- �
<br /> ST✓1TE OF .NEBR�FISK�,
<br /> H 311 �ss.
<br /> �,
<br /> -----------------------•---------------Cour�ty, On this------------G-5t h_-------------da�J �f----•----------------�'�_�_Q�?_��----------------�. D., 19_�.�___. , before me,
<br /> the undersi�ned,a Notary Public__________________.______,________.__within and for said Countz�, personally eame__.___________________________.______________________________._ „�
<br /> ---------------�c��r_�_._�_al�in�---ar_d--C-laxa---'�-allYins------------------------------- --------------------------------- +
<br /> -- ---------- -- --- - ------- ---------------------------------- -------------- -------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------
<br /> to me persanallz� known to be the identical persoraS__._.___whose name._�,;---a,rg__-______.__________af�'ixed to the above
<br /> ��EAL} instrument as�rantor_S�_.__, and_____.+_Y'a�y______.___ severallz�acknowled�ed the same to be__uhQi�_______voluntary x
<br /> aet and deed for the purpose therein expressed.
<br /> INW7TNESSWHEREOF,Ihavehereunto subscribed my name and afjzxed my of�'icial seal at____.._______._______
<br /> _____�r_and__I_s1�n�r.__�.I�_br_.___ ________________on the date last above written.
<br /> -------------�?-Qhn._.A_._E�_xg_�s_Qn--------------------------------
<br /> Notar�Public.
<br /> �11y commission expires------ - -- -- - --- - ---- - -- - ---- P�12LT�r, -�4r------------ --------191�------•
<br />_ ,;
<br />