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�. <br /> � lJ� <br /> � . DC�C�C� G�C��O�D �o❑ ��� <br /> � . <br /> _ __ __ _ _ _-� _— __ __ _ � <br />---�` �C�iU-KLOPP&BARTLE�`1"CO.,1'riyaling,Lilhoqraphing ani't County supp2ies;Oma7�a. ' ' � ` -_ _ . T . _Y y , _.. �- ---- —_____.__..__ �...______ - -- <br /> FROJVl I h,erebr� certify that this in,stra�rrcent u�as erztered on Numerical <br /> Irzdex and fcled for record this----------14-----------daJ of------�C'�Ab_@r-------- , <br /> , .R. D., 19_1�-----, at--- ---- - -- ---4--o'elock,_ _P_v17. <br /> ---------�'ran�_�.s---.,i,Z�T�ff-�--w-if e--------- ------ Warranty --- , <br /> 2,� Deed. / . � ` ` <br /> ---------- ---- __�����_� � <br /> __________________ ______ <br /> � Re�ister of I eds, <br /> --- --- - ------j'r'-�-�-s�ar_Y-J._�V_alk�r---- ------- ----- <br /> B�----- - - - -- - ------ ----------- - ------- <br /> Deputy. <br /> �.�o� ��� �e� �p ��je�e ��e�e�.t�: <br /> ����---- -- - --���, F_ran�is--�d.r�e-ff._and ti'y_if-e-MarY- S.-�Te�f------ ----- ----------------------------- - ------------------- ---------------- <br /> of the Count�J ��---- --�111. - --- _urcd St{4,t;� of- - - --- ------------------- �Z�.K?x��_�3 - - ------------- ----- - - ----Grantor-� ---, in consideration <br /> � ---------------------- ---------DOLL.IRS, <br /> of the sum o}�-------- -GT1�- -TkiQUS�1z�1�1 ��]._QQO_�Q9 -- - --------------------- <br /> ----- --- ---- -- - -- - ------------------------ - <br />' ' ' _l�ereby GR.f1.N'T, B�9RG.f1IJV', SELL, ,f1ND CO.NVEY'unta.___.___. ' <br /> - �!lx-s-•--- -�l�e�-------------- ---------------------- <br />, an hand paad, do----._---- �'1£lTy'--�.�V <br /> I, --------------- -------- -- - ----- -- --- - - - -- -- -- --- ----- ------------------------------ -- <br /> --------------------------------------------------------- - <br /> f z� f ----and State of_------------------- �?81�r.�,- A-------------------- ------,, the followin� <br /> I�, o the Courzt o -------- Hd11.-- - -- - - � -- - - -- <br /> II' described premises, situated in the Countz� of____ ______:.____..______H_ctll______________.________.._____.___and State of�V'e,bre�Tca, to wit: <br /> . . <br /> I ----------------Lot.--.Cne---(1)?_---R�,Q_��---Eoxt_y.._Cn� ---��1)---y--�.n---Rus�el---�dh��l.�x..!.s.._A1cLit.�Qn..t.o---�s�.nd---I_s.lanc�-Kel�r.a�ka... <br /> -------- --------- ... --- -- - - - --- - - -------- - - - ---------�- - -... - - --- ------ - - -- -- ---------- -- - - --- - - - ---- -- --- -�----- �--------------------------------------- --- - -....__.....___.. <br /> - -- _.._..------ - -- ----- - - - --- ------ - ----- --.. ------�------�----- ----------- - - --� -� - ---- -- ---- -- ---- - --- �-----_.._._..._..-�----- --._ _---- --...------ -------- -------._._...-------� <br /> -----....---- ---------- -- - -- -- -- --- - - - --- ----.....------------�----......--------------------- --- --------- -- ----- -- - �---....---�- ------- -----........_..------ -�--------------------------------------------- <br /> --....------.._......---- ---- -- - ----- - - - ----- --- - ------- -- ---- --- -- ---------------- -- --------- -- - - ----------------...- -- ------- ---------------- -- ---------------------------------------- --------- <br /> -------- --------------------------------��--- -- - -- - -- ...._- - -- - --- <br /> --- ------ -�------ ...-----��-------.. ... .............�---�--��------- -----------�-------......------------ --��---�----..................----------------- �--- ------- <br />'� ------------------------- ----- ---- - -- --- -- -- ----- -- - -- ------ ---- -------- - _..------- - - - - --- - - - -- - --- <br /> - -- - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /> To�ether with all the tenements, hereditamerzts, ccnd appurtercances thereunto belon�in�, and all the Estate,Ri,�ht, Ti�le,Ir�terest,Dozv�s°, <br /> Curtesy,Claim and Demand whatsoever of th,e said Grantorg.___,and of either of them, of, ir�, or to the sam.e, or anz�part thereof. <br />' �D ���1C �1�� t0 �OY� the above-descrived premises, with the appurtenareces, unto the said�raretee______ar�d to_.___h_Er____________ heirs <br />', and assi�ns forever. d4nd______�ir_e---__hereby covenant____.___with the said Grantee_______that____________________1N_@._____._ hold____________said premises by�ood and <br /> I perfect title; that..______I�,'_@______..________ha_V�_sood ri�ht and lawful authorit7� to sell and convey the same; that they are free and elear of all liens <br /> and incumbrances whatsoever.--------------------------------------------------------------------- - --- ------------------------- --------------------------------------- <br /> --- ------------------------ <br /> ----------------------------------------------�------ ---------------- ---- - ---------- --- ------- -- - ----- - - ------ --------------...------- --- ----------------------------------- ----- <br /> „qnd:_.___ ____________W�__ ______________ _.________________ _ covenant_______to warrant and defend the said prem.ises as�xinst the lawful claims of al.l persorzs <br /> whomsoever- - ---- - - - - --- __ _----�---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- - ------------------------------- --------------------- <br /> Dated the----------T h 1T1----- -------------da�J of----- Q��_9b_�r -------- ---�1. D., 19---�-��-----• <br /> tiVITNESS ------Fran�is---�`'�NEf f-------- ------------------------------- <br /> ----�--- ----- ------ --A.Thar�-------------------------------- ------- ------3�ary_---fi-•1!tef f <br /> ST�TE OF JV'EBR�SK�, <br /> �ss. <br /> -------------H-��-�--------------County, � On this.-------_�s-�---- -----da�J ��-------------------����tl��T------------------.Fl. D., 191,�'-- - , before me, <br /> the urLdersi�ned, a dl�'otary Public-------_-_--__--___----..-----_____within and for said County,personally came_-------_--_-_----_--_------_----_---__-_-.-_----_-_---_--_---_ <br /> ------.�'r�n�i�--I�i_.,�t�f-�--���i__.��a.��---�_._�I�f_fT----'rlusr�and._�__.�_ife ._--------------------------------------------------------- <br /> - - --- -- ----------- - ----------------- -- - - -- -- -------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- <br /> to me personall� known to be the idef2tical persorL____._._____whose name_______3�_S_______________.__________af)"ixed to the aboUe <br /> irastrument as �rantorS_____, and___________R�_e__________________severally aeknowled�ed the same to be________��16_lr_.volurctary <br /> act and deed for the purpose therein expressed. <br /> IN W'ITNESS YVHEREOF,I have hereunto subscribed mz� name and afJixed my of�'icial seal at_______________________ ' <br /> (S EAL) ____;r and Is land Neb. ______on the date last above written. <br /> - ----------------------�------------------- ---------- <br /> ------------A_._T_h�:P--------------------------------------------- ---- �: <br /> �N'otarz�Public. <br /> . . . " -- -z91�.------• <br /> ,My comm7ssaon expares--------- ---- - -------- ----- --- ------F..��?---��-- ------ -- <br />